Hong Kong people Essays

  • Scheme $6000: A Benefit to Both the Government and the People of Hong Kong or Not?

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    The budget plan has announced the “Scheme $6,000” this year. It is a scheme that people who have Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card aged 18 or above can get $6000 from government. People who choose to defer receipt $6000 can have $200 bonus. It seems that it is a good policy for people: low-income group can have this subsidy to solve their financial problem; the others can save it, or use it to buy their favourite items. But when we think it seriously, is it really a helpful subsidy for low income

  • Defining One Country, Two System

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    Defining One Country, Two System Hong Kong is a very special city. It has a very interesting history. In 1842, Hong Kong Island of Hong Kong was ceded by China to Great Britain. In 1860, Kowloon Peninsula of Hong Kong was ceded to England. In 1898, the rest of Hong Kong, the New Territories and 235 outlying islands were leased to England for 99 years. In the early 1980’s, the British and Chinese government began to have negotiations about Hong Kong’s future since the lease would expire on July

  • Fruit Chan's Made in Hong Kong

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    1. Introduction Made in Hong Kong (1997) is one of the independent films directed by the “grassroots director” Fruit Chan on low budget production. The cost of production was kept low by utilizing the leftover film reels and amateur actors such as Sam Lee Chan-Sam who has been awarded best New Artist in the 17th Annual Hong Kong Films Awards and nominated Best Actor in 35th Annual Golden Horse Awards. Made in Hong Kong is very much a vernacular film featuring the Hong Kong society and culture in 1997

  • Analysis Of Universal Suffrage In Hong Kong

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    general public. They have a common consensus that Hong Kong must pursue a practicable and achievable plan for electoral reform in 2017. It should comply with the Basic Law, accommodates the interests of different groups and is likely to be accepted by the people. Some says the plan should ensure the nominating committee is neither just a screening mechanism nor a rubber stamp. Some says it is a must that the nominating committee should "love Hong Kong and love the country". Some even proposed that it

  • Tourism in Hong Kong

    3725 Words  | 8 Pages

    Tourism in Hong Kong Introduction: TOURISM is one of the major economic pillars of Hong Kong: the most popular city destination in Asia. The Hong Kong government has spent a big sum of money to strengthen the tourism image of Hong Kong. Methodology: In this coursework, I will investigate whether tourism is indeed a major economic pillar of Hong Kong and if Hong Kong needs tourism. I will use many resources such as: books (Hong Kong Year Book), internet (mostly information and data

  • Analysis Of Almost A Love Story

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    Identity In the 90s of the century, many important events happened between China and Hong Kong. Without questioning, one of the most influential incidents happened during this period of time was Hong Kong’s reunion with China in July 1997; it transformed Hong Kong from a colonial dependent territory to a Chinese administration region. The local Hong Kong people felt disoriented of their futures because Hong Kong has been separated from China for a few decades. Many of them came to questioning their

  • Sir Henry Pottinger: First Governor Of Hong Kong

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    wrote upon the book Sir Henry Pottinger: First Governor of Hong Kong, written by George Pottinger, who’s a posterity of Sir Henry Pottinger’s brother. The book is published in 1997 by Sutton Publishing Limited, copyrighted by George Pottinger. It gives a full descriptive record of Sir Henry Pottinger’s “odyssey of battle” and explores how a cadetship in the India Army build up his distinguished career to become the first Governor of Hong Kong. This book is an examination of Sir Henry Pottinger’s career

  • Street Food

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    But NYC seems to be lacking of some Hong Kong flavor. Although Hong Kong is considered Chinese, they seem to have developed their own kind of culture and cuisine. In Hong Kong, they are known for the variety of street food they present to every day Hong Kongese and tourist. But sadly in NYC Chinatown it does not even present a fraction of the famous street food from Hong Kong. It’s time for a major takeover in Chinatown! New street food that represent Hong Kong should be incorporated into Chinatown

  • Collective Memory Resists Hong Kong Development ?

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    “Memories reveal the culture, history and time of the city.” (Aldo Rossi, 1982). The demolishment of Star Ferry Pier and Queen’s Pier in 2006 and 2007 has gathered a raising awareness on the discussion of collective memory with urban development in Hong Kong. The incident even caused the protest, hunger strike and confrontation of protestors against police. After that, the government identified collective memory as an importance consideration in heritage protection and conservation. “It is the value

  • The Truth Behind Women’s Education During British Colonial Rule

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    Opium War, Hong Kong was ceded to the British Crown as part of the agreement for an indefinite period of time. During this period of time, Hong Kong experienced major social changes, particularly in the area of women’s education. The purpose initially appeared to be the desire to help the Chinese; however, the truth was that Great Britain sought to establish their superiority by undermining the prevalent Confucian family system through the education of women. The educational system in Hong Kong shortly

  • What Benefits Might Vertical Planting Bring to Hong Kong in Future?

