Homological algebra Essays

  • Alex Grothendiek

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    fascination with math and become a mathematics teacher. He received a scholarship after three years in 1948 and moved to Paris, to the University of Nancy and worked on functional analysis. In 1957, he began to work on algebraic geometry and simple algebra. (The Famous People) The Institute of Advanced Scientific studies in France hired Alex to organize seminars and teach young adults. In 1960, he visited The University of Kansas to start working on geometry and topology. After working at the University

  • Number Grids Investigation

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    Number Grids Investigation Introduction In the following piece of coursework, I intend to investigate taking a square of numbers from a 10 x 10 grid, multiplying the opposite corners and then finding the difference between the two products. I was first asked to take a 2 x 2 square from a 10 x 10 grid, multiply the opposite corners and then find the difference. This is the result I received; 2x2 squares 15 16 25 26 Square 1 15 x 26 = 390 16 x 25 = 400 Difference

  • The Influence of Islamic Mathematicians

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    It’s hard to believe that a civilization consisting of once illiterate nomadic warriors could have a profound impact on the field of mathematics. Yet, many scholars credit the Arabs with preserving much of ancient wisdom. After conquering much of Eastern Europe and Northern Africa the Islamic based Abbasid Empire transitioned away from military conquest into intellectual enlightenment. Florian Cajori speaks of this transition in A History of Mathematics. He states, “Astounding as was the grand march

  • Semiotics and Instructional Technology

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    mathematical notations, procedures, etc.) through lateral (divergent) thinking’ (as cited in Johnson and Hackman, 1995, p.15). Sometimes the most effective way to represent an abstract problem is by using symbols, as students learn to do in high-school algebra (Matlin, 1998, p. 347). Often by comparing an idea to an object that can be symbolically related somehow, the level of understanding is increased, and then that object can later be used as a trigger mechanism for recalling the specifics of that

  • history of algebra

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    Unlike geometry, algebra was not developed in Europe. Algebra was actually discovered (or developed) in the Arab countries along side geometry. Many mathematicians worked and developed the system of math to be known as the algebra of today. European countries did not obtain information on algebra until relatively later years of the 12th century. After algebra was discovered in Europe, mathematicians put the information to use in very remarkable ways. Also, algebraic and geometric ways of thinking

  • Evolution of Computers

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    most essential inventions to help computers. In 830 AD the first mathematics textbook was invented by a man named Mohammed Ibn Musa Abu Djefar. The subject of this textbook he wrote was “Al Gebr We'l Mukabala” which in today’s society is known as “Algebra” (History of Computers). So what does all of this have to do with computers? Well without numbers computers wouldn’t exist or have any reason to exist. The whole point of a computer is to perform mathematical computations. Computers weren’t the first

  • James

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    understand Sonny through the course of the story. As Sonny's brother, he gets to be physically and mentally as close to Sonny as anyone else can. Readers get to know that Sonny's brother is a fairly reliable narrator from the fact that he is an algebra teacher and far less abused by "horse" or "the low ceiling of their actual possibilities" than the kids around the neighborhood, including Sonny. Sonny's brother is aware of what is going on between Sonny and him and accurately describes the relationship

  • Math Is The Language Of The Un

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    the largest fields of study in the world today. With the roots of the math tree beginning in simple mathematics such as, one digit plus one digit, and one digit minus one digit, the tree of mathematics comes together in the more complex field of algebra to form the true base of calculations as the trunk. As we get higher, branches begin to form creating more specialized forms of numerical comprehension and schools of mathematical thought. Some examples of these are the applications into chemistry

  • Khayyam Research Paper

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    life easy for learned men unless they had the support of a ruler at one of the many courts. However Khayyam was an outstanding mathematician and astronomer and he did write several works including Problems of Arithmetic, a book on music, and one on algebra before he was 25 years old. In the latter, Khayyam considered the problem of finding a right triangle having the property that the hypotenuse equals the sum of one leg plus the altitude on the hypotenuse. This problem led Khayyam to solve the cubic

  • Shapes and Their Areas

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    shape will be a regular circle, and the more sides a shape has and the more regular it is, the larger its area. (Taking a circle as having infinite straight sides, not one side). After I have experimented I will try to prove everything using algebra. I will try and develop a formula to work out the area of any polygon. Rectangles When I looked at the spreadsheet of rectangle areas I could instantly see that the more regular the shape the larger the area. However I also noticed that

