Long Way Round Essays

  • It Won't Happen to Me - Original Writing

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    to stay at someone's house with a couple of friends and hoped to arrive before dark. His parents had insisted on him taking the long way round and bypassing the forest but he decided it would take too long. He felt it made no sense riding the long way around instead of taking the direct route so he grabbed his backpack, hopped on his bike and started to make his way through the dirty trails of the forest. All was going well, Harvey was cheerful and was looking forward to the night ahead of

  • Comparing Analog and Digital Recording

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    best sounding recordings for their music. Digital recording is the newer way of recording music since analog recording, but is it always better? There are obviously definite positives of digital recording or we wouldn’t be using it, but does it fall short to analog recording in some areas? When digital recording was first introduced, the audio capture abilities were not what they were now. Where it is now has gone a long way to strengthen the analog vs. digital battle. Technology as it tends to do

  • The Value of Currency in Eighteenth Century England

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    ' a couple could pay a shilling and enjoy a fine meal consisting of veal cutlets, pigeons, asparagus, lamb and salad, apple-pie and tarts. In London the shilling had a slightly lower purchasing power than in the provinces, but nonetheless went a long way in supplying items for the family larder. For twelve pence one could get almost 4 Ibs.. of meat, 1 = Ibs.. of salt butter, almost 3 oz. of tea, 2 Ibs.. of sugar, and 2 Ibs.. of cheese. (quoted in Mays 7) For a country girl traveling to the city

  • Video Games: I Hate Loving Them

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    leave, at which point the controller had to be nearly ripped from my hands. That day was the beginning of an addiction which not only myself but the majority of America’s youth would soon embrace: electronic gaming. Video games have come a very long way since their inception. Gone are the days of squares battling squares. Modern video games entail remarkably realistic players in three dimensional environments which are sometimes so vast that the players can literally get lost. Today’s games require

  • Fantasy vs. Reality in J. M. Coetzee's Disgrace

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    true contrition belongs. The original context of this phrase is between Lurie and his college's disciplinary committee. Having been caught misusing his authority to seduce a young student, the professor is asked to explain. Repentance would go a long way toward absolving his sin, but he is defiant. Though it is acknowledged that "we have our weak moments, all of us, we are only human" (52), Lurie offers a confession but no contrition. As in Byron's La... ... middle of paper ... ...is Lucy who

  • D. H. Lawrence

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    independence to the women in his novels than his predecessors or just a little more freedom within the confines of established expectations? The answers to these will be that Lawrence is not a raving misogynist (as has been suggested), but is certainly a long way from perfectly enlightened. Rupert Birkin, the Lawrentian leading male of Women in Love, extols a philosophy of "star-equilibrium" in which the partners of a love relationship remain separate and individual, not blurred into one another

  • The European Religious Wars

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    carry out religious services in any way promoting Calvinism. The conflict went much further. The Bohemian princes became irritated, and Ferdinand sent two ambassadors to try to ease the tensions. This only sparked an onslaught of aggression. Fear of being forced into Catholicism was enough t push the princes over the edge, and the two ambassadors were thrown out the window in objection. Thus came the defenestration of Prague. The fighting still had a long way to go, and at the Battle of White Mountain

  • Gender Still Plays a Role in the Workplace

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    that differences balance out in statistics, things such as majority of teachers are women, and women also have a hold on the entrepreneur side of businesses. The voices that are still screaming come from an audience who feel that women still have a long way to go before achieving a status of total equality. We may just not be being told any information. In Lenny Liebmann's article, "Mending the Gender Gap," he reveals that women earn an average of $18,000 less annually than men. He further reports

  • Juvenile Justice and Correction

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    facilities, and even rules or laws. The juvenile justice system has come a long way, and people have worked very hard in its creation. A juvenile is considered to be an individual, under the age of 18, resembling an adult. However, resembling an adult does not always mean that juveniles will have an adult mindset. Thus, juveniles may need extra attention to help get their lives on track. This paper will analyze various ways involving juveniles and correction facilities and programs. One of the

  • Origins Of Distrust Between Th

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    to the western world. Because of this confusion, the people of the Middle East have been made to suffer, not only at the hands of the west, but also by their own. Even though Arab and western world relations have been stabalizing, they are still long way off from achieving a lasting peace. “The roots of all these problems go back to the settlement imposed on the Middle East in 1918-1922”(Field 26). Since before the start of World War I, there was a great Western presence in the area we know today

