Lighting designer Essays

  • Live Theatre: Differences Between Film And Live Theatre

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    of The Tale of the Heike which I saw at the Glenn Hughes Theatre at the University of Washington and the film Chicago 2002 that I watched from the comfort of my dorm room are immense. The acting, the viewing experience, and the design specifically lighting are the most significant differences. I enjoyed the

  • The Effects of Advancements in Lighting on The Theatre Experience

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    performance, the artistic community is constantly victim to the limits of lighting technology, and exponentially altered by breakthroughs. From the utilization of candles and natural light to isolated light and electricity, the histories of illumination and theatre are virtually inseparable, and continue to push the boundaries of live performance. Like any journey, it is necessary to begin with a single step – the evolution of lighting in theatre began with the resources available to the ancient Roman and

  • Theatrical Illumination

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    The Role of Illumination Theatrical lighting has undergone significant changes from its first utilization to modern application. Illumination is essential to the theatrical experience we are familiar with. When the lights come up, the mood is set. Lighting in a performance context manipulates the audience's attention to focus on what the director has deemed important. When an actor or space is no longer an integral part the lights around them dim, dismissing that component and refocusing on what

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Case Study

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    tactics used within residential design, how universal design effects residential design, what autism is and how to appropriately design for someone on the spectrum. Through the research conducted I will gain a better understanding of how I as the designer can translate my research

  • Interior Design: The Process Of The Interior Design Process

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    process of designing, or see the importance of it. Interior designers are fully equipped to know and execute the design process for clients to assure an attractive space that is capable of working to all the specifications of the client. With an interior designer on board, the client is relieved of the

  • impact of Natural light on human health, mood and behavior

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    natural lighting always had a huge impact on these attributes? If that is the case, why is that natural lighting not considered as a principal factor in every design now? Has artificial lighting put natural lighting on the back foot in every design ? These are some of the questions this paper addresses and tries to understand the role of natural light from the past and how that has evolved into the present. Natural lighting has

  • Stages in Making a Good Design

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    extraordinary room design, there are four main stages that the designer needs to undergo; these stages are programming, design development, construction document and installation. The first stage to make a good design is called programming (Pile 138). This is the time where the designer meet with the client. The client is the one who must tell the designer about their request and requirements for their desired room. It is also very important for the designer to ask some necessary questions to their clients,

  • The Art of the Designer

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    The Art of the Designer The art of the designer is either shown as an important feature in the setting of the play or is noticed through looking out of place. The main features the designer has to concentrate on are: The costume-which the character has to wear, if it reflects the individuals personality e.g. red lipstick- confident. Set Design- If the items co-ordinate with one another e.g. floor tiles green and back cloth red, these two colours clash with one another. The way the room

  • Starbucks' Logo and Branding

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    representation: the logo. Even considering the relatively low level of advertising done by such a large company, the omnipresent storefronts and ubiquitous coffee cups have exposed us all to the logo countless times. While one would assume the logo designers had no idea how many people would eventually see their work, it is obvious a lot of thought went into its design. This is apparent not just in the elements included and their symbology which will be tackled later on, but also the placement of everything

  • Wedding Reception Lighting Essay

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    Reception Lighting is an essential aspect of wedding reception décor. Proper lighting helps to create add color and mood to the reception. If the reception is during the day then there is no concern for lightings. Ample of natural lights are available at outdoor wedding locations. On the contrary wedding receptions at night requires proper lightings that should last till the reception ends. Once the venue of the outdoor wedding reception is fixed, contact the Wedding lighting designer or enquire

  • The Evolution of the Wall Sconce

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    so the torch could be used to enhance the lighting on certain objects in the room. Although it is apparent that the technology behind sconces has developed over time, a closer look will reveal how the progression has affected interior spaces. During the time of cultural precedents all the way to the Antiquity period that ended in the late 2nd century, fire was the primary source of light. Maintained by torches, candles, and lamps, the variety of lighting was very small and served primarily as a source

  • Design and Lighting

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    very important to consider and study the lighting factor in design to create a comfortable environment. Also since we spend most time indoors, one must design for natural light to be brought into the suitable spaces to not have a lack of naturalness and lightness especially during the daytime. It is inarguable that lighting is not easy to diffuse with design in order to create a comfortable environment. Different spaces have different complexities in lighting them, but usually living spaces such as

  • Careers in Acoustic and Audio Equipment Design

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    an ‘art’ side and a ‘science’ side to them. Acoustic designers create the plan for performance spaces like concert halls as well as recording studios, and any other space that needs to provide a quality listening environment. They may also be involved in specifying equipment to provide sound reinforcement in the venue. Some acoustic design firms offer a full range of services, which may include site analysis, interior design, lighting, power and HVAC systems, wire management, budgeting, construction

  • Philippe Starck

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    everyday kind of detail. His design achievements include an electric mix of everyday domestic items, lighting and furniture to more flamboyant interior design projects, making him an industrial design genius and often referred to as “The Designer of Our Time” Biography: Born on January 18th 1949, Philippe Starck’s upbringing in Paris plays a great influence on him as a successful and diverse designer. Paris is one of the most design conscious and design consumed areas of the world; growing up here

  • Essay On Lighting

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    “A designer’s perspective on the use of lighting to manipulate mood within commercial and domestic interior design.” Through my research and writing, I would like to be able to conclude various techniques used, to manipulate mood within a space, in relation to lighting. Over the years, research has been conducted to deduce what sort of lighting should be used in specific locations rather than others, depending on the mood altering necessities of a space. There are many principles I had not previously

  • The LED Lighting Industry and Construction

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    There are an abundance of applications available for LED lighting. Some of these include: LEDs in Industry: Industrial sized buildings such as an airport/factory are running lights for 24 hours 7 days a week. This means that the electricity usage is very high. The fact that the ceilings in these large industrial buildings are very high means that light maintenance procedure is timely therefore costly. Not to mention the cost involved in the replacement of the bulbs themselves. The use of LED lights

  • Importance Of Energy Efficiency In Building

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    INTRODUCTION Introduction and background This research paper is an attempt to study the energy efficient technologies and the role of day lighting in making a building energy efficient . The use of energy in buildings has increased in recent years due to the growing demand in energy used for lighting, heating and cooling in buildings. Without energy buildings could not be operated or inhabited. A combination of higher energy prices, skyrocketing demand for electricity and deepening environmental

  • Essay On Retrofits

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    thought of. CONCLUSION In this chapter, the theory of retrofitting, its benefits and its overall methodology has been discussed. A service-wise detailed methodology for carrying out retrofitting of a building for energy conservation, for helping the designer understand the processes of implementation of retrofit measures in an existing building. This can be followed up by a detailed study of the various retrofitting techniques, which has been discussed in following chapter.

  • Jaguar

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    the Halewood plant is dedicated to producing the new Jaguar X' Type. This is a car for the 21st century. It has been developed as a result of feedback from a massive global consumer research programme. The programme has ensured that the car's designers, engineers and marketers remain in tune with the needs and expectations of potential customers at every stage in the car's development. Developing the site In January 1960, Ford bought the 1390 hectare greenfield site in Halewood from Liverpool

  • Classroom Design Research Paper

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    Why are you interested in designing a LATIClassroom? For the last two years, I watched my best-friend, Amber Hull, design a LATIClassroom with excitement and passion. It’s refreshing to listen to her talk about educational programs that she is working on with her students. It makes me want to design a classroom that offers students a variety of choices. At first, I hesitated with some of the ideas in regards to offering choice because it seemed like a logistical nightmare. Then, I tried some of