London Bridge Essays

  • Westminster Bridge and London

    1471 Words  | 3 Pages

    composed on Westminster Bridge’ and ‘London’ are created by William Wordsworth and William Blake respectively. Wordsworth’s work originated in the eighteenth century and he himself lived in the countryside, and rarely visited large cities such as London. This is reflected on his poem, making it personal to his experience in London, however William Blake on the other hand had a vast knowledge of London and was actually a London poet, which allowed him to express his views of London from a Londoner’s point

  • The Tower Bridge: The Bridge Around The Thames River Of London, England

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    The Tower Bridge, completed in 1894, is a combined suspension-bascule-draw bridge that spans the Thames River of London, England. Breaking ground in 1884, the bridge strongly embodies Victorian art design, with classical British influences and aspects of the Christian Church. The bridge has since become a symbol of London and the nation itself, being a famous tourist destination for those visiting the United Kingdom, whilst standing as a persona of the massive leap in bridge design and engineering

  • Comparison of London by William Blake and Westminster Bridge.

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    Comparison of London by William Blake and Westminster Bridge. "I wander thro' each chartered street," this is William Blake, walking slowly, almost lost, taking notice of everything he sees around him. By 'chartered' William Blake can mean two different things, he can mean wealthy and prosperous or he can mean streets that are chartered / charted on a map, this is better explained in the next line where he speaks of the 'chartered' Thames, giving us the impression that he is in fact speaking

  • London by William Blake and Upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth

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    London by William Blake and Upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth This essay aims to compare and contrast the differences and similarities between the two poems 'London' and 'Upon Westminster Bridge'. They both create powerful, contrasting images but are both similar in the use of language and exaggeration. The first poem to be commented upon is 'London' by William Blake, written a couple of decades before the second poem written by William Wordsworth. William Blake negatively

  • How London is Portrayed in Composed upon Westminster Bridge and London

    534 Words  | 2 Pages

    How London is Portrayed in Composed upon Westminster Bridge and London William Wordsworth's poem, "Composed upon Westminster Bridge" written in 1904 looks at the positive side of London city and it natural Beauty. Whereas William Blake wrote the poem, "London" in 1794, the poem is negative towards authority and politics. The theme of the two poems is the city of London and how different people preserve it. "All bright and glittering in the smokeless air" (line 8) is a romantic view

  • Comparing William Wordsworth's Composed Upon Westminster Bridge and William Blake's London

    1170 Words  | 3 Pages

    Wordsworth's Composed Upon Westminster Bridge and William Blake's London William Wordsworth and William Blake wrote poems about London, but they presented their views from different angles. Wordsworth sees the beauty in London and Blake sees only the ugliness. William Wordsworth's "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge" gives a step-by-step look at the awe-inspiring beauty of a London sunrise, whereas William Blake's "London" shows the dreary ugliness of London life by taking a stroll down London's

  • In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present

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    In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present two very different. In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present two very different and contrasting views of the same city. William Wordsworth view of London is positive and optimistic. William Blake on the other hand presents a very negative dismal picture of the city. William Wordsworth was born in 1770 and has always had a love of nature. He studied at Cambridge University, which later

  • Blake and Wordsworth's Descriptions of the City in London and Westminster Bridge

    519 Words  | 2 Pages

    Blake and Wordsworth's Descriptions of the City in London and Westminster Bridge The poets Blake and Wordsworth have wrote two opposing poems, which express different opinions of industrial places. I will be comparing the language and attitude expressed by both poets. Blake seems to express extreme dislike towards London, whilst Wordsworth expresses like, and peace in his view towards Westminster Bridge. In the first two lines Blake expresses clear dislike in the way the Thames has been

  • A Comparison of London by William Blake and Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by Wordsworth

    763 Words  | 2 Pages

    Comparison of London by William Blake and Composed Upon Westminster Bridge by Wordsworth The poems are written from two very different perspectives. William Blake's poem London is about a lifetime of London and is very negative he puts London out to be ugly depressing and very much in despair he tells us of prostitutes and very depressed people. Where as William Wordsworth's poem Composed upon Westminster Bridge is very positive. Wordsworth's poem gives out the impression of London as a beautiful

  • London Bridge Armchair

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    The London terrorists mowed the pedestrians down at speed on one portion of the bridge walkway before swerving to the opposite side and running down other people. I don’t know if there has been a ‘steady increase’ in this type of onslaught as you have indicated. Still, I do remember similar type attacks, including some months back on the same bridge. Neither killing, or severely disabling a driver by gunshot guarantees the vehicle will be brought to an immediate stop or the path of the vehicle will

