Kirsten Haglund Essays

  • Beauty Pageants: The Damaging Effects Of Beauty Pageants

    2387 Words  | 5 Pages

    Damaging Effects of Beauty Pageants One would believe that a life of glamorous hair and make-up, beautiful gowns, and sparkling tiaras would be every young girls dream, unfortunately, for numerous, this dream often turns into a nightmare. In today’s world, little girls are being subjected to the world of pageantry. Beauty pageants in America have seemed to multiply over the years. Now, these pageants are so popular with little girls. They will do anything and everything they can to do pageants. Although

  • The Mise-en-Scene in the Film Marie Antoinette Directed by Sofia Coppola

    757 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Marie Antoinette” (2006) directed by Sofia Coppola is a drama/comedy, that is centered on the life of the notorious Queen of France, in the years leading up to the French Revolution. Coppola’s film style was very modern avant garde. The film focuses on Antoinette point of view throughout all her adventures and difficulties. She was the character with whom the viewer identified with the most, her observation were the most important (aside from the audience). Therefore there were many close ups and

  • Patriotism in Spiderman Movies

    952 Words  | 2 Pages

    The portrayal of the feelings of the general public is constantly used in film to stir the audience. If the filmmaker can rouse their feelings, people will be more engrossed in the movie than they would be otherwise. What is arguably the strongest emotion in many people is the feeling of patriotism. As George Bernard Shaw said, “Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it.” Though this feeling is not necessarily based on logic, it

  • Film Review Mona Lisa Smile

    1056 Words  | 3 Pages

    conservative students who firmly believe a woman's only role is to be a wife and mother. The girls were more interested in nabbing a good husband than achieving scholastic and intellectual growth. The main characters were; catty but well brought-up Betty (Kirsten Dunst), potential graduate student Joan (Julia Stilies), insecure Connie (Ginnifer Goodwyn) and campus slut Giselle (Maggie Gyllenhaal). All of the women in the film were defined by their relationsh... ... middle of paper ... ...essor of Italian

  • Kristen Gillibrand: A Champion for New York State

    735 Words  | 2 Pages

    Now serving as the Junior Senator of New York State, Kristen Gillibrand has been dedicated to making New York a place that her constituents can be proud of. Throughout her variety of careers, Gillibrand has served New Yorkers in a variety of ways, including her work as an intern, attorney, House of Representatives member, and now in her role as a United States Senator. She served as the House of Representatives member for New York’s 20th congressional district, which consists of the capital region

  • Eating disorder in Egypt

    604 Words  | 2 Pages

  • Beauty Pageants: The Objectification Of Perceptions In Beauty Pageants

    1633 Words  | 4 Pages

    OBJECTIFICATION IN BEAUTY PAGEANTS Normally, beauty pageant competitions focus on the skills, appearance and techniques of people who were competing. On the other hand, beauty pageant proponents argue that this competition promotes beauty with purpose, in contrast to that, the opponents of beauty pageants said that it is more of the objectification of its candidates. Negative comments still exists against the authenticity of beauty pageants. For people and other individuals have different perceptions