It's Time Essays

  • Graduation Speech: It's Time to Say Goodbye

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    are and who we will eventually become. Celebrate this milestone greater than all the others, for it is the time we have spent here in our high school careers that will always be held close to heart. Graduation is two weeks away, which for most of us does not seem possible. As we look back at these past four long but fulfilling years, there are some things that we shall never forget. It’s hard to believe that at one point we were little freshmen entering into these doors, with no idea what was

  • It’s Time to Remove Cameras from the Courtroom

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    It’s Time to Remove Cameras from the Courtroom Is Judy still keeping audiences entertained by giving the court system a new attitude? Will court systems ever get back its dignity? Not as long as the cameras still role. Cameras in the courtroom have been very beneficial in certain cases, but it has caused a lot of harm. The human race has taken the solemnness of these meetings, and has changed it to a form of entertainment only clowns would be involved with. The public is so involved with this

  • An Interpretation of the Song "Home" by Michael Buble

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    was first released. In fact, there was no music video released either. However, when Michael Buble’s second major-label studio album “It’s Time” was released three months later, “Home” had become the album’s second single worldwide. Fortunately, the song became a huge hit, reached a high chart position in Canada, and became successful in the United Kingdom. This time, the song was released along with a music video directed by Noble Jones. This song became part of the soundtrack of the film “The Wedding

  • It's Time To Abolish The Penny

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    Feted as the first currency authorized by the United States dating back to 1787, the penny. The penny seems to cause more of a hassle than anything else. ⅓ pennies drop out of circulation everyday, a lot of time is lost during one transaction. However, pennies have a lot of history behind them. Pennies with everything they have been through, should not be abolished. To begin, more than half the amount of pennies made are lost and dropped out of circulation almost immediately. “ Two-thirds of

  • It's Time to Abolish The Penny!

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    of these materials to skyrocket. Many Americans think the penny is putting our country in jeopardy with financial losses. This meaningless coin is losing money for the mint, and should be abolished. The penny costs 1.4 cents to manufacture each time at the mint. This is causing the mint to lose money for the treasury. Last year, the mint earned $730 million dollars in profit. Many mint officials claim the estimation will be about $45 million due to the cost of metals made in pennies. Our country

  • It's Time to Abolish Religion

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    instigated and propagated in the name of religion; it is the antithesis of peace and unity. Religion has imposed limitations upon development of knowledge; therefore hampering the growth of human faculties, and narrowing the realm of free thinking men. Time and time again religion has proved to be the ultimate source of conflict within society; it sets up one individual against another, one community against another and finally one country against another, hence leading to only one outcome, destruction.

  • It's Time to Legalize Cloning

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    Cloning: Just Legalize It! Cloning is a very controversial topic since it relates to moral values of human beings. In February 1997 scientists in Scotland announced the birth of the first cloned sheep named Dolly, this heralded the future of cloning possibilities and scientists began extensive experiments on cloning and have since then cloned both plants and animals successfully. The next step was to clone actual human beings but before experiments could have been carried out pressure started

  • It's Time to Pick Favorites!

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    character out of the three because he is the most honorable and respectful knight in this tale. The pardoner, although greedy, reminds me of the selfish part of myself which reminds me to keep myself in check and put myself before others a majority of the time. The last character that I come to terms to is Wife Bath, she is very relatable to me because she loves to talk and she has a happy personality. Many characters can be favored in any story; however everyone has their own specific characters that they

  • It's Time to Drain Lake Powell

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    It's Time to Drain Lake Powell Many people know ‘Lake’ Powell as a fact of life. Since its creation in 1963, the reservoir, known as Lake Powell, is just there. Few people that are alive today have had the opportunity to see the true beauty of Glen Canyon, which rivals the Grand Canyon. Glen Canyon, equivalent to one hundred eighty river miles with dozens of side canyons, was flooded for the purpose of power and water resources. ‘Lake’ Powell also generates an enormous cash flow due to

  • Education - It's Time to Break the Rules

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    Education - It's Time to Break the Rules When he follows the guidelines of the assignment his writing is wonderful. Unfortunately, he rarely follows those guidelines which I concisely explain to the class. His writing is complete nonsense with no factual support, no structure and no resemblance to any of his classmateís work! I know, I know. I tell him time and time again that there are certain rules that everyone must follow. Its just a part of life. I donít know how he expects to get by

  • It's Time To Debunks Into The Movie Theater

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    allowed because there are rules that you need to follow. Some movie theaters are highly strict about these rules and could result in you getting banned or kicked out of the premises. Furthermore, you should not bring snacks into the theaters because it’s just disrespectful. Out of habit, we human beings usually follow rules as a sign of respect and admiration. So why change that now? This is just one of the many reasons not to bring your own food in theaters.

