Indigofera tinctoria Essays

  • India, the Indigo Plant, and William Carey

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    India, the Indigo Plant, and William Carey The Indian Indigo trade began to flourish around 1789-1793, about the time Carey arrived in India. The East India Company with large scale commerce set the scene for Indigo cultivation. The Company was constantly in a state of growth and expansion. India became the grounds for a major trading center for goods across the known world. From childhood to the first step on Indian soil, Carey had a variety of knowledge concerning agricultural matters.1 As a

  • The History and Future of Denim

    3336 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction As the world revolves, there are a lot of changes that happens in the world. For example, in terms of technology, there are a lot of improvements already. Back then, for example, features of mobile phones were only call and text. But more ideas have been developed and people have started to think about how to improve some things so that they can attract more consumers. The result is there are now more, in this case, high-tech phones with carious incredible features such as access to

  • History of Blue Jeans

    1780 Words  | 4 Pages

    Blue jeans have been weaving themselves throughout American history since they were created in 1873. In their humble beginnings, jeans started out as the durable work pants used by gold miners and workmen, but over the years jeans has become a word synonymous with America and a world wide marketable fashion that has exploded into many different styles and forms for every generation and gender. Today it would not be unusual to find a women wearing fashionable jeans with high heels, or a gentleman