Music genres Essays

  • Finding Comfort in Music Genres

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    Why do people find comfort in certain music genres, and how does music affect our behavior? It is known by most that music can and likely does affect our behavior, many people wonder how and why it affects so many people in such diverse ways. Could it be because music makes us feel a certain way? Do different music genres make us think different thoughts? What kind of thoughts do they cause us to come up with? Can music cause us to act a certain way? Does music have any health benefits for humans?

  • Music Genre Analysis

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    A music genre is a category of pieces of music that share a certain style or “basic musical language” (van der Merwe 1989, p.3). The two articles that I will be comparing are “Genres, Subgenres, Sub-Subgenres and More” by Kembrew McLeod (2001) and “On the Value of Popular Music” by S. Firth (1996). Categorizing music is especially challenging when it comes to fitting it into sub genres. As we move through the ages, and technology and communication becomes more complex, newer and unique genres are

  • Music-genre Stereotypes

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    Can music preferences serve as a clue to a person's character? Can music applied as a vehicle for self-expression? The article "The Content and Validity of Music-genre stereotypes Among College Students" by Peter J. Rentfrow and Samuel D. Gosling said yes. In the article, 206 University of Taxes at Austin undergraduates participated in the research. In order to look into the associations individuals naturally make about the fans of different style of music, the participants were divided into groups

  • R & B Music Genre Analysis

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    fully understand genre and what exactly it meant. I was aware that genre exists in music, such as rap, hip hop, R&B, classical, rock, etc. Going off of my knowledge on that, I thought that genre was similar to a subcategory. I thought that genre was the smaller parts that construct a bigger idea. Other than that, I did not have a really clear definition of genre. 2. Now, I define genre differently than before this class. Genre can exist in just about every aspect of society. Genre is a category that

  • How Modern Day Youth Are Influenced By Different Genres Of Music

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    The topic I chose to do my research essay on is how the modern day youth use and are influenced by the different genres of music that they are exposed to in everyday situations, no matter where they go. I’ve based most of my assignment on the personal observations which I have made while studying adolescences in everyday settings over the period of roughly a month. I decided that the best places to do my observations would be at the local malls and stores throughout Charlottetown where you’d typically

  • Rock Music Genre Essay

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    many factors in our day to day lives have evolved too, including musical genre. One such genre is rock. Rock is a genre for the youth, by the youth, it has evolved to stay with the times and stand up for what’s right. In this essay I will prove why rock is a good example to show how genre has been defined, maintained, constructed and negotiated through the past 60-70 years since the very first Proto Rock song came out. Genre is difficult subject to define, yet many have attempted to define it including

  • Rock Is The Best Music Genre

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    Music has been around for centuries, from the cavemen hitting bones on rocks to the new techno music the younger generations listens to. Music has branched since then into many different genres: first came the classical, then it deviated into something not a soul had experienced; rock or hip hop or punk, or rap, or many other versions of sound. Of all the genres that exist in today's modern world, the best that is available to people is definitely rock music. Rock music has connected to audiences

  • Country Music Genres

    992 Words  | 2 Pages

    The ever changing genre of country music Country music has been an ever changing genre that evolves along with the lives of the people that listen and the artist that perform it. Today’s country music contains a wide variety of artists who have been influenced by the different subgenres that came before them. According to The Bedford Book of Genres “A genre is a composition’s kind, category, or sort. Genres give us a way to categorize or describe types of compositions”. (Braziller and Kleinfeld)

  • Different Genres Of Metal Music

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    term genre in music can be used to describe different forms and styles of music all over the world, whether it be country, rock, jazz, pop, and so on. But the terms used for genres can be considered broad and/or vague, so music that is commonly classified in any given genre can be categorized more specifically. For example, jazz can be a broad term for other subgenres such as Cool jazz, Free jazz, Dixieland, Ragtime and numerous other examples. This general rule applies to many different genres of

  • Exploring Trendy Underground Music Genres

    855 Words  | 2 Pages

    Have you ever wondered how other genres of music started? Although every style has its own unique sound, they’re somehow related in a small way. As a musician you may try to incorporate their style of playing and tweak it to make it personal and your own. However, there are hundreds of genres to choose from I’ve decided to choose a select few that I’ve found appealing to me. Math rock is a rhythmically complex, guitar-based style of experimental rock music that became known in the late 1980’s. It