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    planting on buildings in Hong Kong within the next fifty years. The concept of vertical planting was created by the French botanist Patrick Blanc (Hohenadel 2007). This method has been applied to plenty of buildings in worldwide scale for reducing pollution, saving energy and decorative purpose (BBC 2011), whereas it is new to Hong Kong. This article will focus on discussing the potential impacts of the technology like improving air quality and reducing heat island effect in Hong Kong. This essay will briefly

  • Colonialism in Jackie Chan Films

    3288 Words  | 7 Pages

    over 20 years Jackie Chan has been the biggest action star in most of the world. First becoming popular in his native Hong Kong in the early 80s, his popularity slowly spread across the globe, and finally hit the U.S. with the 1996 release of Rumble In The Bronx (1994.) Since then Chan has made three highly successful films with American studois and several more with the Hong Kong studio Golden Harvest. He is easily one of the most recognizable Asian movie stars or all-time. Jackie Chan’s movies are

  • Urban Life in Hong Kong and Tibet

    899 Words  | 2 Pages

    Urban Life in Hong Kong and Tibet Where they live --------------- In Tibet, people in more urban areas live in houses made of either wood or stones depending on what materials are more easily available in a particular area. The roof is made of tree trunks which is then covered in a thick layer of clay like the house shown below. [IMAGE] There are usually three or four floors with stairs made of tree trunks on the outside. The ground floor is usually for the animals, the second

  • Pain-Recovery Complex: Pure Love in Criss-Cross of Time and Space in East Asian Romance films

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    in crisscross of time and space plays a significant role in relieving historical, national or individual pain through parallel narrative styles, taking Japanese pure love film Love Letter (1995), South Korean romantic film The Classic (2003) and Hong Kong nostalgia film The City of Glass (1998) for example. So the following paragraphs will analyze these films from three aspects: socio-cultural characteristics in each region and parallel narrative styles, as well as the thematic trait of pain-recovery

  • Hong Kongindia Command and Market Economies

    528 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hong Kongindia Command and Market Economies The world is run with economic systems. Two of these economic systems are the market economy and the command economy. These economic systems both greatly differ and are similar in there ways of controling the factors of production, ownership, and their incentives for efficient production. An area of the world that has a command economy is India. The government controls and makes decisions with the factors of production. The factors of production

  • Cage in Heaven

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    busy Hong Kong City. Looking back at my childhood, I realized why I came to the United States. I adore my father and siblings for all the hard work they have done for me to come over. I realized the warmest and only love is that of a family. Hong Kong is six million hearts beating in rhythm. This pellet of land bustles with boiling commotion. Sirens scream like tea kettles. It is modern and prosperous, just like a little New York City of the Orient. The majority of people in Hong Kong hanker

  • What is Language?

    1025 Words  | 3 Pages

    What is language? Language is the basic and indispensable thing in human’s life. Language is a bridge of communication between people, country or world. Language is also linked with the countries culture. In the world, there are many kinds of language can use to communicate. Language can use to make self expression or understanding other people. Language is processed in many different locations in the human brain, but especially in Broca's and Wernicke's areas. Children generally speak fluently when

  • Communicative Acts

    1949 Words  | 4 Pages

    .. ... are 9,258 non-Hong Kong companies on register in Hong Kong. It is common for these companies to hire people from different nations, in order to get contact with more markets. The figures provided by the Steering Committee on Population Policy showed that within the labour force of Hong Kong, there are only 2.5% of professionals hired from overseas (86,781 workers)(until 2012), and surely there are still many local labours that carry a different culture. Hong Kong as an international city

  • My Holiday- Personal Narrative

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    four in the morning due to the fact that I couldn’t sleep that night. I felt mixed emotions as I was lying in bed, I was extremely excited for my vacation to Hong Kong since it was going to be my first ever holiday abroad. The fact that I would be flying on an aeroplane as well also made me feel petrified. The thought of around 60 people on an aircraft approximately 8,000 metres above sea level, on a plane that could catch on fire at any moment was absolutely terrifying and I was also told by

  • Hong Kong Film Analysis

    1292 Words  | 3 Pages

    to articulate the Hong Kong identity. The idea of Hong Kong identity has been rooted into the mind of Hong Kong people through films. As films can show the uniqueness of Hong Kong, the attitude of Hong Kong people towards Hong Kong and reflect the current issues of Hong Kong, they articulate Hong Kong identity in these three ways. Firstly, a lot of culture and things that can only be found in Hong Kong are shown in films, Hong Kong films often show the uniqueness of Hong Kong. Cantonese foul language