I-Pass Essays

  • Descriptive Essay About Unplugged

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    It was a beautiful day in June; a perfect 72 degrees. The sun was beating down ever so softly on my face, the birds singing along to the tune in my heart. I had my hair down, just blowing in the breeze. I had the sunroof open; crushing along, jamming out with Taylor Swift. I was on my way to the mall to have a couple shirts made. My husband and I just found out we are expecting a little boy. A day we thought would never come. We hadn 't told our parents yet because we wanted to wait until the first

  • Front Street in Lahaina

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    pavement, I can already feel the excitement in the air. All around me people are walking around, shopping or just plain browsing. It’s the peak of tourist season on Front Street in Lahaina town and the masses of people never seem to come to an end. As far as you can look down the road all you can see are people walking, riding bikes or driving. The feel in the air is carefree, full of excitement and completely contagious. I can’t help but notice the spring that has come to my step, as I remember coming

  • The Ringette Chiller: A Short Story

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    The Ringette Chiller Mackenzie 9-3 The exceedingly loud rap music blasts my ears as I walk through the dressing room door. “Hey guys!” I holler as I dump my bulky bag on the floor. A teammate and I begin debating whether we have played against Spruce Grove before, and come to the conclusion that we haven’t. This makes me enthusiastic because it’s a fresh start. I put on my girdle and shin pads listening to the excited whoops of my team mates as they chat about the approaching game. My callused fingers

  • Acquiring and Performing the Football Passing Skill

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    Performing the Football Passing Skill My skill -------- The skill I have chosen is a simple football pass. This is done with the inside of the foot and is across the floor usually over a small distance. At young age, kids tend to kick the ball in direction of their teammate without much thought. But as skills are built up, players begin to look up and take mental notice of their teammates before executing a pass. Correspondingly, the receivers may want to answer with eye contact as

  • Two Great Teachers, Who Is Better?

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    their methods? Which of these teachers is the better teacher? They are both astounding teachers, but I think Jaime Escalante is the better teacher. Escalante believed in all of his students. He did not get rid of anyone he thought would bring the class down. Everyone thought the students would not be able to pass the A.P. class exam, except for Escalante. He was determined to help these kids pass and never gave up on them. He donated a lot of his time to the students in order to give them a better

  • Investigating the Effects of Sucrose Concentration on the Mass of Potato Chips

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    Concentration on the Mass of Potato Chips The aim of my experiment is to investigate the effect of varying the concentration of sucrose on a potato chip. I aim to observe the change in mass, and I hope to view what happens to the chips as the concentration increases, and I hope to see the effect that osmosis has on the chip. The experiment that I am conducting uses the process of osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of high water

  • My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses in Netball

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    observing myself in a game situation these are what I consider are my strengths and weaknesses for Netball and why I think each one is a strength or weakness. Strengths Weaknesses > Shooting > Shoulder Pass > Bounce Pass > Chest Pass > Pivoting > Footwork > High-running Pass > Reaction Time > Agility > Speed Strengths: Strength 1: Shooting is one of my strengths as I think I perform it correctly. By correctly I mean having a balanced position (standing with

  • F1

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    the first lap, Senna led, but Prost, having carried more speed through the final turn, was firmly in his slipstream. As Prost pulled out to complete the pass, Senna swerved to the right, Prost, refusing to lift, kept coming. Soon the cars were side by side, wheels interlocking at 180 MPH. Prost was just inches from the pit wall. Prost made the pass and duly won the race. Afterwards, furious at such tactics by a fellow driver, he is reported to have stated "If he (Senna) wants the World Championship

  • Investigate how the Concentration of Sucrose Solution affects the Massof the Potato Chip

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    tiny holes in the membrane of the potatoes will allow the water molecules to pass through in and out of the solution and the potato, depending on the concentration gradient of the two substances. Semi-permeable membranes are very thin layers of material which allow some things to pass through, but prevent others. A cell membrane is semi permeable. They allow small molecules like oxygen, water, amino acids etc. to pass through but will not allow larger molecules like sucrose, starch, protein

  • How does the concentration of sucrose affect the weight

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    after osmosis has taken place. Prediction I predict that the less concentrated the solution of sucrose is, the greater the weight of the potato will be. I predict this because osmosis is the movement of water from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration through a semi-permeable membrane i.e. the cell wall of the potato. If the concentration of water inside the potato is high then the water will pass out through the cell wall, decreasing the weight

