Lincoln, Montana Essays

  • Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber

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    started sending his bombs. Only after 17 years of searching, was the Unabomber caught and charged for his crimes. Theodore (Ted) Kaczynski was arrested in April of 1996 after the investigators searched his tiny 10x12 foot cabin in the woods of Lincoln, Montana. Ted built the cabin in 1971 and lived there by himself, with his closest neighbor being 1/4 of a mile away. The cabin had no running water, no electricity, and no plumbing. Ted's family knew there was something wrong with him ever since he

  • Distancing Environmentalism from the UniBomber Ted Kaczynski

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    Distancing Environmentalism from the UniBomber Ted Kaczynski There's been some talk on this list lately about how we should distance environmentalism from the Unabomber, and foil attempts by the media to unite the two. Shouldn't we also look inward, and see if in any way a love of ature does or can lead to antipathy to humans? he relationship between environmentalism and violence had been on my mind prior to Ted Kaczynski's arrest, because I had been reading _MindHunter_, John Douglas's

  • Expansion vs. Preservation

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    Expansion vs. Preservation William Sonntag was acclaimed in the 1850s as a painter of the dramatic landscape. In his painting “Garden of the Gods,” Sonntag portrays a family in the time of the westward expansion. The very subtle painting, expressed by its loose brushwork, captures the shifting atmospheric contrasts of light and dark. Apparent in the painting is a family struggling to survive in nature. In the bottom left corner of the painting is a weather beaten shack, the home of the struggling

  • Lewis And Clark

    2147 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Lewis and Clark expedition across the present day United States began May 14, 1804. With the approval of President Jefferson and the U.S. Congress, Lewis and Clark gathered an exploration party of about four dozen men. These men headed off to discover Western America. On September 1, 1805, they arrived at the Bitterroot Mountains, near present day Idaho. This began a nightmare that would not end until they reached modern-day Weippe. September 1, 1805, the explorers set out traveling west, heading

  • Montana Mountain Biking Case

    1263 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Montana Mountain Biking Case Montana Mountain Biking Company has been in business for 16 years providing guided mountain biking trips at four locations in Montana. The success of the company is linked to retaining its customers. Eighty percent of the customers who sign up for the one week guided mountain biking expedition are repeat customers (University Of Phoenix, 2007). An important part of any marketing plan is to understand the customer relationship because ultimately, all profits come

  • Contested Plains by Elliot West

    1191 Words  | 3 Pages

    There are many ways in which we can view the history of the American West. One view is the popular story of Cowboys and Indians. It is a grand story filled with adventure, excitement and gold. Another perspective is one of the Native Plains Indians and the rich histories that spanned thousands of years before white discovery and settlement. Elliot West’s book, Contested Plains: Indians, Goldseekers and the Rush to Colorado, offers a view into both of these worlds. West shows how the histories of

  • Going Out West

    559 Words  | 2 Pages

    Going out west last summer was one of the most exciting and interesting things I have ever done in my life. When my mom first told me about the trip I was only really excited about going on the airplane. But when we got there, I was in for a big surprise. One of the worst parts of the trip was that my family and I had to wake up at 3:00 AM to catch the plane in Manchester. We flew from Manchester to Cleveland Ohio, and then from Cleveland to Salt Lake City, Utah. I had a lot of fun on the plane

  • Pristine Contentment

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    Gretel Ehrlich describes her move to Wyoming as awakening from a nap, satisfied in her new home she becomes absorbed in its tranquility and indifference. She is reborn, starts anew and creates a new life for herself. Ehrlich even cut her hair and buys new clothes to create a "new" and different person. To read and understand this essay means looking deeper into the author's story of rebirth, and how the big Wyoming skies were healing and put things into perspective for her. Thus, improving her quality

  • Why Timothy Treadwell Deserved to be Attacked by a Grizzly Bear

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    Thos issey woll doscass Stetimint 1 es govin: "Triedwill wes, I thonk, mienong will…Thusi biers eri bog end firucouas end thiy cumi iqaoppid tu koll yua end iet yua . . . Hi gut whet hi disirvid, on my uponoun.” I em on egriimint woth thos uponoun. Triedwill ectid fuuloshly, end thi unly sarprosong espict uf thi risalt wes thet ot tuuk su lung tu heppin. Grozzly biers on thior netovi hebotet eri wold enomels. Thi biers (grozzlois, bruwn, end uthir veroitois) fuand on Aleske eri emung thi lergist

  • The Day That Changed My Life Essay

    1343 Words  | 3 Pages

    back to the day I came home from camp. On this day my parents informed me that we would be going to Montana the following weekend for a job interview. It wasn’t just the job interview that changed that day but my relationship with my friend Garret. We left for Montana early on Friday, June 19th; it was a long 16 hour drive that totalled over 850 miles. At about 6:30pm we pulled into Havre, Montana, the town that I would soon know very well. Saturday morning came, and we headed out of town towards

