Narmada Bachao Andolan Essays

  • Inspiration of Arundhati Roy to an Activist

    4288 Words  | 9 Pages

    November 2nd, 2004 was a difficult evening for me. Having helped stage protests against the invasion of Iraq, having urged friends to support the HRC and the struggle for gay marriage, it was difficult to watch the election returns come in, making it seem as though all I had done had been futile. One of the things that got me through was Arundhati Roy’s CD, Come September, which I’d left in my car’s CD player. Driving home from the grocery store I heard her read an excerpt of her article, “The End

  • Chipko Movement Analysis

    821 Words  | 2 Pages

    Valley hydroelectric project), “Jungle Bachao Andolan” (means forest protection movement), “Save Western Ghats”. In response to the all these movements, government of India passed the Forest conservation act of 1980. But the mining industry in India continue to be a threat to the forest conservation activities. They get wide support from the local governments because of the revenue and employment opportunities they

  • NH4 Case Study

    1785 Words  | 4 Pages

    2.1. National Highway NH 4 The Golden Quadrilateral comprises of the NH4 Highway from National Highway 4 (NH 4) is a major National Highway in Western and Southern India. NH 4 links four of the 10 most populous Indian cities - Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, and Chennai. NH 4 is 1,235 km (767 mi) in length and passes through the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Road transport has emerged as the dominant segment in India’s transportation sector with a share of 4.7 per cent

  • Water Issues in South Asia

    13430 Words  | 27 Pages

    Water Issues in South Asia If there is any single most important issue that mars bilateral relations among the countries of the subcontinent, it is water. The issues of cross-border water distribution, utilisation, management and mega irrigation/hydro-electric power projects affecting the upper and lower riparian countries are gradually taking centre-stage in defining interstate relations as water scarcity increases and both drought and floods make life too often miserable. Thanks to