Kevin Durant Essays

  • Essay On Kevin Durant

    644 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kevin Durant was born just outside of the nation's capital in Suitland, Maryland, on September 29, 1988. He was one of four children of Wanda and Wayne Pratt. (“Kevin Durant”) Durant grew up loving sports with his sister, Brianna, and two brothers, Anthony (also a basketball player) and Rayvonne. Barbara, his grandmother was present during his childhood and she was very influential. She continuously mentioned that Durant’s height was a blessing, Even though schoolmates teased him for always

  • Kevin Durant Essay

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    The word basketball and Kevin Durant go together naturally. Nicknamed The Second Coming, The Durantula, KD, and K-Dog , Durant is an American basketball player who has risen to become one of the top players in the NBA in a very short time period (Doedon). As you will see, hard work and persistence demonstrated by this scoring superstar are powerful forces, even in the face of obstacles. Born on September 29, 1988 in Suitland, Maryland, Kevin Wayne Durant is a high profile basketball

  • Essay On Kevin Durant

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    Kevin Durant has had many obstacles to overcome, before becoming an influential pro basketball player for the Golden State Warriors. Kevin’s roadblocks in his career consist of family issues, bully’s, and big changes. Kevin Durant has turned all of those negative impacts in his life into the reasons, why, he should keep striving. Durant is now a well-known role-model for all upcoming basketball players. Kevin Durant was born in Suitland, Maryland, on September 29,1988. Kevin was the second

  • The Economic and Social Impacts of the Oklahoma City Thunder

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    In overtime, behind and with little time on the clock Oklahoma City’s Russell Westbrook sinks an off balanced three and pushes the Thunder past the Golden State Warriors 113-112. This happened on November 29th, 2013 but 9 years prior this was all a dream of the people in Oklahoma City. It all started on August 29, 2005 when hurricane Katrina released hell on New Orleans. Most of New Orleans was destroyed by flood waters. This caused the New Orleans Hornets to temporarily relocate to Oklahoma City

  • Kevin Durant: Basketball Player

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    over Kevin Durant, because, he has played a dominant role in carrying the Thunder Basketball team and represents Oklahoma City in a great way. Kevin Durant has been a huge impact on the court and in the public as he soars for the dunk from the free-throw line to amaze the crowd, he also volunteers at various organizations and remains humble despite his numerous accolades such as, three time NBA scoring champion, rookie of the year, and helped Team USA win the gold medal at the Olympics. Kevin Durant

  • Kevin Durant Informative Speech

    788 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kevin Durant When Kevin Durant won the MVP award in two thousand fourteen he said this as a part of his speech, “Dear Mom, We weren’t supposed to be here. You made us believe. You kept us off the streets, put clothes on our backs, food on the table. When you didn’t eat you made sure we ate. You went to sleep hungry. You sacrificed for us. You’re the real MVP.” I will write about a man who went through a lot to be the great basketball player that he is today. Kevin Durant was born September twenty

  • Kevin Durant Informative Speech

    523 Words  | 2 Pages

    guy.” Kevin Durant…The one and only Kevin Durant, one of the best basketball players in the world. If you think different I don't know what basketball you have been watching. Its unbelievable that he has been playing so long and since he started he was one of the best and he still is one of the best. Who is Kevin Durant First of all, Kevin Durant is a professional basketball player. Kevin Durant has a nickname and it’s KD. Kevin Durant also has shoes and I have some of them. Kevin Durant is

  • Kevin Durant Research Paper

    1294 Words  | 3 Pages

    Kevin Durant, born September 29, 1998, to Wanda and Wayne Pratt in a small county a short distance from Washington D.C. called PG County. His father left the family before his 1st birthday and did not return until Kevin was about 13 years old. Kevin kept his mom’s maiden name because his dad was not in the picture. When Durant was young, he lived with his mom and older brother. “You had my brother when you were 18 years old. Three years later, I came out. The odds were stacked against us. Single

  • Kevin Durant Rhetorical Essay

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    When you’re not handed things in life, it’s very easy to look at yourself in the mirror and say, “What did I do to deserve this?” Or, “There’s nothing I can do to make it out of this scenario.” Kevin Durant did the complete opposite of that. With all odds stacked against him, he went from zero to hero by using his limitations as fuel to maximize his potential. He would end up not only making it to the NBA but also becoming the league MVP in 2014. Through his MVP speech, he was able to change many

  • Informative Speech On Kevin Durant

    560 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Kevin Durant once said “you’re the real mvp” in 2014 when talking about his mom after winning the Most Valuable Player award in the NBA. Everyone in here has someone who they’ve exalted and has been the mvp in their life. I can relate to Kevin Durant and probably many of you in the fact that, my mom was mvp in my life. In the next couple of minutes I am going to talk about how my mom has impacted me to be a better person and help others. Body I consider my mom the most valuable player

