Human abdomen Essays

  • Community Health Nursing Clincial Lesson Plan

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    filter for blood as part of the immune system. Old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen, and platelets and white blood cells are stored there. The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis (The Spleen (Human Anatomy): Picture, Location, Function, and Related Conditions", 2010)” Equipment: Stethoscope Hands Gloves Observational skills Objectives: Student will be able to identify and demonstrate how to perform a spleen assessment. Delegation:

  • Unraveling the Mystery: The Human Appendix Explained

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    The human appendix is a very interesting and troublesome organ. For quite some time, scientists have claimed that the appendix was redundant; however, recently, scientists believe they have finally discovered the function of the appendix in humans. The function is not life altering, though. People who have been diagnosed with appendicitis can live their lives just as normal without an appendix as they could with one. Appendicitis is the inflammation of the human appendix, which affects one in fifteen

  • The Capsule Endoscopy

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    some chemicals before going to the hospital, to help. However, not all hospitals do that and some hospitals differ in the kind of chemical. When the patient gets to the hospital, a doctor or nurse will put 8 different sensor devices on the patient’s abdomen and a sensor belt (“Peninsula Gastroenterology Medical Group, Gastroenterologists”). That is put there for the endoscopy capsule to send pictures to the sensor belt. Then the patient will swallow the pill with water and will be allowed to do his or

  • Colic: The Leading Cause of Equine Death

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    3-dimensional animal on a 2-dimensional monitor. The first equine laparoscopy examination was in the 1970’s, and since then has gone through many transformations in over 40 years. This translated to human medicine in the 1960’s and 1970’s when laparoscopy became useful in gynecologic practice. Recent progress in human laparoscopy is now being used in equine laparoscopy (Hendrickson, 2012). In 1983, laparoscopy was being used to evaluate the reproductive tract with a laparoscope alone for diagnostics, or for

  • The Digestive System: The Digestive System

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    Digestion is defined as the process of transforming foods into unites for absorption. The Digestive System is a complex network of organisms that have six major processes: The digestion of food, the secretion of fluids and digestive enzymes, the mixing and movement of food and waste throughout the body, the digestion of food into smaller pieces, the absorption of nutrients, and the excretion of wastes (Inner Body (1).) Mouth- Digestion begins in the mouth. Physical actions, such as chewing, breaks

  • Importance Of Improving Physical Appearance Essay

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    Improved Physical Appearance is Amazing! Almost every individual would like to do something to themselves, whether it is with the hair, grooming, general fashion, physical image, diet etc so as to achieve a better appearance. Interestingly, being attractive is easier than you think. Understandably, there are features that are unalterable - those are what make you unique. However, most of us possess many changeable ones, which we can work on using our habits. Although routines that improve physical

  • Essay On The Digestive System

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    The digestive system, in organisms like the mink and human, is supposed to break down the food being eaten to transfer into energy. This energy helps other functions of the body that would in turn keep it alive. The digestive system includes organs such as the stomach, intestines, liver, etc. Digestion starts at the mouth, though. With the observation of the digestive organs of the mink, an individual can see that the entire liver is the darkest looking color of the organs in the gastrointestinal

  • Mat Certification

    606 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mat Certification The two possibilities for pelvic positions are neutral and imprinted. In neutral pelvis the natural lordotic curve of the lumbar spine is present. Imprinted means a slight lumbar curve into flexion is present. During imprinted spine the normal curve lengthens toward flexion by engaging the oblique abdominals to help bring the rib cage closer to the pelvis. I would use neutral pelvic placement for the One Leg Circle, since the essence of the exercise is stability of the

  • Food Digestive System Essay

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    In order to use the food we eat our body has to break the food down into the smaller molecules that can process, it also has to excrete waste. The process begins in the mouth. It first begins with your mouth and your salivary glands. Just at the sight of the food your mouth begins to develop saliva, which will be used to moisten and lubricate the food as you are chewing your food. This is called the motility and mechanical processing. Once the food has been chewed its broken down by the chemical

  • The Dogs Digestive System

    1641 Words  | 4 Pages

    1.0 Introduction The similarities and differences between the dog and the lizards’ digestive and reproductive systems are explored within this essay. 2.0 The dog’s digestive system The dogs’ digestive system mainly consists of 15 different parts. These are the oral cavity, oesophagus, diaphragm, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, duodenum, jejunum and ileum, transverse colon, ascending colon, descending colon, caecum, anal canal and the rectum (Aspinall and Cappello, 2009). Each of these play

