Leeds United A.F.C. Essays

  • Leanne Teirnan Case Study

    690 Words  | 2 Pages

    Leanne Teirnan, a sixteen year old female of Bramely, Leeds, in West Yorkshire, Britain disappeared Sunday, November 26th, 2000 around 5pm. Commuting back from her friends house after Christmas shopping, Leanne decided to travel through a dimly lit, public walkway known as Houghley Gill, only a mile from her house. She often used this pathway as a shortcut to get home from her friends house. Little did the teenagers know, this would be the last time they would ever see each other again. Meanwhile

  • Taking A Look At Tiernan's Murder Investigation

    954 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sunday, November 26, 2000 was the last time Leanne Tiernan was seen alive. Tiernan, a young 16 year old schoolgirl, went missing about a mile from her home in Bramley, Leeds, UK. After a day of Christmas shopping with her friend Sarah Whitehouse, Tiernan took a shortcut home alone and walked through a desolate and dark path locally known as Houghley Gill. Leanne reportedly had disappeared around 5pm. A search quickly ensued, involving the searching of over 1000 properties and the draining of a 3-mile

  • The Premier League

    2114 Words  | 5 Pages

    The numbers involved in The Premier League (PL) are impressive and the season once again demonstrated power of this industry, such as 13.6m supporters attending games, allowing the previous record of attendances to be beaten, with a 95,3% of stadium occupancy. “The Premier League has known the world over.... for its passion... as the atmosphere in the grounds... I will miss all of it” , said by Alex Ferguson. It was a season of innovation with the approval of Goal-Line Technology and the season