Night Stalker Essays

  • The Night Stalker

    1810 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Night Stalker Richard Ramirez is an infamous serial murderer who terrorized Los Angeles, California in 1985. The media gave him the name the “Night Stalker” when he was on his vicious rampage of forcing himself into the homes of his victims late at night and committing his heinous crimes. Though he was only convicted of thirteen murders, he had many more victims. His crimes were so random, disorganized, and impulsive that the law enforcement officials of Los Angeles had no luck finding Ramirez

  • The Night Stalker

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    Angeles and being afraid every night that an unknown man could break in rip your family apart. There were many prolific serial killers throughout the seventies and eighties that struck fear in many people. In that time only one man was terrorizing the greater Los Angeles area. In the span of one year from June 28, 1984 until August 24, 1985 Richard Ramirez killed sixteen people going as far as seventy six miles south of Los Angeles. He was known as the “Night Stalker”. Richard Ramirez was born on

  • Richard Ramirez And The Serial Killer

    1989 Words  | 4 Pages

    while others were not so fortunate. The method he used to “pick” his victims resembled an animal on the hunt for prey. The Night Stalker’s choice of victims were very randomized. Ramirez attacked people with various nationalities and ages (Richard Ramirez: The Night Stalker, n.d.). The serial killer stalked his victims to their destination (Richard Ramirez: The Night Stalker, n.d.). Moreover, all of the victims and places Ramirez attacked were picked by random. He drove around the blocks or highways

  • Richard Ramirez "The Night Stalker"

    1445 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Night Prowler” is a song released in 1979 on AC-DC’s album titled “Highway to Hell”. It would not be until June 28, 1984 that this song would begin to acquire its association with a serial killer. This murderer, rapist, and burglar was born Ricardo Leyva Ramirez. He was commonly referred to as Richard. However, in May of 1985 he was immortalized in the media as “The Night Stalker”. The night-time rampage started in June of 1984. While sleeping in her bed, Jennie Vincow was awakened with repeated

  • Richard Ramirez The Night Stalker

    1765 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Night Stalker Richard Ramirez also known as "The Night Stalker" was a notorious serial killer who tormented the lives of Los Angeles residents by raping, sodomizing, murdering, and torturing random citizens of the community. Ramirez was addicted to cocaine and was a Satan worshiper. His rain of torture throughout 1985 included over 29 victims. He has already outlived some of the victims that survived his attacks. In 1985 Ramirez was captured by an angry mob of citizens. Ramirez was born

  • Serial Killer Richard Ramirez: Night Stalker

    766 Words  | 2 Pages

    Richard Ramirez, also known as “Night Stalker”, was a serial killer in the 1980’s convicted of 14 murders over a 2 year span. Born on February 29, 1960, he was about 24 years of age when he started his killing spree but was 17 when he dropped out of high school and committed his life to crime. At the age of 18, he became a Satanist. Ramirez was deeply influenced by his older cousin at a young age when he told personal stories of rape and torture during his time as a U.S Army Green Beret combatant

  • The Death Penalty In Richard Ramirez's The Night Stalker

    1597 Words  | 4 Pages

    Richard Ramirez, “The Night Stalker”, by age 53 had killed and raped at least 13 women and men between June 1984 to August 985 . Most of his victims were over the age of 60. He would break into homes kill the men for that prevented him from committing such crime then when it was done flee from the scene after robbing the home. He reportedly shouted “Hail Satan” in his court hearing. With a grand total 13 murders, 11 sexual assaults, and 14 burglaries Ramirez was executed on June 7, 2013. Because

  • Gilles De Rais: Night Stalker Serial Killer

    1147 Words  | 3 Pages

    Demons and Greed, the Youngest Victims “We’ve all got the power to kill, but most people are afraid to use it. The ones who aren’t afraid control life itself’, the chilling words of Richard Ramirez, also known as the infamous Night Stalker serial killer. Serial killers have plague humanity since the beginning of time, killing for sport or out of a horrifying habit. Some are more ruthless, pitiless, and brutal than others. Gilles de Rais, a French war veteran living in the middle of the 1400’s and

  • The Night Walk

    1054 Words  | 3 Pages

    home, checking pockets for possessions, collecting coats, saying goodbye to one another. The barricade of hugs and handshakes stopped her from reaching the door. However, when guests reminded each other of the time, they huddled by the door as the night reached its closure. People slowly started to leave, exchanging goodbyes with the host as they left. When few people remained, she noticed that other guests had either brought cars of their own, or arranged lifts home. Staring into the darkness of

  • Vietnam War Hero, Jon Daly

    597 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jon Daly was a great American hero and during his exploits in the war he became a changed man. He put himself in harm’s way countless times for the greater good of his squad. Even though he may have been less than extraordinary as a child and in his adolescent years he showed that he truly was a man for others. He showed that with the right attitude anyone can make something of themselves even if they have been less than great as a child. Jon Daly was a misfit as a child but through proper habit

