Manipur Essays

  • Sports And Sports In Manipur

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    Sports in Imphal dates back to the time of ancient history of Manipur. This small kingdom conducted different sports and were in keen completion with one another. The Department of Youth Affairs and Sports is responsible for the implementation and promotion of youth welfare programmes and games and sports in Manipur. The people of Imphal plays many games which includes: Sagol Kangjei , Thang Ta & Sarit Sarak, Khong Kangjei, Yubi Lakpi, Mukna, Hiyang Tannaba and kang Sports in Imphal Listed below

  • An Eco-Critical Approach; A Study of Select North East Indian Poets

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    The study of ecology has gained immense popularity in the recent years as people have become more concerned about the deteriorating environment and eco-system. Thus, in the field of literature, a new approach, Ecocriticism which mainly deals with a critical reading of literary texts in relation to environment, nature and literature, has come forward. As the basic definition suggests that ecocriticism studies the 'relationship between literature and environment'. The paper tries to delve into this

  • A Study Of Spices And Condiments In Manipur Valley

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    of Spices and Condiments with their uses especially found in Manipur Valley” Dr Banaraj Haobam1, Th Inaocha Devi2, M Kheroda Devi3 1. HoD,Department of Biotechnology,K.P.College,Hiyangthang. 2. Department of Biotechnology,K.P.College,Hiyangthang. 3. Department of Biotechnology,K.P.College,Hiyangthang. Abstracts: - The present field survey revealed that an extensive study of spices and condiments in four districts of Manipur Valley. Species of the four districts were found in different

  • Importance Of Pilgrimage Tourism

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    type of tourism, where people travel individually or in groups for pilgrimage, missionary, or leisure purposes. According to the World Tourism Organization, an estimated 300 to 330 million pilgrims visit the world's key religious sites every year. Manipur has the advantage of acting as India's 'Gateway to the East' through Moreh town, which is the only feasible land route for trade between India and Myanmar and other Southeast Asian countries. On 20th November 2004, the Kangla Fort was handed over

  • Tribes of India

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    Indian Tribes : Among the 68 million citizens of India who are members of tribal groups, the Indian tribal religious concepts, terminologies, and practices are as varied as the hundreds of tribes, but members of these groups have one thing in common: they are under constant pressure from the major organized religions. Some of this pressure is intentional, as outside missionaries work among tribal groups to gain converts. Most of the pressure, however, comes from the process of integration within

  • Summary Of Eikhoi Tada By Hijam Guno

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    one of the famous Manipuri writer born on 26th June 1920. Guno was quite at ease with English and Bengali his education get distrupted to the Japanese bombardment of Manipur just a few months after his matriculation examination anf his life is a example of ching tam (hill-valley) unity. Guno address the problem of insurgency in Manipur. Though he takes a very soft look into the problem, he nevertheless tries to find a solution that will somehow bring back the youths into the fold of the society. The

  • Classical Dance Essay

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    for performing arts, there are eight Indian classical dances. The 8 classical dance styles of India are :- Dance form State(s) of origin Bharatanatyam Tamil Nadu Kathak North Indian States Kathakali Kerala Kuchipudi Andhra Pradesh Manipuri Manipur Mohiniyattam Kerala Odissi Orissa Sattriya Assam BHARATANATYAM Bharatanatyam is one of the eight classical dance forms of India and it is originated in the temples of southern India. This art form is used by Devadasi system from generations

  • Essay On Loom

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    A Loom is a device used to weave cloth and tapestry. The basic purpose of any loom is to hold the warp threads under tension to facilitate the interweaving of the weft threads. The precise shape of the loom and its mechanics may vary, but the basic function is the same. The process of producing a fabric the process of producing a fabric by interlacing warp and weft threads is known as weaving. The machine used for weaving is known as weaving machine or loom. Weaving is an art that has been practiced

  • Agricultural Marketing Case Study

    789 Words  | 2 Pages Branding: Modern customer is very brand conscious. Branding is a process of stamping a product or a group of products or something else which the marketer offers, with some identifying name and mark or combination of both (Kotler, 2001). It creates individuality in the offering facilitating it to be easily distinguished and recognized in the market from rival offerings (Lamba, 2013). 2.2.6 Consumer Buying Behaviour: Consumer behaviour is the activities people undertake when obtaining, consuming

  • Metaphor In Shooting An Elephant

    763 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sahib meaning is sir or master, and is used among the natives when they were speaking to the Europeans. Burma location is south of the states of Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh in Northeast India. Therefore, the setting of this story took place in India. George feels like a posing dummy because he describes in the story that his freedom is destroyed and has to listen to the crowd. He does

