Microcontrollers Essays

  • Microcontroller Essay

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    A microcontroller can be described as a computer on a single IC including a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. Program memory as NOR flash or OTP ROM is likewise frequently included on chip, and a normally small amount of RAM. Microcontrollers are intended for embedded systems, rather than the microprocessors which are utilized for PCs or other universally useful applications. Microcontrollers are utilized as a part of auto controlled items and gadgets, for example

  • Microcontroller Essay

    656 Words  | 2 Pages

    Microcontrollers Microcontroller can be considered as a small size of computer on a chip. Because it consists of processor, random access memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM) and input/output peripherals. Microcontroller is also named as embedded controllers, since it is part of an embedded system. According to Blacharski (2003) microcontroller defines as “an integrated chip that is often part of an embedded system”. The purpose of develop microcontroller is to evolve the performance and efficiency

  • 8051 Microcontroller Analysis

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    about the 8051 microcontroller and board but also how to deal with it. Microcontroller vs. Microprocessor The first thing that needs to be done is to know the basics of what the 8051. The 8051 refers to a microcontroller. Microcontrollers are pieces of hardware that have set amounts on its parts, like RAM, ROM, and its input and output ports. Microcontrollers are more cost efficient than microprocessors, which need separate RAM, ROM, according to the needs of the user. Microcontrollers come in handy

  • History Of The Arduino Microcontroller

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    Arduino Microcontroller It is said that each one of us has at least twenty microcontrollers in our houses or workplaces. According to a survey, there are more than two billion microcontrollers being manufactured annually. Everybody around the world could not even consider a day without these electronic components (John, 2013). Today, the world is evolving towards a computer-based and technology-dependent environment. Computers, robots and machines could be seen everywhere. Buildings and homes are

  • Statement of Purpose for Studies of Microcontrollers and Microprocessor

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    edge in technology and the practical knowledge and information I require. My post masters goal is to work as a researcher in one of the top universities, here I expect to work on different Embedded Systems. I am willing to work in the field of Microcontrollers and Microprocessor; also would like to enhance my knowledge by acquiring the skills willing to contribute in real time embedded systems and even Custom Designs. I intend to do a post graduate program in embedded systems. My interest is towards

  • Statement of Purpose for the Field of Electrical Engineering

    556 Words  | 2 Pages

    I am an undergraduate Electrical Engineer having an interminable passion for gaining knowledge, determination to perform, desire to excel and an aim to explore the greatest avenues in the field of Electrical Engineering. This craving for proficiency and a strong will to enhance my professional skills have motivated me to take a step further by choosing to pursue Graduate studies in the discipline of Electrical Engineering at your esteemed University. From my school days I had the curiosity of knowing

  • Air Conditioner Controller

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    introduction of single chip microcontrollers, the hardware part was drastically reduced; so also the cost and size of the hardware has come down to a large extent. As a result almost all of the control circuits are designed over single chip microcontrollers. 2.     SCOPE OF THE PROJECT The primary objective of this project is to make a simple circuitry for Air conditioner controller. This circuitry is based on the state of the art technology of Microcontrollers .The features of the project

  • What Is Attitude And Longitude Attitude In GPS

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    Latitude & Longitude Display System Using GPS & AVR Microcontroller Ashish Sharma (B.Tech., EL Engg.) E-mail: ashishpreet2009@gmail.com INTODUCTION This project is a reference to budding engineers or a helping hand to those who willing to work and interface a GPS Receiver with microcontroller and making their own channel to communicate with satellite, seeking for some useful information from satellite to make a effective and efficient system. GPS In a simplest way ‘The Global Positioning System

  • Application Essay for Programming Studies

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    “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing”. This quote by Albert Einstein best describes my life. The inquisitive nature that I posses has helped me to improve my knowledge. A person, who is curious enough to dig deep, is always the one who achieves success. I would describe myself as a person who asks these intelligible questions in order to surpass an older me. During my teenage in high school, I was praised as a person who is highly skilled in

  • 8051 Analysis

    1094 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Intel MCS-51, commonly known as the “8051”, is a single chip microcontroller which was developed by Intel in 1980 for use in embedded systems. This “system on chip” accommodates 128 bytes of RAM, 4Kbytes of ROM, 2 Timers, 1 Serial port, and four ports on a single chip.[1] The rise in popularity and success of the 8051 brought forth different versions of the microcontroller from other manufacturers (Intel permitted so). Its popularity remains to this day for it provides a marketable availability

