John Steuart Curry Essays

  • "A Social History of the State of Missouri" By Thomas Hart Benton

    1428 Words  | 3 Pages

    Thomas Hart Benton was an American Regionalist artist famous for his striking murals, including his provocative wall painting located in the Missouri State Capital building’s House Lounge room entitled A Social History of the State of Missouri. Benton finished this mural in the year of 1936, many people, including citizens and legislators alike What I see when I look at this large piece of work is the different painted scenes telling the accounts of Missouri’s history and along with a few images

  • The Grant Wood: The Regionalism Movement

    1089 Words  | 3 Pages

    the modernism and impressionism movements. Artists such as Andrew Wyeth took what they have seen on a daily basis and made beautiful art out of it. Grant Wood started the movement that would be followed by greats such as Thomas Hart Benton, John Steuart Curry, and Andrew Wyeth. All four of these artists have a piece

  • Grant Wood

    1028 Words  | 3 Pages

    Grant Wood I recently took a trip to the Jocelyn Art Museum. There they had many great painting in the permanent art collection. One that caught my eye, which I had seen many times before, but never knew any thing about, was a painting called Stone City, Iowa , which was created by Grant Wood in 1930. This painting is oil on wood panel and is 30 ¼ X 40 inches. Grant Wood is a famous philosopher who was born in February in the year 1891 in Anamosa, Iowa. Wood was born to Quaker parents on a

  • Gender Roles In Kate Chopin's Literary Work

    1604 Words  | 4 Pages

    “Gender is constructed in individual, interactional, and structural ways to create environmental constraints and opportunities that usually benefit men more than women. Gender does not, however, affect families' lives in isolation” (Blackstone 335). So, do gender roles affect everyday people? The literary and art movement? Both of these questions have a simple answer, yes. What scholars and erudites have a hard time answering is why. Maybe because there is no reason why, or society should not question