Oberlin College Essays

  • Oberlin College Research Paper

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    A college that has been changing the rules for colleges everywhere in the United States ever since its founding: Oberlin College. Since its beginning, this inspiring school has lead the example for other colleges to follow. Oberlin is an amazing school which has many opportunities available to its students, including many majors. Rev. John Shipherd and Philo Stewart founded Oberlin College in 1833 in Oberlin, Ohio. Oberlin is represented by Yeomen and Yeowomen at games. These mascots wear crimson

  • Oberlin College: A Case Study

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    now jeopardized. When looking at Oberlin College’s mission, I see them working hard to mitigate their impact and it is inspiring. They have decided to work toward a common end goal and participation is not just a handful, but an entire campus coming together for the common good. When I step back and look at our tri-campus community, it is easy to see that we are making progress, but we still have much to do in order to catch-up to this “role-model” campus. Oberlin College’s intention is to be carbon

  • Paul Henry Smith Case Study Answers

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    Who would be crazy enough to leave college in the middle of a semester just to try to attend a class you weren’t even invited to be a student in? The answer is Paul Henry Smith. In his second year at Oberlin College & Conservatory he and his friend made the spontaneous decision to drive the long trip from Oberlin Ohio to Philadelphia and stay there for a month without any money for housing or food. He would not be able to do the work from most of his classes and his grades would lower by many

  • Career Path Paper

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    This is a particularly pressing issue in my life, as I am a high school junior and must begin applying for colleges next fall. Many factors come into play when making this decision, and through this paper I intend to explore these factors with the goal of determining which colleges, from the following, would best suit my educational and financial needs: Kansas State University, Oberlin College, and Pratt Institute. One of the largest factors I must consider in this decision is whether or not a school

  • Education of America in the early 1700s-1800s

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    was Judith Sargent Murray. She publishe... ... middle of paper ... ...oarding school for African-American girls. Schools eventually led to creations of colleges accepting anyone regardless of race, gender, or skin color. One of the first colleges for blacks was the Fisk Institute in 1866. It was soon followed by many other different colleges. Education in America has really transformed into something bigger. Back in the early 1700s, we were only starting to adapt the idea of our children having

  • Rollo May Research Paper

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    sisters became schizophrenic, his father blamed it on too much education. According to Olson and Hergenhahn (), May was never close with either of his parents, primarily his mother whom he called “Bitch-Kitty on Wheels” (p. 501). In 1930, May attended college at Michigan State University where he majored in English, but after a brief time he was asked to leave due to his involvement with a radical student magazine. He then transferred to

  • Persuasive Essay About Gap Year

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    break between secondary school and higher education. Many students consider taking a gap year because they are longing to get work experience and be sure of a career path before they make the decision to head off to college. During those one or two years off before heading to college, students have the opportunity to travel the world, work, experience different jobs, or simply take a break from school. Some parents do not agree with their young adults taking a break from school because they worry

  • Career High School History Essay

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    I’ve always loved. My father always encouraged my reading and my interest in history. He would always get me books or magazines about a specific time period that I was interested in at the time. From my research, I plan on finding out what kind of college I need to attend, what classes are needed, and will the pay be enough to encourage me to pursue this career path. The teaching of history in the Americas begins in the 17th century. The establishment of schools in the colonies began in the 17th century

  • Sylvester Graham's Life And Accomplishments

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    Sylvester Graham’s Early years Sylvester Graham was born on July 5, 1794 in Connecticut, U.S. His parents were John Graham (1722-1796) and Ruth King Graham (1755-1834) along with ten biological older siblings and five-step siblings. Unfortunately when Graham was only a toddler, his father died on April 20 at the age of 74. When his father passed away, he did not leave a will for his family and so his property was divided equally to his second wife and his children. Ruth Graham became hysterical

  • lucy stone

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    and Slave’s rights. A college education is something that women take for granted today, but in the 1800’s it was an extremely rare thing to see a woman in college. During the mid 1800’s, schools like Oberlin and Elmira College began to accept women. Stone’s father did a wonderful thing (by 19th century standards) in loaning her the money to pay for her college education. Stone was the first woman to get a college education in Massachusetts, graduating from Oberlin College in 1843. Her first major

