Holi Essays

  • Holi

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    HOLI (revised) Being one of the most spirited festivals in India, the celebrations of Holi takes place with a lot of joy and verve throughout the country. Rightly known as the 'festival of colours', the whole scenario on the day of Holi is mind-blowing. The festivity takes place for many days all over the country and people are seen tossing ‘gulaal’ (coloured powder) on each other and rejoicing as they go around meeting people in their unrecognizable conditions. Colours magically connect with

  • Holi: The Festival of Legends and Love

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    documentary on Holi. At the time I was too young to understand the full beauty of Holi but the bright colors peaked my interest and has stayed in the back of my mind since. It seemed that the festival was like color personified. Holi, also known as Holika, is a colorful festival celebrated in Northern India during the end of February or early March and lasts a day. During this time people dance and sing as they cover one another with colorful powders and colored water. During Holi, all are equals

  • My Experience Of India

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    make connections to other people, Indians specifically. Similar to the three main holidays, Indian men and women celebrate and participate in many different festivals throughout the year. Some of these festivals include the Kumbh Mela, Diwali, and Holi; all of which are interesting. Kumbh Mela is the festival that stands out the most to me as an

  • Cultural Festivals

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    Every country in the world has its own festival and celebration. People all around the world love joining together and sharing good time through the festivals and celebrations. Festivals are great way to experience local culture. Sometime they even offer a glimpse into past. There are hundreds of festivals across the world. So are you ready to experience of fun and colorful festivals? Below are some of festivals from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Let’s start in Europe. Europeans have a

  • Essay About Khatu Shyam Temple

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    desired destination. Significant Festivals in Khatu Shyam temple Since Barbarika is named as Shyam, or alternative for Krishna, the festivals celebrated in Khatu Shyam temple have blend of Krishna’s mischievous nature. Festivals like Janmaastami, Holi, Jhool Jhulani Ekadashi, and Vasanta Panchami are celebrated righteously in the temple. The main attraction of the temple is the ‘Phalguna Mela’. Apart from the festivals, Khatu Shyam is worshiped with aarti, five times every day. The five aarti’s

  • Holi Powder Analysis

    997 Words  | 2 Pages

    Raja article,” Dear White Artist Making Music Videos in India: Step Away from The ‘Holi Powder” posted in February 2016, discusses the use of Holi powder in western artist’s music videos. She makes an argument that western musicians do not respect an Indian tradition and instead use the Holi powder as if they were playing games. The context of this article is trying to get western musicians to understand what Holi powder is used for. I personally recommend this article to PopMatters Persuasive Prize

  • Holi Festival Essay

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    or ethnicity as long as people have the power to embrace the Indian culture. Holi Festival states, “Celebration of the various legends associated with Holi reassure the people of the power of the truth as the moral of all these legends is the ultimate victory of good over evil”(5). Holi is known to be a celebration with a lot of energy and reminiscing the past with an excitement of living life. The preparations for the Holi festival are cleaning the house, gathering woods for the lighting of the bonfire

  • The Elephant Festival

    569 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Elephant Festival We have all played Holi or atleast have witnessed the fun and merrymaking that go with the festival. But have you ever enjoyed playing Holi with the elephants. Well, this is a unique festival known as the Elephant Festival and I shall tell you about that. The Elephant Festival is a unique event held annually in Jaipur, the capital of the north Indian state of Rajasthan. Groomed to perfection, glittering in gold, row upon row of elephants catwalk before an enthralled

  • Festivals and Holidays of India

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    will explain what the holidays of Holi, Diwali, Dussera, and Basanto commemorate. I will give details about their dates and customs. ****************************** Holi: The Fire Festival The Hindu Fire Festival, called Holi or Basaat is celebrated in India on the fifteenth day of the Light Half of the Moon, in the Hindu month of Phalguna (March). Holi is a spring festival for Hindus. It is celebrated before the monsoon, the great rainstorms which come each year. Holi is a joyous holiday and is celebrated

  • Compare And Contrast Hinduism And Buddhism

    697 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hinduism and Buddhism There are many religions that are practiced around the world, especially in Asia where there are eight different religions being practiced. In the country of India, Buddhism and Hinduism are the main religions that are practiced today. Buddhism and Hinduism were both founded in Asia, but they were founded by two different people and practiced in two different ways and languages. Buddhism is a living tradition that is passed down from teacher to student as a set of instruction

