Mercury Prize Essays

  • John Shin's Speech: A Case Study

    509 Words  | 2 Pages

    Background Information: John Shin came for an initial speech evaluation on August 30th, 2017. He sought an evaluation due to his inability to control his speech rate and speak fluently when he wants to. During the evaluation Mr. Shin participated in motor speech testing, speech samples, and completed the OASES. Medical History: Mr. Shin’s medical history is reportedly unremarkable for previous hospitalizations, illnesses, and surgeries. Mr. Shin has seasonal allergies to pollen for which he takes


    509 Words  | 2 Pages

    JUNO is a NASA mission to the planet Jupiter. The Juno spacecraft is scheduled to launch aboard an Atlas V-551 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Fla., in Aug. 2011. ( It will take 5 years to reach Jupiter, arriving in July 2016. It will orbit Jupiter 33 times. The purpose of the mission is to explore Jupiter’s structure and atmosphere. The main aim of this mission is to understand how the planet Jupiter originated and thus help us understand the evolution of the gas giants. This knowledge

  • Ray Bradbury's The Soft Rains Will Come

    535 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tick, tick, tick, BOOM! Imagine in the future you have a home that does everything for you. Makes your breakfast, cleans, and wakes you up. Now, what would happen if all of humanity died? How would the house act? What about nature? Ray Bradbury's “The Soft Rains Will Come” is a story about a future where most (we don't know if all) are dead, and a smart home goes through its daily routine. But it faces some unexpected problems. The First thing that Ray Bradbury shows is how some animals have become

  • Margot's Monologue

    641 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Well children, I believe the sun will be paying us a visit today.” Miss Sean says. I glance at Margot, admiring her beauty from afar. I’m happy she’s not looking back, but she’s gazing out the window. She’s earth born. She told us everything about what it was like on earth. How she got to see the sun every day, How she got to eat different foods every day, And didn't have to use the sun lamps. Honestly, I find it hard to believe that she saw the sun everyday. Margot came here about a year ago.

  • Identity Of Mercury Essay

    775 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mercury, historically known as quicksilver, is a unique element, whose long history and characteristics are some to be marveled at. A silvery white transition metal, mercury has a high luster, giving it a mirror-like appearance. It is the only metal that remains liquid at room temperature, yet it is not wet. This is because of its inability to be absorbed by other substances; instead, when spilled, it forms small, spherical beads. These beads are highly mobile and tremble at the slightest touch.

  • The Life of Johannes Kepler

    1951 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Life of Johannes Kepler HIS LIFE Johannes Kepler was a German astronomer and mathematician ho discovered that planetary motion is elliptical. Early in his life, Kepler wanted to prove that the universe obeyed Platonistic mathematical relationships, such as the planetary orbits were circular and at distances from the sun proportional to the Platonic solids (see paragraph below). However, when his friend the astronomer Tycho Brahe died, he gave Kepler his immense collection of astronomical

  • Juno Spacecraft: Mission to Jupiter

    1345 Words  | 3 Pages

    Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, has yet to be discovered as in depth as Juno will. NASA New Frontiers recently established the Juno Mission to observe Jupiter (Ionescu 1). The spacecraft is currently on route to Jupiter and it is set to arrive in 2016. Juno will orbit Jupiter thirty-three times total before shutting down (Ionescu 1). Juno will observe Jupiter with deeper observation than can be seen by a telescope. The Juno Spacecraft is a project made to discover Jupiter’s high

  • Detecting New Planets

    572 Words  | 2 Pages

    Over the past decade scientists have discovered hundreds of new planets, some of which are habitable like earth. There are two methods that scientists use to discover these planets. The first method is called the Photometric Transit or “wink” method. This method relies mainly on a planets orbit across the disc of its parent star in our line of sight. The other method, which is what most scientist use, is referred to as the wobble method. Through this method, we predict the presence of planets by

  • Haley's Comet is Only Comet Visible from Earth with Naked Eye

    899 Words  | 2 Pages

    A comet is a small icy body that travels in an elliptical orbit around the sun. Halley’s Comet, or 1P/Halley, is the most well-known “periodic” comet that orbits the solar system and returns to Earth’s vicinity approximately every seventy-six years. It is one of the only comets that can be seen from Earth that is visible to the naked-eye, and can appear twice in one’s lifetime. The comet’s last visit was in the year 1986, and it is calculated to return mid-2061. Halley’s Comet has been sighted and

  • Johannes Kepler

    961 Words  | 2 Pages

    Johannes Kepler was on December 27, 1571 in Weil der Stadt, Baden-Wurttemberg. Johannes’s grandfather was actually mayor of the city, but once Johannes was born all the wealth was gone. Kepler’s father was a mercenary and left Johannes when he was five, and his mother was a ‘healer’ or ‘herbalist’. Johannes was born premature which caused him to be sickly throughout childhood. He contracted smallpox at a very age and it caused him to become visually impaired, but he soon outgrew his sickly stage