  • Messages from Hip-Hop Artists

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    Messages from Hip-Hop Artists Hip-Hop has come a long way in our generation. From time to time an artist or a video gives a positive or negative message to our viewers. There have been many controversial issues that focus’s on what the rapper is trying to put out. Some people may look at the same song or video, but have a different opinion on it. Artists have different outlooks on things in there life such as the rapper Nas. He has a new song titled “I Know I can”. This song gives a positive

  • Personal Ecology

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    cold night air. Wiped clean, nothing to say. Reach inside for a voice, a meaning, the distance between the earth and the moon in its fullness. Which orbits which? For a year I sat in the only seat that was not part of the circle. "Me" is still a long way off. Each stanza seems a step in a different direction. For predictive value I wear my lapis necklace, just now Blackfeet-blessed. Gil will become a soulmate but for the time being he is just there. The one I adore I can barely speak to, can barely

  • Gender Barriers in Athletics

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    when attempting to break into a sport that is not "proper" or stereotypical for their gender to participate in. Though as a society we are making strides towards equality in sport, such as the advent of Title IX, it is clear that we still have a long way to go. Though breakthrough policies such as this are moving in the right direction, other evidence points towards the fact that as a society, we are still more comfortable with women in traditionally female sports such as field hockey as opposed

  • Feminism before the 20th Century

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    The goals of the Women's Movement in the 19th century were to get the vote, to archive equality in property rights, access to education, access to jobs and fair pay, divorce, and children's custody. In spite of a few changes women still where a long way from archiving equality at the end of the 19th century, so the women of the 20th century following in the foot step of their feminist ancestors continued the fight for the total realization of all of these goals. Women fight ... ... middle of

  • Discrimination Against Women in Male Dominated Sports

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    this course, most of the films that have been shown concerned the discrimination women face when they attempt to compete against men in athletic areas that have long been considered unfit for their participation. Divisions of sport that could be regarded as more gender neutral were not mentioned nearly as often as those which have a long tradition of masculine head butting and back slapping, and athletics which are deemed feminine were not brought up at all. If the indignation felt by the protagonists

  • The Powerful Impact of Technology on Education

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    past few years in education. It has also been a blessing to some teachers; giving them more time and helping them find a unique new way to teach their students. Computers can be found in almost every single classroom and children as young as 4 years old have been taught the basic skills on the computer. Funding and new programs for computer teaching have come a long way. In the next few years, hopefully every child will have access to learning all sorts of new concepts on the computer. Several new

  • Perspectivism and Truth in Nietzsche’s Philosophy: A Critical Look at the Apparent Contradiction

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    Perspectivism and Truth in Nietzsche’s Philosophy: A Critical Look at the Apparent Contradiction “There are no truths,” states one. “Well, if so, then is your statement true?” asks another. This statement and following question go a long way in demonstrating the crucial problem that any investigator of Nietzsche’s conceptions of perspectivism and truth encounters. How can one who believes that one’s conception of truth depends on the perspective from which one writes (as Nietzsche seems to

  • Women in Sports and Sports Broadcasting

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    are not many stories about women, there has been a steady progression and magazines like Sports Illustrated are becoming bold enough to highlight women athletes in a magazine that is targeted towards a male audience. Although women still have a long way to go, they are making some headway into the male-dominated sports arena. In a vast amount of the print media I observed, I found that the few stories about women included stories such as Marion Jones' steroid scandal and Chamique Holdsclaw's

  • Oedipus the King: A Classical Tragedy

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    be essentially good, but must bring upon himself his fall, due to a fatal flaw. Were the character not noble, many reason, an audience would not care about the person, and would not really notice his fall - from the street to the gutter is not a long way. In today's society this, of course, has been shown not to be true.  Modern playwrights have proven that an audience certainly can care about less prolific heroes, but in classical literature this rule stands, and all heroes of tragedy were noble

  • Welfare Reform

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    1935. This act and established a number of social welfare programs, each designed to provide support for different segments of the population. Recently Roosevelt’s Social Welfare Program has become a topic of heated debate. Welfare has come a long way since Roosevelt, it was once a system that help those in need until they could get back on their feet, now welfare has turned into a system that feeds money to a group of people that have become to lazy to find work. Talk of replacing the old system