  • Brief History Of Microprocessor

    744 Words  | 2 Pages

    PIC microcontroller Brief History The first microprocessor was developed by a small company called Intel (Integrated Electronics) in the early 1970s. But it faced no consumer market so they decided to market the chipset as “general purpose” microprocessing system where digital logic chips would have been used. This idea was a success and the Intel team developed 4 bit microprocessor called the 4004. In 1974, the second generation microprocessor (the 8080) was fabricated as a single chip operated

  • Executive Summary of Robot Creation Project by Engineering Students

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    Executive summary Constructing and programming of robot vehicle that can avoid the barriers depending on calculations of the exact distance between the barrier and vehicle using ultrasonic sensor fixed at the top of vehicle which contact with stepper motor to enable sensor turn right and left will be discussed and applied practically. The functions of constructed robot can be summarized as avoiding barrier, changing velocity of robot depending on the range distance between vehicle and barrier, lighting

  • sop

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    the working of a SMPS and its vast applications from personal computers to consumer electronics. In the second year of my masters my major subjects included microprocessors, microcontrollers, digital signal processing, VLSI. To bring about more understanding of the courses and to learn the real application of microcontrollers, I decided to design a working... ... middle of paper ... ...patches which gave better results. All of the fabrication was done by me using the method of chemical etching

  • Personal Statement: My Interest In Electronics And Communication Engineering

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    My interest in Electronics blossomed in my high school and it got fortified with my undergrad in it from Aurora’s Scientific and Technological institute. During my under graduation program I learned the various fundamentals of Electronics & Communication Engineering which will provide me with a firm footing for the MS program in ……..University. I was a part of science expo in my school where I came to witness a prototype of electric motor where electrical energy is converting into mechanical energy

  • SOP

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    After two years working for Mobile Semiconductor, the only independent memory compiler vendor, I want to gain more knowledge in new edge-technology by returning to school. I have a passion of enhancing my professional career so I like to undertake some graduate courses in Embedded System at the University of Washington. This can keep me current with the latest technology in my chosen field and also support to develop a new area of expertise to further my professional career. I still remember when

  • Porting Embedded Xinu to an Alternative Architecture

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    ABSTRACT In this paper we discuss porting the Embedded Xinu operating system (OS) to the 8-bit Arduino Mega 1280 due to its ability to meet several constraints. A 64-bit Linux environment and associated tools are used to develop Xinu for the AVR. The steps to port Xinu can be split into several different steps. The final Xinu image for the Arduino is 35 KB in size without any compiler optimizations. We discovered interesting features of the platform such as the division of SRAM and are in a

  • Essay For Computer Science

    591 Words  | 2 Pages

    It was only after careful consideration of my aptitude, interests and experiences gained while pursuing my under graduation in the field of Electronics and Communications Engineering that I have decided to pursue my masters in the field of Computer Science. The question here might raise why I am opting for Computer Science when I’m from Electronics background. While in my under-graduation, I always had a doubt how the systems are interrelated using networks and all the things related to Computers

  • Power Optimisation

    570 Words  | 2 Pages

    Many different approaches are used to reduce power consumption at the circuit level design. Some of the main techniques are Transistor Sizing, Voltage Scaling, Voltage Islands, Multiple Threshold Voltages and Power Gating. There is a negative effect with each power optimisation technique used at the expense of performance or area. Rabaey (1996) states that Transistor Sizing (TS) technique is used to adjust the size of each transistor (smallest element in the digital system) or gate (group of transistors)

  • Remote Intercom Access

    2646 Words  | 6 Pages

    decodes the tone into a 4 bit number and main controller will unlock the door as shown in Figure 15. If button 2 is pressed on the keypad, hook off circuit will be activated to disconnect the call as shown in Figure 16. Then the microcontrollers need to be reset by changing logic at their RST pins, to make them ready for next turn. If button 2 is pressed on the keypad, hook off circuit will be activated to disconnect the call as shown in Figure 16. Some of the important

  • Design and Simulation of an Intelligent Traffic Control System

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    We have got a very fantastic research experience when we designed an intelligent system which will be capable of monitoring and controlling road traffic in Nigerian city, all described in this paper. We have taken idea through current traffic control system through which we identified problem at ‘+’ junction and then we implemented our own system to solve the problem. Their approach was based on embedded system based methodology. Our new system, we have designed in such a way that it has pulled out