Matthäus Merian Essays

  • Examples Of Ethnocentrism In King Kong

    1054 Words  | 3 Pages

    King Kong, one of the most iconically labeled monster since his first appearance in the early 20th century. Continuing with the series of films, Kong: Skull Island features the colossal ape ruler of his own island previously hidden away from the public eye until now. What was assigned as a geographic exploration project turned ary. The group had been tricked into the leaders plan thinking they were on the island for scientific purposes, however instead they were assembled as bait to serve as proof

  • DBQ on Women in Science

    526 Words  | 2 Pages

    studying science because they feel that it is an insult.(Doc 9) Her experiences as a female scientist led her to truly grasp why her persecutors acted as they did towards her although this document shows no signs that she thinks the same. Maria Sibylla Merian, a German entomologist, discussed some of her scientific practices that encompass her dedication and fascination with science.(Doc 5) Another example of this whole-hearted dedication comes from Marquis...

  • Role of Women in the Scientific Revolution

    1202 Words  | 3 Pages

    When most people think of the Scientific Revolution, they think of scientists such as Galileo, Newton, Brahe, and Boyle. However, many people do not even know about the many women who played a vital role in the scientific advancements of this period. Even when these women were alive, most of society either ignored them or publicly disapproved their unladylike behavior. Because of this, these women were often forgotten from history, and very little is known about the majority of them. Although

  • What is a Remake Film?

    854 Words  | 2 Pages

    retake of a movie, the term remake covers everything in the realm of reused material. However, the term generally pertains to a new version of an old film, usually with significant production and narrative changes. King Kong, released in 1933 by Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack, is no exception. Legendary for its developments in soundtrack and visual effects, the original version of the film was the inspiration behind Peter Jackson’s want to become a director, remaking it in 2005 this