Odessa Essays

  • Battleship Potemkin

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    between events or contain even, unsettling effects on the individuals or participants. Battleship Potemkin is anything less showing and displaying images woven together that jar the viewer, against his or her will. This is best illustrated in "The Odessa Staircase". During this segment, the Tsarist soldiers are seen massacring the Odessans. Whether or not, the viewer understands the circumstances of the war or can pinpoint a particular side to be on; ultimately you feel for those involved in the

  • High School Football in Texas is Out of Control

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    Abstract: High school football in the state of Texas has become out of control. The sport is no longer played for the sake of the school but rather has become a Friday night ritual to these small towns in Texas. The players are no longer just high school kids inter acting in school sports but have now become heroes to these small town communities. Communities simply no longer support their local high school team but rally in pride of their hometown rivalry against another team. School administrators

  • Friday Night Lights by H.G. Bissinger

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    brings to mind the cold, autumn nights of 1988 where a town, just like any other rural town in America, was brought together in such a raw and emotional way. From the rise and fall of Boobie Miles to the push for the playoffs, it is clear that 1988 Odessa was swept up in the glory of football to replace the grandeur of the 1950s, which seemed to deteriorate throughout that hectic decade. While a modern reader may view Bissinger’s masterpiece as a tale from a dated and faraway place, several factors

  • Texas Oil Crisis

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    In the early 1920’s, Odessa had a small populace of seven hundred and sixty people and the primary way to make a living was through ranching and farming. Originally, only the hardy and self-reliant dared to live the tough lifestyle due to the infrequent weather patterns and infertile soil. The rugged terrain and arid weather discouraged the timid and sent them eastward retreating to where the physical demands of life were less harsh, where there was a guaranteed job in the booming panhandle petroleum

  • Black Rights

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    was named Odessa Cotter. Odessa was a hard working woman that had a husband: Herbert Cotter, and three children: Theodore, Franklin, and Selma. Odessa worked five days a week, she even worked on Christmas day. “The Long Walk Home” is a movie on Odessa and her family as they take a stand for what they believed in: equal rights. At the beginning of the movie Odessa is dropped off at a park with Mary and some of her white friends by Miriam, the employer of Odessa. After Miriam leaves Odessa is setting

  • Water By The Spoonful Play Analysis

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    individual. The director introduced the computer chat with only Odessa on a computer, the others were just talking. I didn’t like that the others weren’t using a laptop or phone because I was confused of how they were talking at first. In the top right of the stage there were icons that glowed up whenever a person from the chatroom logged on. I liked that effect because every time I saw the glowing icons I knew they were talking online. Odessa the administrator to the chatroom was always shown in the front

  • Iron Jawed Angels Film Analysis

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    Three sets of characters that I feel are good role models are Lucy Burns and Emily Leighton in Iron Jawed Angels, Miriam Thompson and Odessa Cotter in The Long Walk Home, Sister Sunday and Mother St. John in The Mighty Macs. The first set of role models is Lucy Burns and Emily Leighton from the film Iron Jawed Angels. In the film viewers see that Lucy Burns is the best friend and right hand to Alice Paul. Lucy helped Alice reopen the D.C. office and she helped recruit people. There were points in

  • Friday Night Lights Character Analysis

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    lives in poverty with his mother, Ivory Christian who has a love/hate relationship with football, and Brian Chavez who is a gifted football player and student being on top in every class. Within the prologue, Bissinger, has both made fun and praised Odessa. For example,

  • What Is The Father Son Relationship In Friday Night Lights

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    A father is a very important part of every kid's life. In the little town of Odessa, Texas, there are many father-son relationships, but some are better than others. And in the book Friday Night Lights by H.G. Bissinger, a lot of these relationships are created through football. As the town of Odessa is very tight with the Permian Panthers football team, the fathers and their sons who play on the football team are close as well. Some of the relationships are built on trust and respect and others

  • Friday Night Lights Logos

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    fundamental problem Odessa, Texas has when it comes to football, Bissinger shows the religious like attitude the game is conceived with. By adding testimonies, Bissinger ties in emotion while strengthening his argument. Lastly, Bissinger uses personal stories

