Jilin Essays

  • Statement Of Purpose In Electronic Engineering

    988 Words  | 2 Pages

    excellent electronic engineers are a group of gifted and imaginative talents who bravely explore and innovate, change the world with passion and innovation. I have always dreamed of becoming one of them. For realizing this dream, I started from China 's Jilin University and then joined The University of Manchester for BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering to take more advanced professional courses. In UoM, I managed to gain GPA of 4.0. Yet, my pursuit of the dream does not end there, since I plan to apply

  • My Reasons for Applying to the ALT Position with JET.

    575 Words  | 2 Pages

    The main reason I have chosen to apply for an ALT position with JET is that attaining this position would facilitate the accomplishment of three of my short-term goals, to learn Japanese, reach a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and find employment in Japan. There are many reasons I have these goals but the most important one is that my fiancée is Japanese. It’s important for me to be familiar with her culture, because this is an essential aspect of who she is. Japanese fluency will be critical

  • Plastic Use Of Plastic

    766 Words  | 2 Pages

    In many parts of the world, there is an increasingly large number of plastic products. According to Sharon Jacobsen’s research, nearly 500 billion plastic bags are consumed worldwide annually. This means an average person uses 83 plastics every day (1951). However, we are using plastics without concern and understanding of their impacts on our environment and our health. To begin with, what are plastics? Claire Le Guern Lytle defined plastics as polymers, long chain molecules that comprise of

  • Real Estate Market In Dubai

    835 Words  | 2 Pages

    ACADEMIC LITERATURE: Billions of dollars have been spent on building the astonishing city of Dubai. Real estate construction worth billions of dollar is complete or is in the process of completion. It is a product of combined strategies of local businesses and innovative marketing. The projects include hotels, offices, entertainment complexes and huge shopping malls. The construction of landmark buildings and the city’s love for superlatives has placed it on the world’s property map. A big catalyst

  • Analysis: The Mending Project

    1071 Words  | 3 Pages

    “The Mending Project” by Chinese-born artist, Beili Liu, is a performance art and installation project. This project was held on February 26, 2011 at the Women and Their Work gallery in Austin Museum Of Art, Texas, USA. The installation consists of hundreds of Chinese scissors suspended from the ceiling in a shimmering cloud, pointing downwards. The project involves the artist sits in front of a small black table beneath the countless sharp blades of the scissors performs an on-going simple task

  • Holden Caulfield Mental Illness

    1001 Words  | 3 Pages

    Though we are members of one single society, viewing it through the lens of our own personal perspective results in different judgments to be drawn about it. Such judgments may subconsciously mandate our attitude upon the world. This notion is evident in J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, where the main protagonist Holden Caulfield is a teenager with a pessimistic connotation of the society he believes is deeply submerged in phoniness. This opinionated nature of his is reflected off through

  • Harbin: The Capital of Heilogjang Province in Horthestern China

    982 Words  | 2 Pages

    Harbin lies along the Songhua River near the edge of the Songnen Plain in the southern part of Heilongjiang province. It is bordered by the Yichun, Qitahe, Jiamusu and Suihua prefectures to the north, Daqing to the west and Mudanjiang prefecture and Jilin province to the south. Harbin’s climate is classified as mid-temperate continental monsoon which is characterized by hot humid summers and very cold winters (with little precipitation) that can last up to 5 months of the year. Overnight temperatures

  • The Second Sino-Japanese War

    1366 Words  | 3 Pages

    natural resources, Japan tried to increase by robbing resources from other countries. Japan used the conquered Manchuria as a launching base for their troops. Manchuria was an enormous region that consisted of three provinces- Liaoning in the south, Jilin in the middle and Heilongjiang in the north. In 1905, when Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese war, Russia, which used Manchuria for business and industrial purposes, was forced to surrender its Kwantung leasehold to the Japanese. This leasehold

  • China's One Child Policy Analysis

    1992 Words  | 4 Pages

    Imagine a time where the world would be prohibited of birthing more than one child per couple. It is no secret that this has been practiced where the one child policy was intact in the country China. As human beings, we are often accustomed to reproduce at least once in our lifetime, some more than others. As a result of the one child policy, China has had its positives and negatives population wise. It can be predicted that if the one child policy were to be implemented in other countries, it would

  • Persuasive Speech On Amur Leopards

    2875 Words  | 6 Pages

    ENTERTAINMENT SPOTLIGHT TV WILD AUSTRALIA Famous for its dangerous predators, arid landscape, unique indigenous art, culture, and remarkable reefs, it feels as though everything on Australia has been said and done. This new four-part series on Nat Geo Wild however, endeavors to show the continent in a new light. In this visual extravaganza, Wild Australia will document the lives of the nation’s most iconic – and secretive – animals. From the brightly colored cassowary to Australia’s beloved tree-kangaroo

  • The Study of Public Sphere in Modern China

    3270 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction As we all know, recently China is the fastest growing developing country in the world, under this situation; people in China are more concerned about the development of public awareness, which stand for the individual freedom thinking and civic consciousness. With prompting citizens to identify themselves with public linked together, in interaction with others, discussions, negotiations universality found consensus and common values is the process of public awareness, and at the same

  • China´s Healthcare System

    3271 Words  | 7 Pages

    The new epoch in China’s history of 20th century, and in particular for China’s health care system is considered early 1980-es, just after the free market economy reform was introduced in the country. To understand what the impacts of these reforms on health care system were, it is necessary to have a brief overview of the health system, which was operating before market-economy reform in the country. During the so called “planned economy period” of China from 1949-1978 every person had an equal

  • The Great Wall Of China Analysis

    3294 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction The Great Wall of China is an internationally identifiable emblem and is a pervasive parable that is used to demarcate modern China’s national character, political attitudes, history and culture. The Great Wall is an immense man-made structure that has stood the test of time and much like the centuries’ old Chinese culture. It has also come to symbolize the rich history of the Chinese people and indication of their strength and ability as a nation. The Wall inspires admiration from other