Non-essentialism Essays

  • Film: Guess Who?

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    Representations of Essentialism and Non-essentialism within the film ‘Guess Who’. The values and views held by the majority of society are often reflected within the media. This can be seen by an audience through films such as ‘Guess Who’ which contains representations of various values and perspectives in regards to the intercultural concept of essentialism and non-essentialism. The film ‘Guess Who’ released in 2005, is a comedy based on an African American female who introduces her Caucasian boyfriend

  • My Personal Philosophy of Education

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    influence them to some degree. I can not narrow down my educational philosophy to one area. I have studied the teacher-centered philosophies and I would consider myself somewhat eclectic, having a mixture of progressivism and essentialism. Essentialism is Essentialism refers to the "traditional" or "Back to the Basics" approach to education.

  • My Philosophy of Teaching

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    in today’s school system have their own style of teaching which can range from the basics of essentialism to the laid back approach of progressivism. I personally am not going to limit myself to one style of teaching. When I become a teacher I will have an eclectic view of different philosophies and teaching styles for my classroom. Educator William Bagley coined the philosophical word essentialism in the 1930’s. This term is the traditional, or back-to-basics, approach to education. This

  • Genetic Essentialism

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    the way the world, and we ourselves, are — need to be understood as ‘local knowledge systems’. The concept of local knowledge systems has been developed in post-colonial studies of science, and has been applied in assertions that ‘indigenous’, i.e., non-western, and western ways of knowing are both local in the sense that both are culture-dependent and neither has a claim to universality. (1) From that one could conclude that western science at least functions as a more or less monolithic enterprise

  • Philosophy

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    As a teacher, I will strive to present a curriculum that invites students to participate and holds their interest in what is going on in the classroom. I believe that education is a mix between the two philosophical views, progressivism and essentialism, and the more psychological view, behaviorism. I feel that while the basic subjects need to be stressed in education, students also need to explore other areas of interest, in other words, be self-guided in areas they find stimulating. A teacher’s

  • Be The Best You Can Be

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    variety of teaching philosophies and approaches, effective classroom management, and I will have to build relationships with my students. I would describe my teaching philosophy as eclectic. I find that components of the five major philosophies, essentialism, progressivism, perennialism, existentialism, and behaviorism, fit into how I feel about teaching. The essentials such as respect for each other and the basic subjects, such as reading and math, are very important to me as a teacher. Individuality

  • Children Need to be Encouraged

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    encouragement to me. These days encourageable, energetic, and determined teachers become evermore important in today’s busy society. Teaching children I would incorporate all of these philosophies such as; perennialism, progressivism, behaviorism, essentialism, existentialism, and social reconstructionism in my instructional curriculum. For example, including perennialism in which, it is necessary to teach elementary students morals, such as; sharing, not cheating, and even playing fair (like in sports)

  • Intelligence and Character

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    at any level, needs to encompass the needs and learning styles of all students; therefore, I intend on incorporating certain elements into my classroom from three main educational philosophies: Essentialism, Existentialism, and Progressivism. First and foremost, I will definitely use parts of Essentialism in my teachings. Because my goal is to become a secondary English and Language Arts teacher, I know it will be necessary to use this philosophy in order to teach classic... ... middle of paper

  • Which Philosophy Best Suits You?

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    learning, I feel that I am fulfilling my goal, and a difference is being made, I am on my way to a successful classroom. Of all the philosophies that I have been taught and researched in my Education classes, I feel that I will probably use Essentialism, the most dominant and widely accepted philosophy currently in classrooms today. For example, I think that after a lesson is taught each student should have to take a test to evaluate how well they have understood the information, and hopefully

  • The Importance of Being A Teacher

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    throughout the world today. The six main philosophies currently recognized are: Perennialism, Progressivism, Existentialism, Essentialism, Social Reconstruction, and Behaviorism. While each of these has their own advantages and disadvantages, there are two that I feel would strongly accommodate the type of teacher that I would like to be. I feel that a combination of Essentialism and Behaviorism would allow me to be most effective in a high school English... ... middle of paper ... ...a joy it would