  • Robert Maynard Hutchins

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    his family moved to Ohio when he was eight years old. It was in Oberlin Ohio where Robert would go to school; at first the Academy and then the Oberlin College. Timing is crucial in life, and it was when Robert turned 18 years old the United States would enter World War One. Robert and his brother William joined the ambulatory services branch of the Army. He was briefly deployed to Italy but much of his time was spent in Oberlin at a fair grounds creating and constructing barracks. After the war

  • It's Time To Put and End to Sexting

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    Jesse Logan was a girl who had just graduated from high school when she was humiliated by her ex-boyfriend to an unforgivable state.  She sent a fully frontal nude photograph of herself to her then-boyfriend, which is now known as sexting.  After their breakup, the ex-boyfriend forwarded Jesse's sext to their entire school, causing her embarrassment and humiliation.  She then did an interview with the Today Show stating "I just want to make sure no one else will have to go through this again."  Two

  • Celebrating Multiculturalism

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    Question Answered: Discuss the way(s) in which International Education celebrates multiculturalism. Outline the values of diversity in the context of modern education. International education brings the ideas of many to one place of learning. These ideas express different views of different topics. Being exposed to different views and ideas help us learn the subject matter more effectively. This is primarily because when we are surrounded by people who are from the same place that we are,

  • Shadows in Fifth Business

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    Shadows in Fifth Business Incidences that occur in one's childhood tend to affect them possibly for the rest of the rest of their life.  This applies to the novel Fifth Business and the characters Dunstan Ramsey and Boy Staunton.  Throughout the lives of these characters Dunstan lives in the shadow of Boy due to feelings of guilt and responsibility as a result of one winter evening in the town of Deptford. As Boy and Dunny grew up together they were each others best friends and also worst enemies

  • The Face of Fear

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    and look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, '...I can take the next thing that comes along.'...You must do the thing you think you cannot do (Eleanor Roosevelt)." Every time I read these words, I am able to see the truth in them. College to me is the next step that I must take in life. Although this next step comes with much trepidation and apprehension, it is a necessary step that I must take to forever better and prepare myself for the life that I wish to lead. State University

  • The Importance of Education

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    After twelve years of school, it took me until now to figure out exactly why I had been there all those years. It was not to torture me by making me learn how to spell but to make sure that my classmates and I got the opportunity to make the most of ourselves. Opportunity that would come from learning as much as possible from books and beginning to see that the world focuses on more than just history and English . I owe my success in life and school to teachers who taught me to spell and to be respectful

  • Self-Evaluation: Being a Successful Student

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    Self Evaluation SELF-DESCRIPTION: When I first came to high point, I had a lot of bad habits that I picked up while coming up throughout the high school system of my home country Trinidad & Tobago. I had a lot of unhealthy study habits which I never really took time to notice. I had horrible note taking skills, I had a very short concentration/attention span when I lacked interest in a subject and worst of all I had zero time management skills. Coming up in high school I was an intelligent

  • Extending the Academic Year

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    Extending the Academic Year There have been many discussions about whether or not the academic school year should be extended for high school students. Some think it will better prepare them for college; and others think that it won’t make a difference if the school year is extended. The school year shouldn’t be dragged on any longer than it already is. There are many points that lead to the conclusion why the academic school year should not be extended, such as, more stress on the student,

  • Legacy Admission

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    After graduating from high school many graduated seniors face the difficult challenge of applying to a university or community college to attend to in the fall. With applying to college, students compare their likes and dislikes with each school, determine which school environment suits them best, and where can they receive the best possible education for their potential major. Searching for a school to attend is an important part of a student’s life and applying to one should be performed very carefully

  • My Hero, My Mom

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    alleviates much of the stress that comes along with making decisions. For example, when I could not make a decision and choose which college I was going to, a community college or a university, my mother reassured me that she would be happy with the choice I made, as long as it made me happy. Having my mother tell me that alleviated much of the pressure I felt to pick a college. I did not want to disappoint her, and knowing that I would not, made the decision a lot easier. ...