Kraftwerk Essays

  • The Impact of Digital Technology on the music and sound recording inductry

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    This article will focus on the early and pioneering development of new and emergent sounds and music recording formats and their impact on the earlier analogue music industry. Through this historical research and analysis, the paper will report on how the early digital music pioneers applied these new technologies, techniques and procedures in the production of music and sound. Analogue Being Replaced by digital Digital recordings are made with ones and zeros, while analogue recordings are made

  • Kraftwerk Essay

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    KraftWerks Kraftwerks USA specializes in superchargers and offer the most advanced supercharger on the market. At the supercharger kit’s core is their patented Rotrex traction drive supercharger. They have developed a lighter weight quiet and cool operation with shaft speeds that exceed 200,000 RPMs. There is no other forced induction method that compares. You get reduced emissions, transient response and unmatched performance and efficiency. They have designed their supercharger to deliver gains

  • Workplace Soup Club

    840 Words  | 2 Pages

    Healthier Work Winter 2017 newsletter Workplace soup clubs Have you thought of having a ‘soup club’ at your workplace? Soup has long been a favourite during the colder months. There is a vast range of delicious seasonal vegetables to try, which means you can pack your soups full of fresh, nutrient-packed ingredients. Hosting a workplace soup club is an ideal way to share your favourite recipes with others and to try something new while having a great excuse to socialise with colleagues. Healthier

  • Analysis Of The EFQM Model

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    Executive summary This report will provide in depth research and knowledge based on the EFQM Model. This report is about providing the CEO of the Squire Hotel Group with trustworthy and reliable information on whether they should use the EFQM Model in order to improve their organisational performance. Also giving examples of organisations in the same sector that use the EFQM Model and how it has helped them. While carrying out research for this report there has been a range of different methods

  • Synth Pop Essay

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    Thanks to their innovative work, recording techniques and the use of sampling, many popular artists have been affected. Like Kraftwerk, they’re also still active. Their album Violator, seventh in the order, has not only brought them probably the most fame out of every other album they‘ve made but was also named by fans as one of the top three that the band has ever created. Synth

  • Detroit Techno: Evolution and Impact on Electronic Music

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    is seen as the foundation upon which a number of subgenres have been built. In Detroit, techno resulted from the melding of African American music including Chicago house, funk, electro, and electric jazz with electronic music by artists such as Kraftwerk, Giorgio Moroder, and Yellow Magic Orchestra. Stylistically, techno is generally repetitive instrumental music, often produced for use in a continuous DJ set. Many producers use retro electronic musical devices to create what they consider to be

  • The Relationship Between Electro And Rap

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    sound was only part of the instrumentation. Following the decline of disco music in the United States, electro emerged as a fusion of funk and New York boogie. Early hip hop and rap combined with German and Japanese electropop influences such as Kraftwerk

  • The History Of Electronic Music

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    When you listen to music on the radio in your car or on your iPod, it’s very likely that you’re listening to some form of electronic music. For example, genres such as pop or rap often use electronic sounds. Electronic music plays a part in the majority of what we listen to today. However, you may be asking yourself: where did it come from? What led it to crawl out of humble studios with primitive machinery, to escape from the harsh criticism of those who preferred more classical methods of composition

  • The Definition Of Electronic Dance Music

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    traced back all the way to the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Electronic music before the 1960’s was primary experimental, but early examples of electronic dance music include Jamaican dub, disco music of Giorgio Moroder and the electronic music of Kraftwerk in the

  • The Use of Electronic Technology in 20th and 21st Century Music

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    The Use of Electronic Technology in 20th and 21st Century Music In this essay, I have examined the use of electronic technology within 20th and 21st Century music. This has involved analysis of the development and continuing refinement of the computer in today’s music industry, as well as the theory of the synthesiser and the various pioneers of electronic technology, including Dr. Robert Moog and Les Paul. Also within the essay, I have discussed the increasing use of computers in the

  • The Tomorrow Land Festival in Belgium

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    TomorrowLand is a festival that’s held in Belgium annually. To put in perspective its popularity, it sells its capacity of tickets, 180,000, in less than an hour. Tomorrowland is arguably the most popular festival in the world. I’m going to discuss Tomorrowland’s transition to America and its effect on the American culture and musical trends. Tomorrowland debuted in Boom, Belgium, August 14th, 2005. The festival was founded by Manu and Michiel Beers, featuring up and coming electronic or EDM artists

  • Nirvana, Music and the Industry

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    Hard as it may be to believe, it has been MANY years since Nirvana's release of Nevermind, the album that most people who still could be referred to as Generation X-ers consider the seminal alternative rock LP of all time. Nirvana's crunching guitars and mangled lyrical stylings may not have the lasting artistic influence of, say, Bach, but for many people the band's widespread commercial and critical success marked a key turning point in radio rock n' roll. The slickly produced, monotonous and insipid

  • The Coachella Music and Arts Festival

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    If someone were to ask people ever wanted to see almost every artist from any genre of music in one place? Of course, anyone would say yes, because most people haven't been to an event like the huge one that happens in California each year. This is an event many people save up all year to attend just maybe once in their life time. The Coachella Music and Arts Festival, it is one of the most talked about festivals that this generation knows about. It is like a whole new world for most people each

  • The History and Future of Cyborgs

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    the sci-fi fiction novel 'Cyborg' in 1978, later adapted in the 1973 television series "The six million dollar man". In this time, music also played a role in the popularizing the Cyborg - with an entire generation being familiar with the term. Kraftwerk (1981). “ComputerWorld”; Billy Idol (1993). “Cyberpunk”; The Prodigy (1995). "Music For The Jilted Generation"; Underworld (2007). "Oblivion With Bells". Mark Weiser coined the phrase "ubiquitous computing" in 1988 as he envisioned computers embedded

  • A Look into House Music

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    A Look into House Music House music was first and foremost, the direct descendant of "Disco". Many older and wiser Chicago, New York and New Jersey House dj's will agree with me on this. They will acknowledged that fact that it was due to New York's, huge Disco club and music scene that helped to create the music of House and Garage and its culture within Chicago, Usa. Frankie Knuckles, the acknowledged "godfather" of Chicago house, got his start as a Dj via Manhattan, New York, Usa. Whilst there