  • Math In Ancient Egypt

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    Rae Steinheiser Grubisic Honors Algebra I Period 6 1 May 2014 Writing Assignment: Math of the Ancient Egyptians Introduction The Ancient Egyptians are commonly known as the first people to use geometry. Not only did they use it, but they were masters of it. Their work constructing the pyramids only provides evidence of their vast mathematical knowledge. The Ancient Egyptians invented many different mathematical techniques in order to make daily life easier. Luckily, there are still records from the

  • Career Summary Of A Dietician

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    considered a minimal requirement. Most dieticians will tell you that it would be within the best interests of a student wishing to become a dietician to get a master’s degree. Dieticians must have a love for science (chemistry in particular) and algebra as these skills are practiced routinely in the profession. It would also be a good idea for someone wishing to become a dietician to take some kind of accounting or book-keeping class, as dieticians must work on and file multiple records for each

  • Symbols and Symbolism in To Kill A Mockingbird - Symbols, Themes and Characters

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    it still exists. There is also theme of an education of children. The children are taught to move from innocence to adulthood. At the end of the book which only scans through about two years of Scout's life. He knows almost everything about algebra. This theme is explored by the relationship between Atticus and his kids. Unsympathetic teachers confront Scout a lot through the story. The most important lessons are those of sympathy and understanding. Miss Caroline's commitment to the educational

  • The Amount of Joints and Rods in Various Different Structures

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    7x7x7 8 72 216 216 512 8x8x8 8 84 294 343 729 I will now explain how I collected the results above and state algebraic formulae to calculate the amount of each type of joint in any size cube. In reference to algebra the letter n=any length minus one --------------------------------------------------------- 3J == As predicted these joints were only found on the vertices of the structures. Because all of the structures I investigated were the same

  • Number Grid Investigation

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    of the grid so that it becomes 9 by 9 and will then do exactly the same method as I did before and then I will do this again but with a 5 by 5 grid. I will then work out formulas for both of these grids, to find the difference. I will then use algebra to prove that my formulas are able to work out the correct difference. To investigate further I will do the whole investigation again but with rectangles instead of squares. This is a table to show the differences in squares in a 10 by 10 grid

  • The Decline in Rebellious Teens

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    Re-wind back to the days of our parents teen years, have you ever been told of the stories of your parents lighting bottle rockets and firing them under cars driving down the road, Roman Candle wars, cafeteria food fights, getting away with so much trouble, or how they skipped school to go smoke cigarettes or to go do other "teenage" shenanigans? Back to the present, does that sound reminiscent of anything like what you as a teen? In today's day and age most likely the answer is no. According

  • High Schools That Work: Best Practices for CTE

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    High Schools That Work: Best Practices for CTE High Schools That Work (HSTW), a school improvement initiative of the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), has documented achievement gains by career and technical education (CTE) students at participating sites (Bottoms and Presson 2000). At HSTW sites participating in 1996 and 1998 assessments (Frome 2001), CTE students showed math and science achievement equal to the national average of all high school students—and exceeded the national average

  • Algebra Tiles and the FOIL Method

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    Algebra Tiles and the FOIL Method Algebra is one of the most critical classes a mathematics student takes. In this crucial course, the student must make the jump from concrete numbers and operations to variables and uncertainty. Unfortunately, this area of mathematics is where most students lose interest in mathematics because the concepts become too abstract. The abstractness frightens students and this fear is where the typical “I hate math” attitude comes from. Educators need to be aware of

  • My High School Crush

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    adolescent's idea of liking someone, life turns into a whirlwind emotional adventure. Like my plate wasn't overflowing already with a chemistry teacher who called me "Crash" (a name I acquired after dropping a beaker during our first lab), a sassy algebra teacher who said that I didn't have the aptitude for the subject, or a French teacher who flirted with the class and laughed at her own jokes. No, I complicated things even further because stupid me fell in love. It all started one morning

  • Nicomachean Ethics: Friendship, Virtue and Happiness

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    In the writings of Aristotle, seen in Nicomachean Ethics, it is evident that Aristotle believes that friendship is necessary for a virtuous and therefore happy life. I believe that this is accurate due to the similar conditions necessary for a complete friendship and a happy life. It is also evident that friendship is useful in achieving a happy life because friendship can make performing virtuous actions easier. His interpretation can be misunderstood and mistakes in practice can be made, so we