  • Nala Case Studies

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    Nala, a two-year, eight-month-old spayed female Cane Corso was presented to Heritage Animal Hospital for vomiting on February 1, 2017. Her owner complained that she had not been able to hold any food down since January 31, 2017. Nala had a foreign body surgery last month here at the clinic. The owner informed our staff that Nala had a rash around her incision for roughly the past two weeks. The owner stated she does not believe her dog ingested anything. During the physical exam, Nala appeared quiet

  • Inflammation and Infection Caused by Diverticulitis

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dovirtocalotos os en elomint uf thi culun thet efficts thi onnir lonong. Appruxometily 50% uf ell Amirocens woll ixpiroinci dovirtocalotos by thi tomi thiy riech egi 60. Puachis ur balgong secs on thi lonong bicumi onflemid ur onfictid. Thi must cummun soti uf dovirtocalotos os thi lergi ontistoni. A luw fobir doit os biloivid tu bi rispunsobli fur must cesis uf dovirtocalotos. Smell poicis uf ficis cen bicumi treppid on thi puachis end balgong secs, whoch thin ceasi thi onflemmetoun end/ur onfictoun

  • Source And Reliability : Patient Alert And Oriented At Time Place And Person, Reliable Historian

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    II. SOURCE AND RELIABILITY: Patient alert and oriented to time place and person, reliable historian. III. REASON FOR SEEKING CARE (CC): 38 y/o female c/o abdominal pain throughout the entire abdominal cavity, states she has always had abdominal discomfort, but the past 3 days’ pain has become unbearable. Describes pain as a burning churning through out 8/10. Pain intermittent c/o of sour stomach after meals accompanied by nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea or anorexia, last bowel movement 4 days

  • Heartburn And Gallstones

    562 Words  | 2 Pages

    working, pressure builds in the organs, pushing the acids upwards. Heartburn is often very uncomfortable for the individual who has it. There are not many symptoms, but the ones most commonly found are, a burning sensation in the chest and upper abdomen, sore throat, and when the mouth sometimes fills with a liquid called water brash. Heartburn has many affects on the body, but I will focus now on the effect on the digestive system. Heartburn causes ulcers, which eat through the mucous layer of the

  • Compare And Contrast Two Body Systems

    658 Words  | 2 Pages

    The two body systems I will be discussing are the digestive system and the cardiovascular system. The digestive system has a group of organs which work together and convert food in to energy and the basic nutrients to feed the body. The food passes through a long tube inside the body which is known as the alimentary canal or the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). The alimentary canal is made up of pharynx, oral cavity, stomach, small and large intestines and oesophagus. The cardiovascular system

  • Essay On Gastroenterology

    1123 Words  | 3 Pages

    after frequently experiencing bloody stool, paresthesia, stomach and head aches, tiredness, and asthenia. Patient was given an fecal occult blood test, which resulted in positive finding of Hematochezia. Blood tests also showed leukocytosis and an abdomen examination of the right lower quadrant hypogastric region reveled swelling of the large and small intestine as well as pain for the patient. She then was recommended that she followed the exam with a colonoscopy. The results validated microscopic

  • Comparing the Anatomy of a Rat to a Toad

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    Aim The aim is to compare the integumentary systems and the digestive systems of a rat to that of a cane toad. Introduction The Integumentary system is defined by, Inc. as an extensive system compromising of skin, hair, nails along with sweat and sebaceous glands. It also includes specialized nerve receptors which alert us to changes around us such as touch, cold, heat, pain, and pressure. These organs help in the way that they protect internal structures, protects against entry

  • Biological Process Essay

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    be a state of balance and vitality within an individual, and any alteration of these processes from the normal activities can have a detrimental impact on the health of the individual. There are many biological processes that take place within the human body, and each of these processes has its own role in maintaining the health and survival of the individual. The physiological process of healthy digestion, is a very important biological process that has a tremendous effect on an individual's health

  • Benefits Of Reverse Crunches

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    Reverse crunches work the muscles in the lower part of your abdomen, which is an area where many people, and especially women, have a belly pooch. Although this exercise won't spot reduce fat, it can strengthen and tone your abs. This is beneficial, because as part of your core, strong abs can improve your posture, athletic performance, balance and stability, while also alleviating lower back pain. (See References 1) Reverse Crunch Muscle Activation Although the reverse crunch is often referred

  • Ulcerative Colitis Essay

    1123 Words  | 3 Pages

    Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are both in a category of diseases called Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. This is a classification of disease in which inflammation forms in a part of the digestive tract, known as the gastrointestinal tract or GI tract, of the patient. The immune system then treats this area of inflammation as a foreign pathogen and attacks it. The causes of both of these diseases are currently unknown to the medical world. Dr. Burrill B. Crohn first described the condition