Patras Essays

  • Patras Greece and Tourism Dangers

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    Patras Greece Drawing in approximately 300,000 visitors per year, is home to many cultural events, carnivals, fairs, exhibitions and other presentations throughout the year. Patras, Greece has been recognized as the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2006, and home to one of the biggest carnival of its kind, the Patras Carnival. Many of the locals will speak at least a little English although the dominate language over there is Greece, so investing in a language book wouldn’t be a bad idea when travelling

  • The Manifestation Of The Divine Poem Analysis

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    of the whole creation. Thus, while pātra represents the physical Person of the Imam or the Satguru, brahm refers to the Nūr, which transcends and defies human comprehension and imagination. Therefore, according to the third line, in order to worship and attain oneness with the brahm, recognition of, and contact with, the pātra is imperative. Thus, the Satguru or the Imam is both, the means and an end. Through the true recognition of the Satguru as the pātra or receptacle of the Nūr, one may realize

  • Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners

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    Assessing Students without Tests. Patras: Hellenic Open University. Underhill, N. (1987) Testing Spoken Language: a handbook of oral testing techniques. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Vatantzi, E. (2005) Washback effect of assessment in the English language classroom of greek primary schools. M.Ed dissertation. Patras: Hellenic Open University. West, R. (2004a) Testing and Assessment in Language Learning: Vol. 1. Principles and Approaches to Language Testing. Patras: Hellenic Open University.

  • The North American Brine Shrimp

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    In the early development process of many organisms, it is important to be able to minimize exposure to agents of stunted or arrested development. By decreasing the mortality rate for a generation of a species, that species is given an advantage in later reproduction; by increasing the number of organisms of the same species within a limited environment, more organisms of the same species are able to reproduce, resulting in an augmented overall population ("Reproduction and Development", 2013). However

  • Worldcom Case Study

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    which started their downfall (Patra 172). Between 1991 through 1997, WorldCom spent almost $60 billion in acquiring these companies which also led to $41 billion in debt. WorldCom was one of the most successful companies at the height of the internet boom. Wall Street began to take notice of WorldCom and its CEO, Bernie Ebbers. “Wall Street investment banks, analysts and broker began to discover WorldCom’s value and make strong buy recommendations to investors” (Patra 173). As WorldCom’s stock rose

  • Social Welfare in India

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    Oxford University Press 3. Rao, V. Re-imagining and Restructuring Social Work Method 4. Alcock, P. & Powell, M. 2011. Welfare theory and development. Sage Publications Ltd. Website links: 1. Akshaya Patra: Improving Education, One Meal at a Time 2. Meal scheme in ‘capability trap’ by Yamini Aiyar

  • BMW Case Study

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    The auto-manufacturing industry must repair its image after the Volkswagen (VW) diesel emissions scandal in 2015. Although BMW was not charged, it was implicated in the scandal (Natasha Terry-Armstrong, 2016) and fingered as one of the German auto-manufacturers that are cheating during compliance testing. BMW should learn from the financial and reputational damage that VW has experienced since the world discovered that VW deliberately deceived the world in the pursuit of profits and global growth

  • Personal Conduct Policy Summary

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    As of April 2015, over half of the NFL’s second time offenders, in the abuse and personal conduct misconduct categories, are given the exact same suspension length as their punishment in their first offense, a maximum of six games WITH pay (Patra). This in-depth analyzing of the NFL will bring to light some of inconsistent uses of the revised Personal Conduct Policy, as set by the NFL, its commissioner, Roger Goodell, and the NFLPA, or the National Football League Player’s Association. The policies

  • History and Function of Drug Courts

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    Behavioral Sciences & The Law, 29(6), 806-820 Roll, J., Prendergast, M., Richardson, K., Burdon, W., & Ramirez, A. (2005). Identifying Predictors of Treatment Outcome in a Drug Court Program. American Journal Of Drug & Alcohol Abuse, 31(4), 641-656. Patra, J., Gliksman, L., Fischer, B., Newton-Taylor, B., Belenko, S., Ferrari, M.,& Rehm, J. (2010). Factors associated with treatment compliance and its effects on retention among participants in a court mandated treatment program. Contemporary Drug Problems

  • Greece

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    5000 years. Population: 10 million people Geographic size: 51,000 square miles Capital: Athens Major cities and population: Athens, Patra, Piraeus, Larisa and Salonica Geographic Landmarks     Top of Page Much of Greece is mountainous and rocky terrain, with the occasional plain. The Pindus Mountains start in northern Greece and stretch south to the Gulf of Patra. In the southern part of Greece are the Peloponnesus Mountains. About 20% of Greece is made up of islands. Crete is a large island located

  • Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Abortion

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    Abortion has become a huge conflicting topic and women should have the right to decide whether or not they want an abortion. Abortion is the termination of an egg in the woman’s body which leads to ending her pregnancy. It should be supported because those who want an abortion are not ready to become a parent; the child probably won’t be taken care properly; and the parent might not be able to financially support to take care of the child. Many people have abortions because the pregnancy was unexpected

  • Analysis: The Initiation Of A Maasai Warrior

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    In the Maasai society, genital cutting is a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood, and both men and women go through the process of circumcision. As society ages, opinions on cultural norms change. This is true for the Maasai society, where the views on female circumcision have and are changing. Female circumcision is classified into three categories, and defined by the World Health Organization, Type I is the removal of the foreskin on the vagina, Type II is the removal of the clitoris, and

  • Psychopathology of Adjustment Disorder

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    Fred K. Berger, M. (2013, March 22). Adjustment Disorder. Retrieved from Medline Plus: Karch, A. M. (2013). 2013 Lippincott's Nursing Drug Guide. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Patra, B., & Sarkar, S. (2013). Adjustment Disorder: Current Diagnostic Status. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 35: 4-9. PsychCentral. (2013, October 08). Adjustment Disorder. Retrieved from PsychCentral:

  • Membrane Permeability Essay

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    ‘The affect of permeability in the membrane using chemicals and Beta Vulgaris (beetroot)’ Introduction: All cells are surrounded by a cell membrane, which has a semi-permeable phospholipid bilayer (Mitchell, 2015, Flinders University). A membrane is comprised of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates (Mitchell, 2015, Flinders University). Membrane permeability is determined by the structure of the membrane, meaning some larger substances will not pass through the membrane (Flinders University, 2015

  • Research Paper On Greek Culture

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    Customs and traditions in Greece and the Greek Islands are one important aspect of the Greek culture. There are either of a religious character or coming from paganism. Furthermore, most of the traditions and festivals still celebrated today are religious.The Greeks are very superstitious and believe a lot in religion but also in a supernatural or paranormal phenomenon. Traditions and superstitions vary from island to island, from villages to villages and from region to region. Contemporary Greek

  • Nanotechnology is A Good Thing

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    Michael Mehta. Nanotechnology: "Risk, Ethics and Law". London: TJ International Limited, 2006. Print. Institute of Medicine (US) Food Forum. Nanotechnology in Food Products: Workshop Summary. Washington, DC: National Academies Press (US), 2009. Print. Patra, Debasmita, Haribabu Ejnavarzala and Prajit K. Basu. " Nanoscience and nanotechnology: ethical, legal, social and environmental issues." Current Science (2009): 651-56. Print.

  • Facial Action Coding System: A Technique For The Facial Action Coding System

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    The most commonly used vision-based coding system is the facial action coding system (FACS) proposed by Ekman and Friesen [5] for The Facial Action Coding System: A Technique for the Measurement of Facial Movement, FACS enables facial expression analysis through standardized coding of changes in facial motion in terms of atomic facial actions called Action Units (AUs). The tracking and recognition of facial activities are characterized by three levels, first in the bottom level, facial feature points

  • Legal And Ethical Issues That Arise In Business Case Study

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    Legal & Ethical Issues that Arise in Business In today’s business world there are numerous ethical issues that have a chance of arising which may turn into legal battles. This is why organizations should strive to give their employees a clear comprehension of the company’s overall vision and mission. This will help employees in practicing the proper code of ethics as well as procedures and policies in the workplace. Companies must also strive to deliver the highest level of ethics in a continued

  • Sport Videography Essay

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    My senior project is on a career in Broadcasting but more specifically sports videography. The field of sports videography has been around for many years and has many opportunities for people to explore within it like myself, and room technologically for advancements. It also requires years of schooling and internships. Sports Videography is a crucial part in society today; as sports and television continue to play such a big part in people’s lives, and sports videography is a way for people to view

  • Pro Athletes Overpaid Essay

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    share which normally is higher comparing to the salary of a doctor, military men, teachers, and police officers. In an article by Kevin Patra he writes that Russell Wilson of Seahawks has become the highest paid quarterback in the market after his contract extension of four years. The extension is worth $87.6 million, averaging about $21.9 million a season (Patra, 2015). According to a statistic shown in Statista, Clayton Kershaw of the Los Angeles Dodgers receives a total salary of 35.57 million