  • India's Security Challenges

    1658 Words  | 4 Pages

    India has arrived on the global stage, celebrated for its fastest-growing economy, educated professional class, urban-based prosperity, and Bollywood-fueled cultural influence abroad. However, while some parts of the country bask in newfound affluence, others continue to toil in abject poverty. This other side of India is also plagued by violence and unrest, which increasingly targets the government. Although there is some disagreement over whether it is possible to categorize security threats as

  • State Flower: Brahma Kamal

    778 Words  | 2 Pages

    State flower :Brahma Kamal Brahmma kamal is a sacred flower name after creator lord Brahma, Brahma kamal is rare ,threatened and nearly endemic medicinal herb of the himalayan region.It is found on alpine, grassy slopes with rocky bases and near streams, in the Himalayas at an altitude of 3000 to 4000m .In Uttrakahand it is found Nanda devi reserves and Govindghat wildlife santuary ,Roopkund region .It is evergreen herb with large pale yellow ,boat shape ,papery bracts surrounding the dense

  • Characteristics and Morphology of Dendrobium

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    India has a rich heritage of wild orchids in the world. It is estimated that nearly 1,600 species are found in India which constitute approximately 10% of world orchid flora. High humidity and low temperature accompanied by good rainfall makes Assam, Manipur, Western Ghat regions of the country prime hot spots of orchids. Orchids are undoubtedly the ornamentally elite group owing to their perplexing complex floral features with exquisite beauty. The flowers comprise two whorls of petaloid organs termed

  • What Is The Role Of Heredity And Environment In Shaping Human Behavior?

    2549 Words  | 6 Pages

    Discuss the role of heredity and environment in shaping human behavior. Substantiate your arguments with at least two research studies from peer-reviewed journals. The role of heredity in the development of personality is an old argument in the personality theory. Heredity refers to those factors, which were determined at conception, and reflexes, energy levels and biological rhythms are characteristics that are generally considered to be imported either completely or substantially by one’s parents

  • United Bank Of India Case Study

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    prominent nationalised banks in the country that have played a major role in spreading banking services to the farthest Eastern and North-Eastern parts of the country. UBI has sponsored 4 RRBs (Regional Rural Banks) in states such as West Bengal, Assam, Manipur, and Tripura. The four RRBs have around 1,000 branches in these states and UBI contributes more than 35% of share capital/additional capital of these banks. Even areas that are nearly inaccessible such as Sundarbans in West Bengal, UBI had established

  • Theory Of Rural Entrepreneurship

    1443 Words  | 3 Pages

    Abstract: Entrepreneurship stands as a vehicle to improve the quality of life for individuals, families and communities and to sustain a healthy economy and environment. Rural entrepreneurship has emerged as a dynamic concept. If entrepreneurship really encouraged in rural area it would, of course, be instrumental in changing the face of rural areas by solving the problems of unemployment, poverty, economic disparity, poor utilization of rural capacity, low level of standard of living. The majority

  • Importance Of Planetariums

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    and West Bengal. Next to them are Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh having four planetariums. Bihar and Assam have three planetariums, while Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Punjab and Telangana have two planetariums. Other states like Goa, Haryana, Manipur, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan and Sikkim have one planetarium. The states which do not operate any planetarium are ten, namely, Arunachal Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura

  • Social Work Objectives

    1862 Words  | 4 Pages

    Aims and objective of social work: To promote effective and human service system. To promote problem solving option and developmental capacities. To develop and improve social policy. Caring and curing changing the society. Social work is a profession that is built on, according to the AASW Code of Ethics: the pursuit and maintenance of human well-being. Social work aims to maximize the development of human potential and the fulfillment of human needs. Social Work Profession has close relation with

  • Essay On MDG 3

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    indicator for Indian states/UTs by 2015 at their Rate of change in table 5.4. In figure 3 the expected values reveal that many of states would not attain this indicator by 2015. Uttaranchal would be the poorest performer in realizing this indicator. Manipur, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Delhi, Bihar, Rajasthan Gujarat and Jharkhand are those states, which would not reach the target by 2015.

  • Dowry System Essay

    4006 Words  | 9 Pages

    Dowry system in india. *Dr.Y.ASHOK KUMAR Co-ordinator & Assistent Professor Department of sociology and social work **KONGALA.RAMARAO Junior research fellow. Department of sociology and social work . Introduction: Dowry system was unknown in early times. In rich and royal families gifts used to be given son-in-law at the time of marriage .It appears the dowry system came into vogue when child marriages became the order of the day, from about 200 AD to secure a very desirable match the father