Notes from Underground Essays

  • Notes from Underground

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    Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground is one of the most famous anti-Enlightenment novels for its rejection of these very notions. Through this novel he showed what he believed were gaps in the idea that the mind could be freed from ignorance through the application of reason, and the rejection of the idea that humankind could achieve a utopian existence as a result. The story revolves around the thoughts and rants of an unnamed character that we shall refer to as “The Underground Man.” In Dostoevsky’s

  • Notes From Underground By Joseph Conrad, Fyodor Dostoevo's Notes From Underground?

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    Literature evolved in the early ages and is still evolving today. Writers Joseph Conrad, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Guillermo Del Toro all display an uncommon style of literature. In Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground, he writes about the realist fiction that has developed around the nineteenth-century in Russian intelligentsia. Conrad’s novel called The Secret Agent takes place in London in 1886 before the Greenwich bombing. “Pan’s Labyrinth” by Toro takes place after the Spanish Civil War 1944. Each

  • Freedom in Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground

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    Freedom in Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground In Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground, the Underground Man proposes a radically different conception of free action from that of Kant. While Kant thinks that an agent is not acting freely unless he acts for some reason, the Underground Man seems to take the opposite stance: the only way to be truly autonomous is to reject this notion of freedom, and to affirm one's right to act for no reason. I will argue that the Underground Man's notion of freedom

  • Free Will In Dostoyevsky's Notes From Underground

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    Dostoyevsky’s Notes from Underground has been deemed a strange literary piece (Roberts 2). It is written in two parts, contains a neurotic character that is unsettling to some readers, and addresses the Social Radicalist ideology that was popular during that time (Roberts 2; Frank 2). However, it can be argued that this character is portrayed in such a way that he is self-absorbed, petty, and imprudent for good reason. During the time that this work was written, Social Radicalists were spreading

  • Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Notes From Underground

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    of the protagonist, as well as the psychology of the readers are explored in Notes from Underground. Notes from Underground is broken up into two sections: the first section introduces the underground man. Explaining his current state of mind and his antagonist stance on society. The second section previously occurs from the first section, and this section serves to show the audience how the underground man progressed from the perspective of Romanticism, with the idea of "the beautiful and the lofty"

  • Notes from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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    of the human soul in many of his works, one in particular is Notes from the Underground; which was published in 1864. Notes from the Underground, had a great influence in the 20th century; the novel takes a man’s inability to communicate with society and uses it to teach readers about the importance of other humans in our daily lives and how that affects the way we think, live, and learn. Although the narrator has alienated himself from society, Dostoyevsky uses his knowledge of diction, style, grammar

  • Dostoyevsky ‘Notes from Underground’ Critique

    1600 Words  | 4 Pages

    “Notes from Underground” was published in 1864 as a feature presentation of his first 1860 issue “The Epoch”. “Notes from Underground” was written by the author during a time when he faced many challenges in his life. Dostoyevsky faced failure in the publishing of his first journal “Time”, his financial position was becoming weaker and embarrassing. Moreover, his wife was dying and his conservatism was eroded leading to a decline in his popularity with the liberal reading Russians and consequently

  • Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Notes From The Underground Man

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    paper seeks to explain the various themes that come out in the Dostoyevsky’s book, Notes from the Underground Man. The paper also includes the biography of the author, culture trends, period and the historical aspects that are captured in the book. The paper majors on the life of the underground man in the society and how he relates to people. The underground man has an undecided disposition toward society. From one perspective, he disdains it, yet then again he begrudges the individuals who can

  • Modern Utopian and Rationality in Notes from Underground

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    In Fyodor Dostoevsky’s mordant novella Notes from Underground, the reoccurring themes involving consciousness vs. unconsciousness, suffering, and stagnant philosophical ignorance are utilized to portray the Underground Man as a fantastic representation of an alienated, anti-society being; overall demonstrating the impractical nature of any attempt at an utopian communist civilization. Dostoevsky displays his protagonist, the “Underground Man” as an unrealistically cynical and pessimistic man whom

  • The Pathological Protagonist of Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground

    2589 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Pathological Protagonist of Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground Dostoevsky’s vision of the world is violent and his characters tortured; it is no wonder that many have viewed his work as prophetic of the 20th century. However, though Dostoevsky, in his unflinching portrayal of depravity, gives the Devil some of his best arguments, the Gospel often triumphs. Ivan Karamazov is at least offered the possibility of repentance when kissed by his saintly brother Alyosha. Raskolnikov, the nihilistic

  • What Is Social Determinism In The Note From Underground?