  • The Power of Stories

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    Power of Stories Many people tell stories to inform others about themselves. Throughout my life people in my family have told me many stories, and behind each story there is a purpose. The stories I was told growing up were about experiences that people in my family have had or things that I have done. These stories mean a lot to me because through these stories different family members reveal many things about themselves. They want me to understand their ideas, beliefs, or feelings about a

  • Narrative Essay About Road Trip

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    It was 9:30 AM when my mother and I left home to go to the windy city of Chicago, where we would pick up my younger brother Evan, at the airport then drive another 45 minutes to the Great Lakes, Illinois. We would watch my older brother Christian, graduate from boot camp and spend some time with him just before we left him again two days later. The starting of the 3 hour and 15 minute trip was uneventful. The first stop of the road trip was at Walmart in town to pick up food along with some Pepsi

  • High School Exit Exams

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    Exit Exams are an unfair way of determining whether a student should or should not receive his or her diploma. Most students work very hard throughout high school to receive good grades. This should be enough to determine whether a student should pass high school. There are many intelligent students which do not have good test taking skills, exit exams keep many good students from graduating and teachers have to narrow their lesson plans for these types of exit exams. These are all good reasons

  • Water Potential Investigation

    1206 Words  | 3 Pages

    Water Potential Investigation Aim: To determine the water potential of potato cells and sweet potato cells during the process of osmosis. (Only water molecules can pass through by the process of osmosis) Osmosis is the movement of water particles from a low region of water concentration to a high region of water concentration through a partially permeable membrane. A partially permeable membrane is known as the barrier which allows certain substances to move across, such as water molecules

  • The Pass Fail System of Standardized Tests

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    The Pass Fail System of Standardized Tests Standardized tests have historically been used as measures of how students compare with each other or how much of a particular curriculum they have learned. Increasingly, standardized tests are being used to make major decisions about students, such as grade promotion or high school graduation, and schools. More and more often, they also are intended to shape the curriculum and instruction. Students across America have had to repeat classes because

  • Plagiarism and the Internet

    585 Words  | 2 Pages

    This is partially due to the fact that it is so easy to commit, as there are numerous resources on the Internet that people can use to pass off as their own work. However, it is also becoming easier to catch, as there are many sources on the web that work with people to catch those who are attempting to pass off other peoples ideas and words as their own. Today I decided to do a search on Yahoo about buying papers on the Internet. To my surprise over seven hundred thousand results came back with

  • Skiing

    606 Words  | 2 Pages

    I can still remember the first time I went downhill skiing. It was a cold and dry November day. It hadn't been snowing much at the time, so most of the snow on the hills was that slick, jet blown, artificial-ice/pseudo-snow. Not exactly what a first timer likes to start on.My friend Michael had been trying to talk me into going on a skiing trip with him and the local Boy Scout troop for some time. I was afraid at first; I had heard many over-exaggerated stories from people who had claimed foul play

  • Christian Thoughts

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    mournful, but the people didn’t know it, for had never known life. But then, one day, they heard a different voice. “I have heard your cries,” it announced. “I have felt your chill and seen your darkness. I have come to help.” The cave people grew quiet. They had never heard this voice. Hope sounded strange to their ears. “How can we know you have come to help?” “Trust me,” he answered. “I have what you need.” The cave people peered through the darkness at the figure of the stranger. He was stacking

  • Prejudice

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    even though we are all different in our own ways. Prejudice can be caused because of various reasons. Religion, ethnic race and social status are examples of causes of prejudice. Sometimes prejudice is caused by how we are raised. Many times parents pass on prejudice beliefs to their children. A lot people raised in the southern part of the country are prejudice against blacks. In the early to mid 1960’s, prejudice was alive and well in the south. Blacks had their own bathrooms and were forced to ride

  • An Investigation of Factors Affecting the Rate of Osmosis

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    water concentration to a region of low water concentration. [IMAGE] A semi permeable membrane is a membrane with very small holes in it; they are so small that only water molecules can pass through them. Bigger molecules such as glucose cannot pass through it. In actual fact water molecules pass both ways through the membrane, but because there are more water molecules in the high concentration region than the other there is a steady net flow into the lower concentration region. The