  • Hinduism: The Oldest Hindu Religion

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    Hinduism      Age    Hinduism is a very ancient religion. Hinduism's origin dates back to somewhere around 1,500-2,000 BCE, the age of Hinduism is yet to be determined. Although its age is still unknown we know that Hinduism is estimated to be 3,526-4,016 years old. Some of the oldest Hindu Writing have still not been translated.   Location    Hinduism was established in India and is still continued to be practiced there today. Hinduism is the most dominant religion all throughout

  • Holidays, Traditions And Festivals Galore

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    (Britannica School, n.p). Holi is the second most celebrated holiday. It happens on a full moon in the month of February through March. During Holi color is thrown around at other people. Holi is celebrated all over India. It is now an official holiday (World Religion, Holi, n.p). Before the Holi fest officially begins they have a bonfire, which symbolizes the demon Holika. She tried to kill her sister's son, Prahlada (Britannica Encyclopedia, n.p). During the Holi fest the

  • Essay On Culture Of India

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    tourist attractions are some of the many crazy reasons to visit India. The culture of India is one of the reasons why India is so beautiful. The holidays in India are rich of culture and full of fun. Throwing colors on every one is the fun part of holi. It brings people together with one and another. Even the holiday of Diwali while lighting candles for the new year. The attractions are one of a kind that people from everywhere die to see. For example, the golden temple a religious place but, yet

  • Jainism Vs Hinduism

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    Jainism is one of the oldest religions in the world today. It is very closely similar to Hinduism and they both flourished in India. One difference from Hinduism would be the way that the Vedas/scriptures are seen. Even though the views on karma and sansara are the same in both religions. The word Jainism is from Jina, meaning victor or conqueror. The message of the Jainism religion is non-violence. There is no creator or God in this religion. It all started with Mahavira who was born around 599

  • Review Of Alisa Schubert Yuasa's 'Commercialization Of Religion'

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    Many of the participants in the “Color Run” say that the incorporation of colors into the event is not related to the Hindu festival of Holi. Some argue that because religious festivals have been around for a long time, it was only a matter of time before they are exploited for commercial reasons. By using the meaning and image behind the festival of Holi, which is unity and equality, the event has solicited thousands of pounds in donations. While the run can be seen as a good cause, this provides

  • Coldplay, Beyonce & Cultural Appropriation Debate

    507 Words  | 2 Pages

    The source that my articles comes from is the Huffington Post. It was originally posted on a blog but then published on their website on February 4th. The title of the article is “Dear Coldplay & Beyonce: India is Not an Orientalist Fantasy by Reva Bhatt. The controversy is around a music video that Coldplay, a British alternative rock band, released for one of their newer songs named Hymn for the Weekend featuring Beyonce. The music video takes place in India and Bhatt was not happy about how Indian

  • Hinduism Religion, And The Colors Of Hinduism

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    meaning behind this is opaque and is further formed by uniting family and friends together to celebrate the festival of lights. Another important holiday is Holi, the festival of color, which occurs around the season of harvest. Today, it is celebrated by spreading many colorful powders on everyone participating. The deeper significance behind Holi is between the power of truth, honesty, and good karma versus evil. Lord Krishna was born with a darker skin color and his love, Radha, was born with a fairer

  • The Importance Of Festival Festivals

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    As a secular country India enjoys a population of diverse cultures, languages and traditions. Due to this the country celebrates lots of festivals from different wings of the population. Festivals bring into light a period of economic boom. Festivals bring in the culture of exchanging gifts. Chocolates, fruits, sweets, decorating items, idols face high demand. As a result of the demand, it opens up new opportunities for the gift galleries, florists and others who cater to the demand of the festival

  • Portrayal of the Curse of Barrenness in A Stench of Kerosene, and The Barren Women of Balramgaon

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    presenting the flavors of the Indian scene. We see how important social life is in India, where the communities in the village all come together for the cultural festival of Holi. The setting is vibrant and full of life in Balramgaon, the village is dowsed in color, making everyone takes part in Holi, except the cows and buffalos; Holi is the season for song and dance, contrast and color and festivity and fertility. Even in Chamba, a harvest festival was being celebrated. A historically agrarian society

  • Hinduism Essay

    1336 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hinduism, also known by the name Sanatana-Dharma, is often referred to as the “oldest religion” in the world, is generally considered to be an ethnic religion and is fundamentally based on the religion of the original Aryan settlers. “Hinduism, from the Persian Hindi (Sanskrit sindhu), literally "river." Means "of the Indus Valley" or simply "Indian." Hindus call their religion sanatama dharma,"eternal religion" or "eternal truth” (“Facts on Hinduism”). It was founded around 3000 BCE, and is now