Manifestation of God Essays

  • comparing emerson and dickinson

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    (Sherwood 66). By this declination of authority, they were able to express their individuality. It is through their acceptance of this individuality that will illustrate their ambiguities in their faith in God. Emily Dickinson was an intricate and contradictory figure who moved from a reverent faith in God to a deep suspicion of him in her works. (Sherwood 3) Through her own intentional choice she was, in her lifetime, considered peculiar. Despite different people and groups trying to influence her, she

  • God’s Grandeur by Gerard Manly Hopkins

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    man’s progression, he remains confident and appreciative of the protective power of God and the inexhaustibility of nature as further expression of God’s glory. Hopkins sees the world as evidence of the grandeur of God. The “God’s Grandeur” of the title seems an abstract concept, yet with the opening line, “The world is charged with the grandeur of God,” Hopkins takes the earth itself to be a concrete manifestation of God’s magnificence (1). The word “charged” here assumes dual meanings. The

  • Saving Grace: The Character Of God

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    reverence God. God’s grace in traditional faith is considered history of what one believed about God. God’s grace governed much of the Old Testament, however, grace is not obviously seen, but described. For example, Psalms 78: 38, “But He, being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity. And did not destroy them, yes many a time He turned His anger away, and did not stir up all His wrath.” Grace is a description of the character of God, which is displayed by His gifts to men. God is a God of grace

  • The Children of God (COG)

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    the Huntington Beach Light Club, or as they are known today the Family, also known as the Children of God. The Family was just one of many groups to begin in this time of change but they are one of the few surviving groups today. Not only are they surviving but with over ten million members worldwide, the Family is thriving. As an evangelical denomination of Christianity, the Children of God (COG) minister to people around the world to those in need. Since its inception in 1968, COG as ministered

  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit

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    gifts of manifestation. These gifts are listed in Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Ephesians 4:11 and 1Peter 4:11. With-in these scriptures there are different gifts listed and their basic orientation differ. According to Millard J. Erickson, “Ephesians is a listing of various offices in the church, Romans and 1 Peter catalogue several basic functions performed in the church and 1 Corinthians is a matter of special abilities”. It is my intention to highlight the gifts of manifestation found

  • Hinduism and Christianity: Monotheistic Paths to One God.

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    Trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva and the Christian Trinity of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. In comparing Trinity and Trimurti, religious scholar, Anuradha Veeravali (Indian Philosophies, Encyclopedia of Religion) draws parallels between Brahma and God, Vishnu and the Holy Spirit, and Shiva and Jesus, but persists in the common idea that Christianity is a monotheistic faith while Hinduism is polytheistic. However, Bede Griffiths, a Christian priest living in India, has dared

  • The Holy Spirit: The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

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    gifts were to warn him to protect him, or to witness to someone, or to pray for someone. It amazed him and further sealed his understanding of the power of Jesus Christ. Many of us see the manifestation of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. These become more and more evident as we read the Bible, and grow closer to God through His Son Jesus. They are: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. The gifts

  • I Still Believe Summary

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    way of writing. It is about encountering a pain and loss in the life of Jeremy Camp and also he got confused and asked God on why is he experiencing that kind of pain. Let's know more about the life of Jeremy Camp in the next paragraph which is the summary. Summary I Still Believe is all about the glory of God. There is a man named Jeremy Camp who learned the implicit to honor God even when you didn’t understand. He had two wives, the first wife is Melissa who died because of the cancer and the second

  • The Holy Trinity, by Masaccio

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    ) by creating the illusion of depth. This painting addresses many religious concepts by setting up different levels and layers in the constructed space. The characters depicted are made up of four groups of human figures, which include the Trinity (God the father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit), the Virgin Mary and Saint John, a pair of donors, and a skeleton on a tomb at the bottom of the picture. There is an apparent point of separation, which is made clear due to each group being on separate levels

  • The Kabod In The Hebrew Bible

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    my father all the glory [(i.e. kabod)] I have in Egypt” (Gen 45:13). In the Hebrew Scriptures, glory is also thought to be the property of the king. As Xavier Léon-Dufour points out in his Dictionary of Biblical Theology, King “Solomon receives from God ‘riches and glory [(i.e. kabod)] such as no other among the kings’ (1 K 3, 9-14;