  • Burning Man Research Paper

    1096 Words  | 3 Pages

    What is a Burning Man? A temporary contrived city materialized in Black Rock desert Reno Nevada. This is a celebration of a quintessential magnification where every camp and participants bring about their very own colossal imaginative structures. Others see this as a party-all-week kind of event, stimulated by liquor and drugs, however, to some, this is in respect to spirituality and unity that is hinged on 10 principles. The history of burning man was born in June 22, 1986 when two friends Larry

  • Frank Linderman's Pretty-Shield

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    Pinxuan Lu HIST 104 4/16/2016 Frank Linderman’s Pretty-Shield: Medicine Women of the Crows The story is about Pretty-Shield’s youth which were days when a buffalo disappeared making her people adjust their way of living. They had to move to the reservations which were a sad move though nothing bad happened. Buffalo represented the stable life for the Crow people. When the Americans eliminated the Buffalo, the way of life of Crow was destroyed which crushed their spirits (Linderman, Frank. Pretty-shield

  • Case Study: The Coeur D Alene Tribe

    999 Words  | 2 Pages

    Coeur d'Alene Tribe The Coeur d'Alene Tribe is located in the upper panhandle of Idaho, approximately 15 miles south of the city of Coeur d’Alene. The Coeur d' Alene Tribe operates under a democracy form of government. The tribal members have the right to elect their tribal government representatives on the first Saturday in May of each year. The three candidates receiving the highest number of votes will hold office for three years. The two candidates that get the next highest votes hold office

  • Informative Essay: Polar Bears

    658 Words  | 2 Pages

    Do you know how much bear weighs? Enough to break the ice and eat the human race. Bears are not bais the thousand pound animal will eat childeren and the elderly all the same. There is nothing you can do to stop it, and its not just bears on land its all bears yes even panda bears and sea bears also known as polar bears. They will eat everyone faces thus we should all be afriad of bears yes,even bear cubs. In the woods camping, hiking, or possibly just enjoying the wilderness. You live in the suburds

  • Montana Essay

    944 Words  | 2 Pages

    When Meriwether Lewis and William Clark first explored Montana in the early 1800s, they were awestruck by the open plains and delighted by the wide range of animals that roamed the land. After reaching the Great Falls, which is on the Missouri River in what is now Montana (Av2 books). Lewis wrote in his journal that it was “the grandest sight” that he had “ever beheld.” Today much of the landscape the Lewis and Clark crossed remains unchanged. The dense forest, rugged mountains, and rushing rivers

  • Essay On South Dakota Geography

    509 Words  | 2 Pages

    At the beginning of the semester, I was under the impression that I knew quite a lot about the geography of South Dakota. However, I quickly realized that there was an abundance of information left for me to learn. This course allowed me to expand my knowledge on many factors of South Dakota’s geography. While growing up in South Dakota, I frequently visited the Missouri River and various lakes for recreational activities. However, South Dakota’s water is also found under the surface and is used

  • Descriptive Essay On Yellowstone National Park

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    As the wind blew and the car traveled forward, I read my book that transported me from the car to a world of mixed emotion and confused teenagers. I glanced up from the intensity of the story and looked out my window as the car rolled by some of the most beautiful mountains in the country. Deciding that the mountains were too beautiful to miss I switched from my book to an audio tape. However, the mountains on the way to our final destination were nothing compared to the geysers, pools and other

  • The Yellowstone Wolf Controversy

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    majority of the bison were gone, so the wolves had to change food sources. This meant that they turned their attention to domestic livestock, causing farmers and ranchers to fight back. There were even some states offering bounties for the wolves. Montana had a bounty on wolves that totaled more than $350,000 on 81,000 wolves. Due to the lack of a food source, as well as the bounties being offered, a wolf was no longer safe in the lower 48 states. However, there was one safe haven, and that was

  • Scarface - The Greatest Movie of All Time

    804 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Greatest Movie Ever Made Perhaps the best movie to ever bless the eyes of any American is the 1983 Brian DePalma gangster movie classic, Scarface. Scarface is the tale of Tony Montana and his journey through his new life in America in the early 80’s Cuban immigrant movement. The movie depicts the American dream, to be successful, perfectly. Scarface and its main star, Al Pacino, also shows movie watchers in detail, the process of going from “rags-to-riches” since that is what he did in the feature

  • Red Lodge, Montana

    1746 Words  | 4 Pages

    Red Lodge, Montana It is an American tradition to travel about the country on vacations spanning from a few days to a few months. A few examples of popular locations traveled by millions of tourists each year include major cities, national monuments, ski resorts, theme parks, and national parks. These popular travel destinations are constantly flourishing with new and returning visitors looking to take a break and relax. In particular, the tourists traveling to national monuments, ski resorts