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    the “Notes from Underground” and Ibsen with “Hedda Gabler”. Both works are based on the realistic picture of the whole society, between rich and poor, where their protaonist’s actions are result of social determinism. Social determinism is the theory that describes a person whose behavior is influenced by the society. According to this concept, the characters of “Notes from Underground” the underground man, and “Hedda Gabler” Hedda Tesman, are products of social determinism. The underground man

  • Binding Limits: Dostoevsky's Notes from the Underground

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    In Dostoyevsky’s Notes from Underground, the underground man struggles between two opposing beliefs. The first acknowledges that his fictional existence has been predetermined, subject to his author’s conduct. The is the underground man’s insistence that the only possible world humans can live in undetermined world which extols and situates free will within a human. In order to try and solve this problem, the underground man turns to writing, to try and be honest with himself, probe into why he is

  • Mary Magdalen of Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground

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    Not for this I was born and then raised up. Unacquainted was I with such need. I once prayed to God, I was faithful. I once had a soul that knew peace. -from "Fallen," a Russian brothel song (Bernstein, 169) Prostitutes, women who sell their bodies for money, have been frowned upon since antiquity by most members of society. However, from as early as Rahab, the Whore of Jericho in the Old Testament who helped Joshua and his men regain the Promised Land, prostitutes have been portrayed as not

  • Primary Anti-Heroism In Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground

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    Notes from Underground is a standout and one of the most influential pieces of fiction in Western European history. It depicts one of the primary anti-heroes in fiction, a protagonist lacking every trait of the Romantic hero and experienced a useless life on the edges of society. Notes from Underground was initially distributed in January and February of 1864. The novel was written at one of the lowest points of Dostoevsky 's career. His journal was undermined with disappointment, his wife was dying

  • Socially Constructed Reality and Meaning in Notes from Underground

    1883 Words  | 4 Pages

    Socially Constructed Reality and Meaning in Notes from Underground Just as the hands in M.C. Escher’s “Drawing Hands” both create and are created by each other, the identity of man and society are mutually interdependent. According to the model described in The Sacred Canopy, Peter Berger believes that man externalizes or creates a social reality that is in turn objectified, or accepted by him as real. This sociological model creates a useful framework for understanding the narrator’s rejection

  • What Is Realism In A Simple Heart And Note From The Underground?

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    servant to a wealthy family but yet putting her in a mind frame of as low-thinking person. Dostoevsky in Noted from the Underground, illustrates a person whom thinks down on myself and feels as though everyone else is superior to him. In “A Simple Heart” and Notes from the Underground, Flaubert and Dostoevsky has a comparable aspect of humility in the characters of Felicite and the underground man. To begin with, Flaubert describes Felicite as a servant whom was envied by other servant only by the way

  • What Are The Similarities Between Beloved And Notes From Underground

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    Beloved and Notes from Underground were both written the 19th century and explore the after effects of slavery. Even though both stories follow two different people in two different countries, they are parallel in their description of post slavery life. While Beloved follows ex-American slaves and their family and Notes from Underground follows a somewhat man high socially ranked man, the mental affects of slavery still have similar impacts on their respective lives. In Beloved the post slavery

  • Social Contradictions in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Notes from the Underground

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    Social Contradictions in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Notes from the Underground Notes from the Underground, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky is a truly remarkable novel. Dostoyevsky's novels probe the cause of human action. They questioned conventional wisdom of what drove humans and offered insight into the inner workings and torments of the human soul. In Notes from Underground, Dostoyevsky relates the viewpoints and doings of a very peculiar man. The man is peculiar because of his lack of self-respect,

  • Comparing Power and Freedom in Invisible Man and Notes From Underground

    3290 Words  | 7 Pages

    Man and Notes From Underground The quest for power is an endless one for humanity.  Countless tales of greed, strife, and triumph stem from this common ambition.  Similarly, men universally seek freedom, a privilege entitling an individual to make independent decisions and express personal opinion.  Exploration of the connection between these two abstract concepts remains a topic of interest, especially in the works of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man and Fyodor Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground

  • The Enlightment Period of the Age of Reason in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Notes from the Underground

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    scientific solutions to social issues and problems, and basically improve human condition. Notes from Underground, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky is a famous anti-Enlightenment novel and is famous for rejecting the very notions of the French philosophes. Dostoyevsky’s Notes from Underground is a story about the thoughts, views, and actions of a strange unnamed man who we’ll refer to as The Underground Man. The Underground Man is strange because he lacked self-respect, he had sadistic and masochistic tendencies