New Hanover County, North Carolina Essays

  • Public Meeting Observation

    712 Words  | 2 Pages

    2014 at 9:00 a.m., I attended a New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting. The regular meetings are held twice a month at the New Hanover County Historic Courthouse, Assembly Room 301, at 24 North Third Street in Wilmington North Carolina. Commissioners in attendance were Woody White, Chairman, Beth Dawson, Vice Chair, Jonathan Barfield Jr., Thomas Wolfe, and Brian Berger was absent. Also in attendance was Chris Coudriet, County Manager, Wanda Copley, County Attorney, Shelia Schult, Clerk

  • I Have Always Wanted to be a Lawyer

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    Henderson, North Carolina – and I knew right then I could never stop learning about the law. I was able to address my interest of the law during my undergraduate career at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. I had the opportunity to study courses from American Constitutional Law I and II, Legal Philosophy and Jurisprudence, and finally, the American Constitution and the Criminal Justice System. These courses made me feel alive. I became purely infatuated and I found myself at a new, uncharted

  • SWOT Analysis: Food Deliveriez

    2473 Words  | 5 Pages

    their time and their money. To maintain our customer-centric approach, our company would charge a low delivery fee; maintenance of our accessibility will be another important facet to our company. Food Deliveriez will be able to cover the entire New Hanover County! Environmental Analysis: This analysis will cover the changes and forces that will affect our company directly and indirectly through our customer base, suppliers,

  • Title IX and It’s Influence on Facilities Access By Scholastic and Collegiate Student-Athletes

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    facility manager can lead to an equity issue if nothing is handled the right way. In municipal school districts, tackling the issue of Title IX compliance can come at a price, because of the funds that must be acquired to upgrade fields and install new components to a locker room or other facility aspect. For high school sports, budgets developed by athletic directors can only go so far, so this is where parents step in to help foot the bill if funds come up short. In 1997, a parent booster club for

  • Henry Clay, a Brief Biography

    833 Words  | 2 Pages

    Compromiser”. The name “Great Compromiser” comes from the fact that Clay was very good at negotiation. With this skill at hand, Henry was able to avoid the Civil War until it could not be adverted. Born on April 12, 1777, Henry Clay was raised in Hanover Country, Virginia. His father, a Baptist minister who went by the name Sir John, owned 22 slaves, which made him part of the “planter” class, (class of men who owned 20 or more slaves). Henry’s father died when he was 4 years old, and left Henry an

  • John Calhoun Character Traits

    1356 Words  | 3 Pages

    John C. Calhoun John C. Calhoun had been born in South Carolina on March 18, 1782. he went to school at Yale, and during the economic recession in 1808 to 1810, he realized that the British Policies were destroying the economy. He had served in the South Carolina legislature and then was elected to serve on the United States House of Representatives and served three terms. In the year 1812, he and Henry Clay, who were two famous "warhawks", had preferred war to the "putrescent pool of ignominious

  • Middle School Students For The Present And Future Use Of Technology

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    According to Common Sense Media there is a need for digital literacy and citizenship. “This dynamic new world requires new comprehension and communication skills,as well as new codes of conduct, to ensure that these powerful media and technologies are used responsibly and ethically” (Commonsensemedia, “K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum”). The anonymity of the digital world makes it easier

  • Leaders in the States' Rights Debate

    1342 Words  | 3 Pages

    his life that he would become seventh vice president of the United States of America as well as secretary of war and state. I mean he studied law under Tapping Reeve at Litchfield Conn. Then in 1808, he officially began his public career in South Carolina where he then lived until his death in 1850. Being born in the frontier was not a bad thing, at least not for Mr.Calhoun. In 1811 he married his cousin, Floride Calhoun and from that he acquired a large plantation. In the same year he also began

  • Human Exploitation: The Unseen Billion-Dollar Industry

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    $32-$115 billion dollar a year industry. In layman’s terms, human exploitation is simply slavery. Slavery is a huge problem in the world currently, but it is not a new one. It has been around since Biblical times. People from all over the world can be shipped into the United States, even right into the ports of Wilmington, North Carolina. Not only can women be shipped here, but women from our community can be trafficked as well. The community does not realize how

  • The History of Dog Discrimination

    3126 Words  | 7 Pages

    Have you ever discriminated a dog because of it known to be mean and aggressive? Certain dog breeds have been stereotyped as vicious and dangerous, such as Pit Bulls and Rottweilers. In order to counteract these incidents, people have been enacting specific laws to ban these breeds. People look to mass media for what is a danger to society and bully breeds have become a target. These breeds have gotten a bad rap and have been discriminated because of mass media and opinions made from people against

  • Separate and Unequal: Overcoming Segregation in America

    1916 Words  | 4 Pages

    At the time of the African-American Civil Rights movement, segregation was abundant in all aspects of life. Separation, it seemed, was the new motto for all of America. But change was coming. In order to create a nation of true equality, segregation had to be eradicated throughout all of America. Although most people tend to think that it was only well-known, and popular figureheads such as Martin Luther King Junior or Rosa Parks, who were the sole launchers of the African-American Civil Rights movement