  • Kevin Durant Vs LeBron James

    697 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kevin Durant was right up in LeBron James’ face, guarding him the best he could. Ten seconds left now as LeBron starts to drive. Kevin stays right on him and forces an off balance shot and snacthed the rebound. Five seconds left as Durant pounds the ball up the court with LeBron hot on his tail. Three seconds left now as Durant starts to pull up for a mid-range jumper. One second left and Kevin Durant is at the highest point of his jump. He smoothly releases the ball but, out of no where LeBron blocks

  • Eulogy for Friend

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    Eulogy for Friend The last time I saw my friend Kevin, was at his wedding in 1997. He was always a late bloomer, (Kevin had been the last of my friends to date), and we were all delighted to see him married for the first time at 44. After years of delay and false starts, his marriage to Diana gave us all the sense that he was finally on his way. I remember the first time I saw him, entering my second grade class, gangly even then, all arms and legs and elbows akimbo. Years later, those elbows

  • A Deadly Realization

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    seat across from my friend Kevin. "What's up, I heard we have an assembly this morning." "Yeah, I think two juniors got in an accident last night, but I heard they're all ok." I jokingly responded, "Well, at least periods are shorter." He gave me a tiny smirk, silently telling me we shouldn't be laughing over such a horrible thing. The bell rang, and first period ended. Dr. Hayward the principal came over the loudspeaker, "All students please report to the auditorium." Kevin and I got up, and joined

  • A Comparison Of Two Versions Of Hamlet, Lawrence Olivier's Hamlet

    548 Words  | 2 Pages

    Compare/Contrast Kevin Klein's Hamlet, Lawrence Olivier's Hamlet and Mel Gibson's hamlet         Hamlet is one of the best known pieces of literature around the world, and has fascinated many people from all walks of life, from critics to psychologists.  There has been much speculation to the different interpretations of the play.  Every reader has his or her own views of the play, like which words are emphasized in a speech and what actions the actors are making throughout

  • Kevin Mitnick

    979 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kevin Mitnick Hacking has been around since the birth of computers. When the term hacking was first used, its meaning was not that of how we think of it today. At the origins of computing, a hacker was considered to be just a "creative programmer (Baase, 2003)." Early forms of computer games as well as the beginnings of operating systems were discovered and created by these original hackers. These hackers plunged into systems as a way of an intellectual challenge and to aspire to gain knowledge

  • The Sun Dog by Stephen King

    1204 Words  | 3 Pages

    by the name of Kevin Delevan. The antagonists in this story are the owner of the store where the camera was bought, and the dog that appears in the pictures taken by the main character. Some of the other characters that were in the story are, his father Mr. Delevan, his mother Mrs.. Delevan, his sister Meg Delevan, the owner of the store where the camera was bought Pop Merrill. That is about all of the important characters in the book. Theme: The story starts out with Kevins birthday party

  • Best Man Wedding Speech

    1339 Words  | 3 Pages

    silver lining does have A cloud, and that is that you've all got to listen to me for the next 5 minutes. I'd just like to thank Kevin on behalf of the bridesmaids for his kind words I think you will all agree that they have done a fantastic job today and look absolutely beautiful. I'd also like to thank everyone for coming today to celebrate the marriage of Kevin and Lisa. Personally I wish you'd all stayed at home so I didn't have to do this!! First of all, I want to say a little bit about

  • Devils Advocate

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    The film starts out in Gainesville, Florida. As successful lawyer, Kevin Lomax, has never lost a case. During his trial defending an alleged child molester in the form of a math teacher, he suddenly is caught up in the whole intriguing plot of the movie, that the firm Milton, Chadwick and Waters, a powerful firm in New York asks him to come down to help select a jury. After, he and his wife are treated to luxury on that visit, Kevin is offered a job with the firm based on his talent. He was given all

  • Children of the Forest by Kevin Duffy

    1210 Words  | 3 Pages

    "Children of the Forest" by Kevin Duffy "Children of the Forest" is a narrative written by Kevin Duffy. This book is a written testament of an anthropologist's everyday dealings with an African tribe by the name of the Mbuti Pygmies. My purpose in this paper is to inform the reader of Kevin Duffy's findings while in the Ituri rainforest. Kevin Duffy is one of the first and only scientists to have ever been in close contact with the Mbuti. If an Mbuti tribesman does not want to be found,

  • Black Hawk Down - Summary of the book as written by Mark Bowden

    2108 Words  | 5 Pages

    Black Hawk Down - Summary of the book as written by Mark Bowden It was mid-afternoon on October 3, 1993. There were approximately 160 men eagerly awaiting the signal to proceed. Matt Eversmann sat waiting in Super Six Seven, a Black Hawk helicopter. He noticed that things were being done differently from the other setups, which had been false. This time they were packing more ammo and the commander had come out to see them off. The troops were being sent in because warlords were allowing