  • Hinduism Research Paper

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    Hindus believe that only god exists and nothing else. Hindus are aware that God can take many divine forms to guide and bless them and that only a purified and concentrated mind can see God. Furthermore, the guru discussed that creation arises from consciousness and the entire world has risen and exists because of The Hindu Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The formless God ultimately manifests as the dissolving power of the universe. God can also be represented and worshipped in

  • Baha Essay

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    the world. It was founded in the mid nineteenth century by the Great Mirza Husayn Ali. He was the son of a government minister in Iran (Cole 25). His name too many people is known as Baha’u’llah. He is the most recent in line of the Messengers of God. The term Baha’i is used to represent the Baha’i faith or signify a follower if Baha’u’llah. It is estimated that there are five to six million Baha’i people around the world in more than two hundred countries (Bahaism 67). The Baha’i population has

  • Analysis Of Tagore's Love In Modern Life

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    Being a manifestation of the ever abiding joy of God, this joy form, the individual soul of man is immortal. Professor Humayan Kabir has rightly said: “Tagore’s love for man unconsciously and inevitable merged into love of God……. for him God was essentially loved. The love of the mother for her child or the love the lover for the beloved are only instances of the supreme love that is God. And this love expresses itself not only in the ecstatic devotion

  • Of Sri Aurobindo's Integral Advaitism

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    is God Himself. Aurobindo has said that “The universe is a manifestation of an infinite and eternal All-Existence: the Divine Being dwells in all that is; we ourselves are that in our self, in our own deepest being; our soul, the secret indwelling

  • Reciprocal love in John Donne's Holy Sonnets

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    the speaker’s soul; it is a meditation on the Trinity and man’s relationship to God. The poem’s form and the multi-layered conflation throughout expound upon the nature of the Trinity. The theme of humility in reciprocal religious love or receiving and understanding God’s glory (as Donne understood it) runs throughout the poem. This allows the speaker’s soul to understand his own need for humility in order to love god fully. Donne uses the Sonnet form cunningly in this poem; the formal divisions of

  • Blessed Trinity Research Paper

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    is, but we know that there is God the Son, who is true God, God the Father, who is true God, and the Holy Ghost who is true God, which makes the Blessed Trinity. Even though there are three Persons in God it doesn’t mean that there are three Gods but instead there are three persons in one God which is why we don’t understand the Blessed Trinity. Before the fall of mankind, people already had infused knowledge of the Blessed Trinity from God but after the fall, God removed that infused knowledge

  • Paradise Lost Eve Analysis

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    proving her faultiness as the creation of Adam, rather than that of God, the Author of perfect beings. The stigma and imperfection of the Original Sin is exhaustively embedded in Eve’s character, as displayed in the parallel drawn between Eve and Sin, the spawn and lover of Satan. As Sin is the physical manifestation of Satan’s evil desires, Eve is alluded to be the literal embodiment of Adam’s faults, clearly separated from God, the Almighty Creator who gives rise to Man, Angels, and the Son. The

  • Hinduism Chapter 2 Summary

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    The Different Aspects of Hinduism The Gods and Goddesses Since Hindus generally believe in the existence of Brahman, or the supreme creator, and other minor divinities, Hinduism cannot be considered as a religion based on polytheism. Believers claim that the gods and goddesses in this world (e.g. Lakshmi, Indra, Vishnu, Mitra, Varuna, Siva, Saraswathi, Brahma, Parvathi, etc.) are just manifestations of Brahman, which is the highest god. In addition, these gods are commonly worshipped as individual

  • Judaism And Monotheism Similarities

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    In order to better understand the world around us and how we came to be, ancient religious traditions have conceptualized different ‘ultimate realities’. Simply put, an ultimate reality is a pervading power, or more colloquially, a God. Ancient traditions express differently if there is a pervading power, what their will is, how they manifest in our world, and how the power speaks to us in our lives. Two of the most ancient traditions, Hinduism and Judaism, conceptualize and express an ‘ultimate

  • Hinduism

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    animal worship, and belief in demons are often combined with the worship of more or less personal gods or with mysticism, asceticism, and abstract and profound theological systems or esoteric doctrines. The worship of local deities does not exclude the belief in pan-Indian higher gods or even in a single high God. Such local deities are also frequently looked down upon as manifestations of a high God. In principle, Hinduism incorporates all forms of belief and worship without necessitating the selection