  • The Staggering Number of Styles and Genres of Lutheran Church Music

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    CHAPTER 1 ERHARD BODENSCHATZ AND THE FLORILEGIUM POTENSE Lutheran church music in its first two and a half centuries can be characterized by the incorporation of a staggering variety of styles and musical genres. Plainchant, imitative polyphony, and chorale hymnody existed alongside one another, and composers such as Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) and Johann Hermann Schein (1586-1630) were among the first to synthesize elements of Monteverdi’s seconda pratica with a fully German practice. Fruits of

  • A Note on Music Genres

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    Over the past century music change has been based on the influence of people and technology. The changes in technology have influenced the way music is listened to and the instruments in that time period that make the sounds. The sound of the music links directly to the likes and dislikes, which brings us to the influence of the people. Every aspect of a person has an effect. You must take into account what they are feeling and what their lifestyle is. Then the next step is to look at the influence

  • Music Subculture

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    Music is a seemingly universal art form that penetrates essentially all forms of pop culture while still existing as self-contained form of entertainment. Because of the massive cultural importance of music, many individuals define themselves by their musical interests. This raises a question: do people’s musical likes and dislikes define them? Many studies have been done regarding music and its correlation with personality or behaviours, especially for “harder” genres (punk, metal, etc.). However

  • Jazz and Political Connections

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    Jazz has been a genre we have been studying over these past couple of weeks. During these weeks I have acquired new knowledge that has interested me in this genre. I never viewed jazz as being a political style of music nor did I know that there were songs that contained political messages. Finding out about these different songs and jazz having some aspect of political style to it intrigued me to write about this genre. Throughout the many artists and songs we have study on this genre there have been

  • Stereotypes In Music

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    today's’ society the music industry is larger than is has ever been. With the access to music through social media, streaming sites such as Spotify and Pandora, and buying sites like iTunes make is simple and easy for anyone to get music. Music is everywhere and certain genres of music tend to have certain fans and followers. One of the big concern for society however is the certain ways men and women are portrayed in the music industry. I am studying the various gender images in music because I want

  • Booklet

    558 Words  | 2 Pages

    Favorite Styles and Genres Of the topics discussed in class, my favorite world music culture, Western art musical style, and American musical genre were West Africa, Middle Ages, and secular/popular, respectively. There were many topics discussed in class, but I feel like these topics appealed to me the most, which made them more interesting. It is actually pretty hard to pick a favorite in each style and genre because each one is interesting in its own way. All of these topics were important to

  • The Positive Effects Of Problem Music

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    Music is a form of art that uses sounds to create melody, harmony, and rhythm. These sounds can make people feel certain ways and is a form of expression and identity (Miller, 2012). As a result, “problem music” has been equated to delinquency because of the actions and feelings that accompany it (Peterson, 2001). From the beginnings of Sociology, music has been a focus of sociological inquiry. Although it was never a popular topic, Max Weber has used music to answer important sociological questions

  • Grunge and the Delta Blues

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    disregard the lyrics and you will hear two types of music that seem to be polar opposites. Grunge has a harsh, loud, almost obnoxious sound with heavy distortion on the instruments and the lead singer is usually screaming into the microphone. The Delta Blues on the other hand has a softer more melodic folksy sound that uses basic instruments and the vocals are relaxed. At first glance, or listen rather, there seems to be nothing that these two genres have in common. Having been born and raised in the

  • Lyrical Content in Music

    810 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lyrical Content in Music With lyrical content in music becoming more graphical it is being blamed for behaviour of impressionable teenagers. I am interested in this because I play in a band and listen to a wide range of music. In 1999 the Woodstock festival highlighted this. The festival was originally about peace but as the bands got heavier throughout the night the crowd got worse. By the end of the night there was fires and people stealing everything insight. The bands were accused of

  • Positive Effects of Music

    510 Words  | 2 Pages

    Music is an art form that usually combines singing with different instruments and rhythms. Many genres of music aid in interesting different people and different moods, so that everyone can enjoy it. Music does two significant things for us; it increases stimulation in the brain, and assists in coping with difficult situations. It’s hard to ignore the fact that music exists and is constantly evolving because it’s everywhere; from our homes to our cars, our cars to our school, from out school to our