  • It’s Time to Pay College Athletes

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    fans are watching the game, the players, the ones who are making huge sacrifices to be on the court. The athletes are the only ones in this circle of business who are putting in the hours, maybe even the most hours, and not getting a paycheck. It is time for a change, the fans, the players, and the NCAA is ready for it, it just has to be done. However, there are those out there fighting the other side of this battle, saying there is no need for these student athletes to be paid. Both sides have good

  • It's Time to Abolish Speed Limits

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    It's Time to Abolish Speed Limits It is 8:45 and Paul has just gotten on the interstate to make his normal commute to Longview from Tyler. About halfway there, Paul notices a state trooper right behind him. He frantically checks his speed! Too late!!!!!! The state trooper turns on his lights. Not only was Paul speeding, but now he will be late to a very important meeting at work. The problem here is that Paul was just driving to work. He was not intentionally speeding just to get away with

  • It's Time to Stop Child Trafficking

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    Moreover, as time goes by, people are receiving a higher quality education and are more protected by the state and government, so it would make sense that there would be fewer criminals involved in human trafficking. However, the UNICEF website shows that “Every year, thousands of Beninese children and 1.2 million young people across the globe are victims of trafficking-300,000 of them in West and Central Africa alone. ‘Child trafficking is a global phenomenon of unprecedented magnitude. It’s one of the

  • It's Miller Time Ad Analysis

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    commercial produced in 2014. Miller Lite is famously known for their tagline “It’s Miller Time,” but on occasion can be recognized for some very humorous commercials. In 2014 one of their commercials that was aired during the 2014 World Series makes the claim that Miller Lite is the reason that many of us were born ( The commercial was produced by the advertising agency WPP Group U.S.A. Inc., and aired a total of 2,229 times, the last of which was on November 3rd, 2014 ( The commercial

  • It's Time to Boycott College Classes

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    College is hard, though not because we lack creature comforts or struggle to keep our bellies full. No, college is hard because it's so often an artificial environment. After four short years of learning, when reality intrudes on our life, we'll be left shaking cobwebs out of heads bleary from months of mind-numbing lectures and multiple choice exams. Personally, the end of college scares me. As a sophomore, I have a couple of years before having to face that beastly post-college cliche, real

  • It's Time To End Childhood Poverty

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    Poverty is defined in many ways. The dictionary definition simply does not suffice to show the human cost of poverty. Poverty is much more than the limited capital resources that this definition suggests. Poverty is defined by the federal government as 16,660 for a family of four in 1998 (“Child Poverty in the United States” 2000). These figures are tremendously flawed; a single individual residing in the United States would not fare well by the standards of most individuals at this income level

  • It's Time to Protect the Endangered Wolf

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    Three little pigs dance in a circle singing "Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf?" Little Red Riding Hood barely escapes the cunning advances of the ravenous wolf disguised as her grandmother. Movie audiences shriek as a gentle young man is transformed before their eyes into a werewolf, a symbol of the essence of evil. Such myths and legends have portrayed the wolf as a threat to human existence. Feared as cold-blooded killers, they were hated and persecuted. Wolves were not

  • It's Time to Change the Flag of Mississippi

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    It's Time to Change the Flag of Mississippi Although many corporations have contributed large sums of money to campaign for a new Mississippi flag, that would replace the existing 1894 Confederate flag and improve economic and racial relations throughout the state, chances are slim that a change will occur. Many Mississippians are simply not ready for change and few African-Americans are actually pushing for a change. Many Mississippians view the original flag as part of the state’s heritage

  • It’s Time for America to Build a Moonbase

    1943 Words  | 4 Pages

    It’s Time for America to Build a Moonbase On May 25, 1961, Congress met in a joint session to hear the American president, John F. Kennedy, address them in a speech he referred to as a second State of the Union. In his speech, the young president geared America for a race that would send men to the moon. Kennedy challenged America to “take longer strides” and to take a “leading role in space achievement, which, in many ways, may hold the key to our future on earth” (Burrows 330-331). America