  • Pythagoras's Theory of Harmony of the Spheres

    1197 Words  | 3 Pages

    107 in its aphelion and 134 in its perihelion making it very close to a relation 5:4. In the case of Jupiter, the ratio is almost 6:5; for Mars it is a 3:2 ratio; for the Earth it is 16:15; for Venus, which has the smallest gap is 25:24; and for Mercury it is of 12:5. The harmonic intervals, as we saw before, can be represented as ratios just as the proportions of the arcs traveled by the planets. Kepler established a direct relation between these two to show what the “melody” of each planet through

  • History Of Syzygy

    781 Words  | 2 Pages

    Syzygy is defined as “a pair of connected or corresponding things” ("Discover the Story of EnglishMore than 600,000 Words, over a Thousand Years." Home: Oxford English Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2015.) The word syzygy was first introduced 359 years ago to predict the event that would occur on July 21, 1656. A total solar eclipse would take place when the moon intervened the sun and earth. The origin of the word comes from Late Latin and Greek and is frequently used as an astrology term

  • Jovian Planets Essay

    1931 Words  | 4 Pages

    I’d first like to discuss the four closest planets to the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, also known as terrestrial planets. These planets are different from Jovian planets, mostly because of their solid surfaces. However, these are not the only explanations for the distinctions between the Jovian and Terrestrial

  • Mercury

    544 Words  | 2 Pages

    know Mercury is the first planet . Which makes it the closest to the sun. It is 57,900,000km ( 36,000,000mi.) Because Mercury is so close to the sun it has extreme temperature differences. Mercury’s surface temperatures range from -180*C to 450*C (-290*F to 840*F). Temperatures that hot can melt iron, and other metals. The dramatic temperature difference on Mercury are not only because it is so close to the sun but, also by Mercury’s surface features. The places that are the coldest on Mercury and

  • All Summer In A Day

    569 Words  | 2 Pages

    “All Summer In A Day” by Ray Bradbury is a Science Fiction story about a girl named Margot, who moves to Venus where it always rains, and she wants to go back home to Earth so she can see the Sun. In the beginning everyone is saying that the sun is finally going to come out and the Author introduces the main character, Margot. Soon, Margot writes a poem about the sun and the students lock Margot in a closet and tell her that the Sun is not coming out and it was all a joke. In the end the Sun does

  • All Summer In A Day Literary Techniques

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    “I think the sun is a flower that blooms for just one hour.” The short story, All Summer in a Day, written by Ray Bradbury is about a nine year old girl who grew up for four years on planet Earth. All that changed when she fled to Venus where the sun comes out only for two hours every seven years. Her everyday lifestyle is drenched in rain. The author utilizes many literary techniques and devices to display theme. He crafts his story by creatively using metaphor, imagery, and hyperbole. Although

  • All Summer In A Day

    1055 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make your shine brighter.” In the book All summer in a day their is a lot of bullying and I think that is the theme of this book. The theme is a message or lesson the author wants you to know. The theme in the book is bullying because in the book everyone hated Margot and bullied her, because they were jealous that she has seen the sun and everyone else hasn't. In the book everyone bullied her and made fun of her. Everyone else bullied her because she has

  • The Eightieth Element Mercury

    896 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mercury is inarguably one of the most, if not the most, captivating metals on the periodic table because of its unorthodox existence as well as its properties. The element mercury is a highly intricate metal that’s composition, history, and presence in modern science has keep it so prevalent for thousands of years until recently. In this essay, one will examine all components of mercury, both physical and chemical, as well as its history and modern life, in order to paint the reader a much more heightened

  • Jealousy In Ray Bradbury's All Summer In A Day

    532 Words  | 2 Pages

    In All Summer in a day Ray Bradbury teaches us an important lesson. In this short story, the lesson is on jealousy it teaches how it damages people suffering from jealousy or being jealous. The story makes the point towards envy and jealousy, as a result of their actions is causing misery. In All Summer in a day a girl named Margot and her classmates are living on Venus. They’ve been living on venus for seven years and most of them don't even remember a split image of the earth but, Margot does

  • The Moon

    1419 Words  | 3 Pages

    the Moon's orbital period (measured against the stars) since the Earth moves a significant distance in its orbit around the Sun in that time. Due to its size and composition, the Moon is sometimes classified as a terrestrial "planet" along with Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The Moon was first visited by the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2 in 1959. It is the only extraterrestrial body to have been visited by humans. The first landing was on July 20, 1969 (do you remember where you were?); the last