  • Garveyism and Rastafarianism

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    aftermath of the First World War. Rastafarianism was the second movement to emerge, lead by Leonard Howell during the depression years of the 1930’s. Garveyism and Rastafarianism are both resistance movements based on the same ideal: consciousness and essentialism of Africa and its descendants. The founding brethren of the Rastafari movement were Garveyites themselves, although not members of the Universal Negro Improvement Asscioation (UNIA), they agreed with and defended the principals for which Garvey

  • Cooking as a Social Function

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    of work divided along sexual lines. Her analysis, however, refutes the modern idea that the sexual divisions of labor are driven by a comparative advantage to working in the household or in the market. In spite of some overtones of biological essentialism in her argument, in the form of the abundant nature metaphors, Gilman ultimately proposed a society where the household work and the market are indistinguishable from one another. Though it is a small part of her argument in the text, Gilman’s

  • Blueprints of My Classroom and Management

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    education, I did not agree with just one philosophy so I took the philosophies that are important to me and showed how I will use them to expand learning in my classroom. I am a believer in the mixing of the philosophies of progressivism, behaviorism, essentialism, and social reconstructivism. Progressivism will work well in my science classroom since experiments will be conducted and most likely every student would not have enough materials to conduct the experiments alone. With progressivism, children

  • Make A Difference

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    living and working in a dynamic world. In my opinion, a variety of instructional options are necessary for teachers and students to be successful. There are many different approaches available in doing so, a few of them include: the behaviorism, essentialism, and progressivism philosophies. Agreeing with the behaviorist point of view, I see myself using positive reinforcement with my students, when a task or behavior is achieved. Rewarding students can make a big difference in the student’s attitudes

  • Philosophy of Teaching Statement

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    will be an eclectic approach because I will be using components of more than one philosophy. I will be using essentialism, behaviorism, progressivism, and existentialism. Essentialism will be a part of my classroom because I will be teaching science. Science is part of the basis of essentialism that became stressed with the launching of Sputnik in 1957. The philosophy of essentialism also stresses that when leaving school students are able to apply learning from school to the real world. This

  • Motivation to Teach

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    special and is something that should be always be cherished. I had many teachers who taught me valuable lessons, and I want to model the impact they made in my life. I plan to use a variety of teaching methods in my classroom. I will use the essentialism philosophy as my foundation and incorporate a mixture of progressivism and social reconstructionism. I believe the teacher and students should work together in determining the curriculum... ... middle of paper ... ...e subject interesting

  • A Career in Education

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    world markets. On an individual level, it allows people to achieve a greater sense of self-worth than they might otherwise be able to obtain. As a student, I have found that I support several different educational philosophies. These include essentialism, progressivism, and social reconstruct...

  • Love And Romance In Sex And The City

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    common conception of what women should do and what women should be. These characters prove social construction theory by doing things outside of the characteristics that essentialism would determine as women. Women were considered biologically inferior to men, and essentialism helped to promote this assertion. Men used essentialism theory to against women that women could not hold jobs or vote, because their biology made them weak. Feminism ideas portrayed in Sex and City is a useful way to convince

  • I Have Chosen to Become a Teacher

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    each other the way they want to be treated, and respect those that may be less fortunate. It will be wonderful to put back into the community a well-rounded individual that may make a difference in the life of someone else. The philosophy of essentialism is important to me, although I feel students can still relate to school in a positive way. Students can learn the core subjects—reading, writ... ... middle of paper ... ...n the classroom is very important. I would encourage each student that

  • Cixous's The Laugh of the Medusa Against Showalter's Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness

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    Cixous's The Laugh of the Medusa Critiqued Against Showalter's Essay Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness In learning about feminist theory this semester, one idea that arose from class discussions was the notion of essentialism.  Essentialism, a theory that stresses essence as opposed to existence, was discussed at length and while some classmates found it to reductionary and cliché, it is a question that I assume must be asked of ecriture feminine writing.  Does ecriture feminine writing