  • I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Poem

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    Richard Pearce’s screenplay,”The Long Walk Home,” Odessa represents Maya Angelou caged bird, while Miriam is

  • Friday Night Lights Essay Topics

    1011 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the book Friday Night Lights by author H.G Bissinger, there are various themes circulating around, However, the theme of racism overwhelms the majority and provides sufficient insight into the social hierarchy and social structure of the town of Odessa, Texas. The book overlooks a group of high school students dedicated to playing football and their struggle with identity, culture, and race. Race not only affects social problems within the book but also psychological, economic and political. Friday

  • Rhetorical Analysis: High School Football

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    The citizens in the small town of Odessa, Texas live for high school football. Most of their attention and resources are poured into this extracurricular activity, resulting in numerous drawbacks. To discover more about this phenomenon, H. G. Bissinger incorporates himself into the Odessa lifestyle and comes to the conclusion that focusing this much energy on football greatly affects the students academically, physically, and mentally. In a town so captivated by sports, this news could invoke disbelief

  • Examples Of Prejudice In The Long Walk Home

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    communities. The main character Odessa Cotter decides to take part in this boycott therefore having to suffer The Long Walk Home. Although Miriam and the Thompson girls love Odessa, not everyone in their family thinks as progressively as they do. Odessa unknowingly walks into a black-bashing Christmas dinner conversation. Miriam and Norman’s mothers exhibit disgusted behaviors toward the black community and do not show an ounce of remorse when they realize Odessa overhears. This scene is a bit mortifying

  • Similarities Between The Long Walk Home And I Know The Caged Bird Sings

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    felt like to feel as if they were trapped to do similar things that the whites had gotten to do . It was wrong and upsetting . They were both these strong , independent women who were tired of how they were being treated as if they were nothing . Odessa was such a great love and caring mother who even cared for the whites , well the whites who respected her anyway . She was such a great nanny to the white family and gotten really close with the children she was even taking care of

  • Friday Night Lights Rhetorical Analysis

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    A town, a team, a dream. Friday Night lights document the 1988 football season of Permian High School in Odessa, Texas. Bissinger explores the various themes of the novel and uses conceit to colorfully describe the contrasting attitudes towards sports and academics. In the small town of Odessa bases Fridays nights in the fall are dedicated to Permian football. As a result of the obsessive attitude towards football a ridiculous amount of pressure is thrusted upon the coaches and players. Bissinger

  • Analysis Of Friday Night Lights By H. G. Bissinger

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    Bissinger, the main claims from Lapham’s quote are parallel and contradictory to the story. In a town known as Odessa, Texas, there lies a team where football is more than just a game. Sports, all in all, serve endless purposes in America for both the team and the fans. The idea that sports present some with a distraction from reality is true, but that is not necessarily all it does. In Odessa, Texas, when a majority of the people were struggling with money, racial, as well as other economical and social

  • Illusion Of Innocence In Friday Night Lights

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    Lights, Odessa High and many others were very conceited teams. They believed that no one could beat them. Odessa High had extremely high hopes during the season. The players worked extremely hard, Coach Gaines constantly gave the team speeches, the audience was always cheering the team on and pressuring the team to do better. Odessa High had a great game record, ultimately allowing them to make it to the State Championship where they played The Carter Cowboys. After a terrible loss by Odessa, the players

  • Friday Night Lights Essay

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    the town is Odessa. It is a small town on the west side of Texas and football is the only thing that matters. Bissinger gives the reader a glimpse of what life is like at an area high school called Permian. Very few towns are obsessed with sports like Permian and Ringgold when it comes to sports programs. In this essay, Permian and Ringgold sports will be compared by their programs and values that they place on sports. Permian football is the only thing that the people of Odessa, Texas looked

  • Friday Night Lights Thesis

    1871 Words  | 4 Pages

    Friday Night Lights The movie Friday Night Lights is based on a real life best seller Friday Night Lights: A Town, A Team, and a Dream, by author H.G. Bissinger. The movie’s setting takes place at Permian High School in Odessa, Texas in 1988 when the tension between races was still strong in a few regions of the south. There is some focus in areas of the film that has to do with racial tension and the ongoing conflict between the student body and the city as a whole. Even though desegregation had