McDowell County, West Virginia Essays

  • Big Creek People in Action

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    economic problems facing McDowell County in West Virginia after the economy of the county started to fail when coal production declined (Big Creek People In Action, Inc., 2012). The agency is a nonprofit 501(C)(3) organization offering a community center where festivals and community events are held and a place of learning that offers GED programs and other educational programs. Big Creek People In Action, Inc.’s mission statement is to serve “the community of McDowell County in the realms of education

  • The Battle of Greenbrier River

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    Greenbrier River or the Battle of Camp Bartow took place on October 2-3, 1861.The skirmish took place near the base of Cheat Mountain in present day Pocahontas County, West Virginia. The operation would take June through December to carry out. General Reynolds thought if he could get rid of Camp Bartow he could easily get to the Virginia counties on the other side of the mountains to the east. Brigade General Joseph Reynolds was the Union commander while Brigade General Henry R. Jackson was the Confederate

  • Beans, Beans, The Glorious Fruit

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    On any given day, nearly 14% of the U.S. population eats beans, according to government statistics. Many West Virginians, particularly those from the southern coalfields, are probably already starting to chuckle at the percentage. Multiple that maybe by seven (98%) if counting supper plates in the mountain state and while you’re at it, change that “given day” to every day. To say that “brown beans”--the typical reference for pinto beans, actually--are a staple is understating it. The prevalence

  • Virginia’s Importance During the Civil War

    840 Words  | 2 Pages

    Virginia was a crucial state during the Civil War due to the number of battles that were fought in the state. Although Virginia was not the only state in which battles were fought, more Civil War battles were fought in Virginia than in any other state. Many historians have tried to set a specific number to the amount of battles fought in the commonwealth; however, it is a highly debatable issue because some Virginia was also the location of many skirmishes, which are slightly different from battles

  • The Pros and Cons of Welfare

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    Imagine you are standing in a grocery line, waiting patiently for your turn, watching the lady in front of you put her cart-full of name brand food on the counter. You are thinking, "How is she going to pay for all this stuff?" Right then, she pulls out a book of stamps (not postage, either) and pays the cashier one hundred and fifty dollars. With the fifty dollar bill she has stashed away in her wallet, the lady then proceeds to buy two cartons of cigarettes and a magazine. Has this ever

  • Naloxone Hydrochloride Case Study

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    to decrease the number of overdose deaths that are occurring in West Virginia. The law does have restrictions. Those who buy naloxone OTC must be trained by a pharmacist on how to recognize an overdose, when to administer the antidote, and how to properly inject or inhale the drug. Pharmacies must also provide educational material telling customers how and where to access treatment programs (Brown, A., Para. 1, 2016). West Virginia being the number one state in overdose deaths, I personally believe

  • Social Determinants Of Health

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    1. What are social determinates of health? Why should they be considered in planning community programing? “Social determinants of health are life-enhancing resources, such as food supply, housing, economic and social relationships, transportation, education, and health care, whose distribution across populations effectively determines length and quality of life” (Ramirez, Baker, & Metzler, 2008). Social determinates are important because they factor the factors that work to support the overall

  • The Great Battles of the American Civil War

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    General Irvin McDowell. McDowell was marching down from Washington and on the 21st attacked the left flank of the Confederate army on Matthews Hill. Later on in the afternoon reinforcements arrived for the confederates. These new troops advanced and broke through the Union right flank. This sent the Union army into a retreat although the Confederate army was too disorganized to pursue. The first Battle of Bull Run convinced Lincoln the war going to be long and costly. Soon after General McDowell was relived

  • The Development of George Armstrong Custer's Effective Career

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    George Armstrong Custer was a United States Army officer and cavalry commander in the American Civil War and also in the Indian Wars. Raised in the cities Michigan and Ohio, Custer was admitted in West Point in 1858, where he was graduated last in his class. However, with outbreak of the Civil War, all officers were needed, and Custer was called in to serve for the Union. General Custer developed a strong reputation throughout the Civil War. He fought in the first major engagement, and also in the

  • No Sex Education in Elementary Schools!

    1944 Words  | 4 Pages

    their children about sex and sexual matters? In some states across America, it sure seems that way. Over the past decade, seventeen states have adopted mandates to teach comprehensive sex education, and thirty more have supported it (internet). West Virginia schools have implemented sex education in most high schools, but it may seep even further down, possibly to your community's elementary schools. While people are divided and confused in their concerns of this class being taught in grade schools

  • Civil War

    1646 Words  | 4 Pages

    Civil War Civil war was the greatest war in American history. It was waged in 10,000 places-from Valverde, New Mexico, and Fernandina on the Florida coast. More than three million Americans fought in it and more than 600,00 men died in it. It was not only the immensity of the fight but the new weapons, the new standards of generalship, and the strategies of destruction which made the Civil War an event present ever since in the American consciousness. Here are some of the crucial events

  • Personal Narrative: The Battle Of Matewan

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    The town of Matewan, West Virginia was my home for a majority of my life. I grew up there, I was taught there, and I learned how to mine there. My family consisted of my father, Patrick O’Reilly, my mother, Ennis O’Reilly, and me, Bobby O’Reilly, or just Bob for short. In my earliest of memories in Matewan, I could remember my father leaving in the mornings to serve his shift in the mine like all the other men in the town. My father was a great man of humble upbringings, and I will always remember

  • The Slave Trade in Colonial America

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    contract to work without wages for a master for four to seven years, after which they became free. Blacks brought in as slaves, however, had no right to eventual freedom. The first black indentured servants arrived in Jamestown in the colony of Virginia in 1619. They had been captured in Africa and were sold at auction in Jamestown. After completing their service, some black indentured servants bought property. But racial prejudice among white colonists forced most free blacks to remain in the