Linux distribution Essays

  • Data Acquisition

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    Data Acquisition Data acquisition is the process of copying data. For computer forensics, it’s the task of collecting digital evidence from electronic media. There are two types of data acquisition: static acquisitions and live acquisitions. Static Acquisitions: if you have preserved the original media, making a second static acquisition should produce the same results. The data on the original disk is not altered, no matter how many times an acquisition is done. Your goal when acquiring data for

  • Microsoft Windows Case Study

    731 Words  | 2 Pages

    licensed copy. Linux is completely free and open source so anyone can freely modify a program or file. Some companies allow you to pay for a more complex version of Linux but the original software is still free. Linux has a more difficult learning curve for a person, who does not use a computer much. You may need to research a lot about Linux to understand how to use it. Some distributions like Linux Mint or Ubuntu were structured so that a Microsoft Windows user could easily adapt to a Linux environment

  • Linux Versus Windows NT

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    underlying functionality of each operating system geared towards different networking environments is too broad of a subject to come to a reasonable conclusion. However, one could argue about the advantages and disadvantages pertaining to the Unix based Linux operating system and the infamous Windows NT operating system. I can compare and contrast these two operating systems, but I can’t take a strong stand because it all depends on a number of situations including the different networking environments

  • Comparison of Linux Desktop Environments

    2010 Words  | 5 Pages

    user can sit down and interact. More choices are available because, Linux is coming into the arena with some desktop environments that are just as user friendly as Windows. These will offer as much versatility if not more to allow for some great customization and installation of separate applications. Before discussing the different desktops, a definition of a desktop environment is in order. In the book, The Complete Guide to Linux Administration, Wells defines it by saying “the desktop interface

  • Mr Adam Zyglis Political Cartoon

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    Visual Analysis of the Political Cartoon of Mr. Adam Zyglis' image. In 1983, a Christmas comedy movie was produced and base on a short story about a young kid called Parker, who only wanted a red Ryder gun for Christmas but his Christmas wish was denied by his mother, teacher and even Santa clause, they all said "you'll shoot your eye out." Finally, his father gave him a red Ryder as a present on Christmas. He took his gun outside and shot it at a target set on metal sign, the metal sign reflected

  • A Comparison of Beauty and the Beast with Toy Story

    1224 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Comparison of Beauty and the Beast with Toy Story INTRODUCTION Disney is an excellent example of a Media corporation as it is known worldwide, go any where in the world and ask someone about Mickey Mouse or Daffy Duck and they will know that you are talking about Disney. They have a huge range of advertising and merchandise ranging from children's books and films to holiday resorts and theme parks. The Disney brand appeals to all, children and adults alike. Beauty and the Beast

  • Nt1330 Unit 3 Project Management Research Paper

    2119 Words  | 5 Pages

    three different Linux vendors in regards to their specific server and workstation OS products they offer in the workplace. In addition, I will discuss the price for each vendor, specifications, performance, and reliability. The three vendors I would like to discuss are Arch Linux, Red Hat Enterprise, and Ubuntu. Linux is an operating system that has several distros to choose from. Linux allows the user more control of the system and greater flexibility. As an open operating system, Linux is developed

  • Microsoft Corporation's Hostile Take Over of Red Hat Linux

    4242 Words  | 9 Pages

    Microsoft Corporation's Hostile Take Over of Red Hat Linux Table of Contents I. Executive Summary 3 II. Current Marketing Situation 4 Industry Structure 4 Product/Product Line and Market position. 6 Major Customers and Market Segments Served. 6 Other Products/Product Lines. 7 III Opportunity and Issue Analysis 9 SWOT Analysis. 9 Competitors and Their Strengths and Weaknesses. 11 IV. Objectives 13 Sales Objectives 13 Profit Objectives 13 Customer Objectives 14 V. Marketing

  • The Pros And Cons Of Linux Vs. Windows XP

    1213 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Pros and Cons of Linux versus Windows XP This may be the perfect time to move over to Linux. Windows XP was officially retired as of April 8, 2014. Although we can continue using Windows XP, the two most important factors to consider are 1) there will no longer be security patches released by Microsoft; and 2) they are no longer supporting this product. Additionally, if our XP machines are more than six years old, which we suspect they are, chances are they won 't support the newer Windows releases

  • Compare And Contrast Linux

    1965 Words  | 4 Pages

    Contrast Linux Christopher Varano Professor: Patricia Entesari April 12, 2014 Introduction Linux is a popular and widely used operating system and provides several options for use within business organizations as both a server and a workstation platform. Due to the open-source nature of the operating system there are various organizations who make available a server and a workstation platform along with their own customizations as part of a specific distribution. In order

