Paramagnetism Essays

  • Theoretical investigation on the barocaloric and magnetocaloric properties in the Gd5Si2Ge2 compound

    630 Words  | 2 Pages

    Figure 1 shows the temperature dependence of magnetization in Gd5Si2Ge2 compound at and at atmospheric pressure. Open symbols are the experimental data and the solid symbols represent the theoretical curve. The circles are for sample heating and triangles are for sample cooling. The value of saturation magnetization at 8 K in the theoretical curve was normalized with the experimental data. The values of and were adjusted according to the critical temperatures from the M vs. T curves (Fig. 1)

  • Magnetic Susceptability

    1431 Words  | 3 Pages

    presence of an external magnetic field. This induced moment may have two orientations: parallel to the external magnetic field of or perpendicular to the external magnetic field. The former is known as paramagnetism and the later is known as diamagnetism. The physical effect of paramagnetism is an attraction to the source of magnetism (increase in weight when measured by a Guoy balance) and the physical effect of diamagnetism is a repulsion from the source of magnetic field (decrease in weight

  • Magnetic Susceptibility Essay

    657 Words  | 2 Pages

    The magnetic susceptibility χ (=M/H) (FC and ZFC) as a function of temperature measured at low applied field (H=50 Oe) is presented in Fig.5. The molar susceptibility shows a monotonic increase upon cooling down to ~ 22 K, where a steeper increase is observed. Below this temperature a bifurcation between the ZFC and the FC curves is evident (see inset of Fig.5. On the other and above 22 K the reciprocal magnetic susceptibility (1/χ) as a function of temperature shows a linear trend (Fig. 5 right

  • What Is Magnetism?

    1123 Words  | 3 Pages

    Magnetism is a physical phenomenon which is mediated by magnetic fields. Elementary particles give rise to magnetic fields by using electric currents and intrinsic magnetic moments which interact with other electric currents and magnetic moments. To some extent every material is influenced by magnetic fields. Some materials, known as permanent magnets, have persistent magnetic moments which interact with external magnetic fields resulting in attractive or repulsive behavior. These materials have

  • Magnetic Field Essay

    801 Words  | 2 Pages

    Temperature has a large effect on particles. Heat makes particles energized causing them to spread out and bounce around. Inversely the cold causes particles to clump together and become denser. These changes greatly F magnetic the state of substances and can also influence the strength of magnetic fields. This is because it can alter the flow of electrons through the magnet. Electric currents produce magnetic fields, they can be as small as macroscopic currents in wires, or microscopic currents

  • Magnet Research Papers

    1039 Words  | 3 Pages

    Magnets objects have always caused man to question and wonder what they can be used for. Magnetic object are magnetic because their materials physical make up. The objects magnetic ability depends upon the composition of the material and the other parts of the object that is non magnetic. Magnets are any object with a magnetic field. A magnet has two ends called poles , the north end and the south end. The north pole of one magnet attracts to the south end of another magnet. Opposite poles attract

  • Practical Analysis Of Ferrovalen

    1541 Words  | 4 Pages

    Aim The aim of this experiment was to prepare a pure sample of the organometallic compound ferocene. Introduction1 Ferrocene [bis( – cyclopentadienyl)iron] was the first compound of its kind to be discovered and gave rise to the class of organometallic compounds known as metallocenes. Ferrocene consists of iron metal coordinated to two cyclopentadienyl rings, one on each side of the metal. It was discovered accidentally by Pauson and Kealy, as they were trying to make fulvalene. More generally

  • The Earth Magnetic Field

    1754 Words  | 4 Pages

    It’s the magnetic field that extends from the earth’s interior to where it meets the solaria stream of charged particles emanating from the sun. The magnetic field resembles the field of a large bar magnet near its center or that due to a uniformly magnetized sphere. Its origin is thought to be generated deep down in the earth’s core. At the surface of the earth, the pole of this equivalent bar magnet, nearest the north geographical pole is actually a south” magnetic pole. This paradoxical situation