  • The Beach - Rise Again

    1084 Words  | 3 Pages

    The sunrise. What a sight. The dreary dark of the night is lifting. It is being invaded by my strong sunrays. The silver ark has finally vanished. The night finished, my stretched arms appear filling the beach like a toddler colouring in their colouring book. Not perfect but getting there. My vibrant yellow and orange rays pierce through the cold of the night seeking out the damp from under the rocks warming every crack. As I was filling the beach with warmth I noticed a beautiful looking

  • A Dwindling Faith

    1395 Words  | 3 Pages

    not always the case. In times of great crises, people's faith may disintegrate to an almost nonexistent state. When people must look to physical things like food for survival, spiritual things like faith tend to be dropped. It has no use anymore. Night by Elie Wiesel is a dramatic book that tells the horror and evil of the concentration camps that many were imprisoned in during World War II. Throughout the book the author, and main character, Elie Wiesel, as well as many prisoners, lost their faith

  • Gathering at the River: Cruising on East Speedway

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    Gathering at the River: Cruising on East Speedway "Whither goest thou, America, in thy shiny car in the night?" -Jack Kerouac, On the Road Roll the windows down, turn the music up, and drive slowly. Now you're cruising. Cruising is the art of seeing and being seen, and in Tucson the center of this art is Speedway Boulevard. This six-lane street runs east to west through Tucson and is one of the busiest thoroughfares in the city. It hosts a mix of commercial and private buildings: small

  • My Peaceful Home

    577 Words  | 2 Pages

    A warm tropical place, where the breeze is sweet and you could hear the hills sing when the morning sun would peak its sleepy head over the night sky. My home, the home of the Idgo1, my people. I remember my life as it once was, a life of joy and yet forbidden love. I was only 13 when my life changed, the year was 1780 2 in this year my family and I would be taken in to slavery by the “Wachizugu” 3 (white man).This is my story throw the eyes as a princess trapped in a arranged marriage. “Mama”,

  • Quotes In Night By Elie Wiesel

    1494 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nights in Auschwitz When spending time as a prisoner, many things come to mind. How to achieve survival, when is the next shipment of food coming, why is the only person who will keep their promise the man holding me behind bars? In Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie is taken from his hometown and placed in Auschwitz to do hard labour until he is transferred to the Buna prison camp. While in Buna, Elie works until the end of WWII. During the time Night takes place, Elie is 15 years of age, a 10th grader

  • Themes In Night By Ellie Wiesel

    680 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the book, Night by Ellie Wiesel, this book Ellie documents his experiences before the Holocaust and in the concentration camps during the Holocaust. In this book, Ellie Wiesel discusses his experiences, some of these experiences changes Ellie as a person physically and mentally. Although Ellie Wiesel has experienced horrible things, he has been able to deal and survive through these horrible experiences. An experience Ellie Wiesel experienced was the death of a father and son over a piece of bread

  • 626 Night Market Research Paper

    911 Words  | 2 Pages

    626 Night Market Mania Setting The 626 Night Market is an iconic Asian themed night market hosted at the Santa Anita Racetrack in Arcadia, CA. It takes inspiration from the popular night markets in Asia. During my visit at 4:30 pm to the event on a scorching summer day on Friday September 4, 2015, myself and other were desperate to find shade and were fanning ourselves with napkins to My sister, boyfriend, and me at the 626 Night Market. try and cool off. It felt like I was frying under the sun just

  • Elie Wiesel's Holocaust Memoir - 'Night'

    1088 Words  | 3 Pages

    In most literature, the main protagonist often endures circumstances that spark mental, social, and physical changes and may cause unfathomable and permanent transformations. This is especially prevalent in Night, a memoir written by Elie Wiesel that depicts the hidden truth of life during the Holocaust. Wiesel discusses his life as a young adult in concentration camps and his experience with anti-semitism. Throughout the memoir, Elie Wiesel undergoes several dramatic changes, which are his loss

  • Night Reflection Essay

    800 Words  | 2 Pages

    “A traumatic experience robs you of your identity,” says Doctor Bill, an author and business entrepreneur. In the book “Night” written by Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel, Elie describes his life during the traumatic event. Elie was taken from his home in Sighet, Transylvania in 1944 to be put into a concentration camp. He was only 15 at this time. Throughout the book, you can clearly see how Elie’s identity is altered in many ways, for worse as well as better, as more and more terrible things occur

  • Analysis: The Washing By Reshma Memon Yaqub

    1168 Words  | 3 Pages

    Death is something that no one likes to encounter. Weather it be a friend, relative, teacher or even a pet. Growing up in Martinez, California everyone knows everyone because it is such a small town and when big news hits our little town, it gets spread pretty fast and when the news is about a young girl who passed away, the world seems to stand still. It is a feeling that will rush over someone and take control of their mind, body and soul; it is a feeling that I would not wish on my worst enemy