  • Distressed Property in Holyoke

    1125 Words  | 3 Pages

    innovative use of old property at a time that the solution to the old Mill funk (which is rapidly becoming the “all-America funk”) can be found. I know what I'd want to do with my part of the solution. I'd use that space to start a company selling Linux computers. Why this particular business? I've a tendency to have a one-track mind, which in this case comes in handy. In buying this property, I'd aim for a (temporary) home and a place of work, and a way to help the American economy whilst

  • Linux OS vs Windows OS

    3318 Words  | 7 Pages

    also manage the file in a computer drive and control peripherals, such as printer and scanner. Linux is an OS for PC workstations that fully functional using graphical user interface (GUI). Linux is a Unix-like and POSIX-compliant computer. OS assembled on this platform is under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. Linus Torvalds was defining component of Linux as Linux kernel, the operation system kernel first released on 5th of October 1991. Cross-Platform OS is

  • Linux Operating System

    1085 Words  | 3 Pages

    Linux is a trademark owned by Linus Torvalds [1]. It is an operating system which is powerful, free and inexpensive to own based on UNIX [1]. It is a POSIX-compliant with versions available to install in cell phones, supercomputers and most computing systems [1]. Linux is an open source program as its source code is available to the general public for use and the right to modify from its original design without any charges [1]. New code will be added to the next version made available with Linux

  • Unix Operating System

    1557 Words  | 4 Pages

    The uniqueness of UNIX The features that made UNIX a hit from the start are: • Multitasking capability • Multi-user capability • Portability • UNIX programs • Library of application software • Security 1. Multitasking Capability Many computers do just one thing at a time, as anyone who uses a PC or laptop can attest. Try logging onto your company's network while opening your browser while opening a word processing program. Chances are the processor will freeze for a few seconds while it

  • Analysis Of Linux An Ideal Operating System

    2373 Words  | 5 Pages

    free nature of Linux make it an ideal operating system. However to fully understand why Linux is an ideal operating system analysis of its strengths are needed. The philosophy of freedom is an integral part of the Linux operating system. That must be noted since the belief that Linux should be free as in freedom has been around since its beginnings in 1991(Torvalds & Diamond IX). For better understanding one must pay attention to how the computing community was at the time when Linux was being developed

  • Operating Systems and Standard Operating Environment

    832 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction When desktop computers and Local Area Networks (LAN) appeared in the 1980’s, they were small scale and being somewhat complex they required hands on technical skills, so were acquired in limited quantities. The low cash costs also meant they were often purchased without the approval of senior management. The popularity of computers and LANs grew to the point that some organisations recognised the need to account for the cost of assets and time spent on support. Industry analysts

  • Has Technology Changed Our Lives for the Better or Worse?

    653 Words  | 2 Pages

    What about Technology? Every day I have to press a little button on a small remote controller so the gate at home opens by itself. It seems normal nowadays, but twelve years ago I had to step out of the car to open the gate by myself. I am now 20 years old and I have seen technology flashing through my eyes throughout the years. When I was in primary school I used to play with sand, ride bicycles or create my own games. Internet, smart phones, Facebook and Google were words that did not appeared

  • SQL Attack

    962 Words  | 2 Pages

    1. Introduction Numerous web applications are vulnerable to attack because of unsecure code. Common attacks are SQL injection and XSS. The aim of this project is to identify vulnerabilities in source code, then attack the vulnerabilities, and finally, fix the errors to make the code secure. The input fields in the register and login pages of a basic web application will be used to demonstrate the attacks used. The attacks used in the report are SQL injection and XSS. SQL injection will be fixed

  • Bethesda Greed Essay

    1331 Words  | 3 Pages

    If you listen closely and stay as quiet as possible, you may very well hear the rapid clattering of keyboards and angry rants about Bethesda Softworks' latest blunder in a painfully long and maddening series of mistakes. A series of mistakes that may very well cost them the momentum and fan loyalty that they'll need for their next major release. If I'm not making any sense, that's because Bethesda Softworks has a complicated history with their two main franchises, The Elder Scrolls and Fallout

  • Linux And The Linux Operating System

    739 Words  | 2 Pages

    Linux is an operating system developed by Linus Benedicts Torvalds. The operation system is the key of communication between the software and the hardware. Linux is a free and open-source software1 built around the Linux kernel. The first event leading to its creation is the conception of the UNIX operating system implemented by Ken Thomson and Dennis Ritchie in 1969 and first released in 1970. They rewrote it to make it portable and it became widely adopted, copied and modified by academic institutions