  • A Comparison of London by William Blake, and Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 by William Wordsworth

    1489 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Comparison of London by William Blake, and Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 by William Wordsworth Both "London" by William Blake, and "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802" by William Wordsworth are written about London, and were written within ten years of each other, but both have contrasting views of what they believe London is like. They express their ideas by using different poem styles and techniques. They are both very effective and create vivid

  • Comparing Composed upon Westminster Bridge versus London

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    These two poems are both written about London, one titled 'London' is written by William Blake. The other 'Composed up Westminster Bridge' is written by William Wordsworth. Even though these poems are written on the same setting, they are opposite sides of a coin. 'London' shows the appearance of the city from the position of an onlooker, it shows the suffering of the common man. 'Westminster Bridge' tackles a different view point, it portrays London as the city really is. The rich upper classes

  • Comparing Blake's London, Wordsworth's Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3rd 1802 and Johnson's Inglan is a Bitch

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    Comparing Blake's London, Wordsworth's Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3rd 1802 and Johnson's Inglan is a Bitch Blake's disapproval of changes that happened in his time comes in his poem "London". For instance, the narrator in "London" describes both the Thames and the city streets as "chartered," or controlled by people only interested in making money. He also refers to "mind-forged manacles" whereby he comments on how the authorities try to stop pioneers in such thoughts like

  • William Blake's London and William Wordsworth's Lines Composed on Westminster's Bridge

    1046 Words  | 3 Pages

    eighteenth century, ‘London’ written by William Blake and ‘Lines Composed on Westminster Bridge’ written by William Wordsworth. Both poets were well known during the eighteenth century, Blake was seen to have better understanding of the city, therefore represents his opinions from a Londoners point of view, and on the other hand Wordsworth was more of a country oriented person consequently giving a darker image of London. Surprisingly, they both shared different views on London, yet they lived in the

  • William Wordsworth's Composed Upon Westminster Bridge and William Blake's London

    872 Words  | 2 Pages

    William Wordsworth's Composed Upon Westminster Bridge and William Blake's London In London during the 1800s most poor young children used to get diseases by drinking water from the river Thames. This was because the people of London would throw there waste into it. Many poor children died of a disease called cholera that made them turn blue and spotty; it was carried through infected drinking water in the public water pumps. The lower classes were too poor to buy medicine from the doctors

  • Analysis Of The Shard At London Bridge Tower

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    Summary Also known as The Shard of Glass, London Bridge Tower, The Shard at London Bridge is mixed-use skyscraper used as residential, hotel and office. The tallest skyscraper in London is 244.3 m high with 73 floors above ground and 3 below and has a total gross floor area of 127,489 sq. number of hotel rooms is 202 and only 10 apartments.

  • Contrasting Views of the City of London Presented in William Wordsworth's Poem, Composed Upon Westminster Bridge and William Blake's Poem, London

    989 Words  | 2 Pages

    different forms of poetry, composed in the latter half of the nineteenth century with the city of London at the heart of each piece. However in terms of style and perspective, they differ greatly from each other. The first piece, a sonnet composed by William Wordsworth, one of the most famous writers of the eighteenth century, conveys a sense of celebration for all the triumphs and beauty of London whereas the second piece by William Blake uses his writing to provoke the reader by telling of London’s

  • Compare London and Composed upon Westminster Bridge

    2535 Words  | 6 Pages

    Compare London by William Blake and Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3rd 1802 by William Wordsworth. As a part of my coursework for GCSE English, I will be comparing two poems written about London in nineteenth century. The two poems I have chosen to write about are: 'London' by William Blake and 'Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3rd 1802' by William Wordsworth. Both poems give their own, different accounts of London at around the same period. One is written with a

  • Renzo Piano Analysis

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    known for his phantasmagoric architectural masterpiece, the Shard in London that constitutes a major landmark in α big city like London. Designed in 2000, it is the tallest building in the United Kingdom, while being for a while Europe’s tallest tower. It lost its title to the Mercury City Tower in Moscow in 2012 which is Europe's tallest building. As Renzo Piano said “I don’t believe it is possible to build a tall building in London by extruding the same shape from bottom to top. It would be too small

  • Comparing A London fete and Composed Upon Westminster Bridge

    1417 Words  | 3 Pages

    Comparing A London fete and Composed Upon Westminster Bridge A London fete and composed upon Westminster Bridge. I am going to be comparing two poems in this essay the first poem is London fete which was written by a man called Coventry Patmore this poem is about a hanging that took place and about the effect it had on other people who watched. The second poem is composed upon Westminster bridge by William words worth which is about a man who is standing on a bridge describing the view