Hitcher Essays

  • Handling the Issues of Rage and Murder in Poetry

    551 Words  | 2 Pages

    Handling the Issues of Rage and Murder in Poetry The two poems I am going to analyse are 'Education for Leisure' by Carol Ann Duffy and ' The Hitcher. These poems both have potentially dangerous speakers. The first line of 'Education for leisure' contains murderous feeling, this grabs the reader and submerses them into the poem. "Today I am going to kill something. Anything" The poet uses direct and powerful words, by using the word 'something' instead of 'someone' the poet makes

  • Compare 4 poems (1 Duffy/ 1 Armitage/ 2 Pre 1914) which you have found

    852 Words  | 2 Pages

    Compare 4 poems (1 Duffy/ 1 Armitage/ 2 Pre 1914) which you have found interesting because of the way they are structured and the language used. In this essay, I am going to compare four poems, which are " Stealing" by Carol Ann Duffy, "Hitcher" by Simon Armitage, "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning and "The Laboratory" by Robert Browning that I have found interesting as the way they are structured and the language used. The four poems all have similarities between themselves, as they

  • Comparison of Stealing and Hitcher

    1313 Words  | 3 Pages

    Comparison of Stealing and Hitcher In this essay, I will be comparing two poems; Stealing, by Carol Ann Duffy and Hitcher, by Simon Armitage. I will be using several categories in which to structure my comparison, which include style of language and structure. In this piece, I hope to provide in depth analysis into the narrators feelings and the poets techniques. Finally I will be making a summary of my comments in a brief conclusion at the end, which will include my thoughts on both poems

  • Analysis of Characters in 'Hitcher' and 'Education for Leisure'

    551 Words  | 2 Pages

    Simon Armitage and Duffy both bring their characters to life in ‘Hitcher ‘and’ Education for Leisure’ by using many poetic devices and language techniques; these portray the characters in many different ways. Armitage uses a strange and unusual structure which makes the poem itself more tense and chilling than if it had a regular structure because it matches with the poem, this adds emphasis to the unusual topic of murder. The poem is split into five stanzas each which adds to the final part of

  • Hitcher, Education For Leisure, My Last Duchess, and The Lab

    565 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hitcher, Education For Leisure, My Last Duchess, and The Lab "Hitcher" By Simon Armitage, "Education For Leisure" By Carol Anne Duffy, "My Last Duchess" and "The Lab" by Robert Browning are all poems that deal with violence or the prospect of violence. "Hitcher" is a poem about a man who is angry at being threatened with the sack, he picks up a hitch-hiker and kills him and then leaves him on the road side. The poetic voice seems to be psychotic and also talks about the attack in a casual

  • Comparing Poems Salome, Hitcher, On My First Sonne and The Man He Killed

    831 Words  | 2 Pages

    Comparing Poems Salome, Hitcher, On My First Sonne and The Man He Killed The poems, Salome, Hitcher, On My First Sonne and The Man He Killed all have similar themes. The menacing and threatening ideas that the poets used are all based around death. However, each poem has a different perspective on the word with different motives and emotions. The Man He Killed is about a man who talks of the experience he had of shooting someone and the regrets he has for it. He feels guilty, as he has

  • Poverty in Simon Armitage's Poems

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    poverty, familial poverty, and moral poverty. Firstly, I will focus on emotional poverty, which refers to a person who lacks feeling or emotion in response to situations or experiences, including sadness, anger, happiness, or depression. In the poem "Hitcher," the narrator exhibits emotional poverty. For example, in stanza three, line four, he states, "didn't even swear," indicating that he did not care about killing the person and lacked any emotional response. This is one type of poverty presented by

  • Simon Armitage Apathy Essay

    796 Words  | 2 Pages

    How does Simon Armitage explore apathy in his poems? Simon Armitage successfully writes poems that are dense with mystery and vague meanings while maintaining a consistent level of apathy. His poems Hitcher, No Convictions and My Party Piece, are all poems that express enough emotion to come across as none at all, which therefore makes them apathetic. Armitage uses many writing techniques to make the characters in his poems apathetic such as the use of euphemisms and metaphors, the way in which

  • Creating a Sense of Menace and Unease in Poetry

    3905 Words  | 8 Pages

    Creating a Sense of Menace and Unease in Poetry A Comparison of four poems which create a sense of Menace and unease I have chosen ‘Hitcher’ as it gradually builds up tension and unease throughout the poem, the poem is quite personal as it is relating to a man and his everyday life. I chose this also because the poem is written as if it was a story. Hitcher is the story of a man who is under a lot of pressure from work and feels the need to rebel. He hires a car and picks up a hitchhiker

  • Sinking About Hazel

    697 Words  | 2 Pages

    embraced her with a jubilant expression. “Dad?” Hazel questioned. “Yes Hazel, it’s me. It’s a miracle! After three years vividly searching, we had finally found you,” her father cried. Hazel, Lucy and her father lived peacefully by the ocean while Miss Hitcher had been forced to close her orphanage down and returned the kids to their parents; she had been giving a taste of her own medicine, while she was taken to jail and taken to a psychology centre. From her experience, Hazel has learnt to never stop

  • Decline of Hitchhiking: An Economic Perspective

    620 Words  | 2 Pages

    In their Freakonomics podcast titled, “Where Have All the Hitchhikers Gone?” Stephen J. Dubner and Stephen D. Levitt discuss the most probable reasons for why hitchhiking has dramatically declined almost to the point of extinction in recent years and how it has affected modern society through an economic viewpoint. The two main motives discussed for why the demand of hitchhiking has plummeted since the early-80’s are that Americans began to fear hitchhiking because they saw it as dangerous and because

  • World Politics: American Hegemony

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    for understanding the United Sta... ... middle of paper ... ... The Costs of US Hegemony: Military Power, Military Spending, and US Trade Performance. Sage. http://rrp.sagepub.com.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/content/31/4/32.full.pdf+html R. Bruce Hitcher. (2008). Globalization Avant La Lettre: Globalization and the History of the Roman Empire. New Global Studies: Vol. 2: Iss. 2, Article 2. Susan V. Lawrence, Michael F. Martin. (2013). Understanding China’s Political System. Congressional Research

  • The Killer Of Edmund Kemper Or The Co-Ed Killer

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    ride to Rosalind Thorpe and Alice Liu, not knowing that was going to be their lasted ride they accepted his offer. The acts he did to them were just as horrifying as the acts he did with his other victims. Some of Alice’s body parts were found by hitcher hikers off of highway 1 but Rosalind body has yet to be

  • Romeo and Juliet

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    When you love someone that you’re suppose to hate someone always gets stabbed in the back. Tybalt, Romeo, and Juliet have created a triangle full of love and hatred among the Capulet and Montague family, that later creates a deadly resolution in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare has created multidimensional characters that have both strengths and weaknesses. Romeo son of Lord and Lady Montague is impulsive and romantic when the subject is love. Young Romeo loves the fact of being

  • Edmund Kemper III: The American Serial Killer Of The Co-Ed Killer

    937 Words  | 2 Pages

    ride to Rosalind Thorpe and Alice Liu, not knowing that was going to be their lasted ride they accepted his offer. The acts he did to them were just as horrifying as the acts he did with his other victims. Some of Alice’s body parts were found by hitcher hikers off of highway 1 but Rosalind body has yet to be

  • Analysis Of Alfred Hitchcock's One More Mile To Go

    1469 Words  | 3 Pages

    Alfred Hitchcock presents’ One More Mile To Go and The Twilight Zone’s The Hitch-Hiker share many similarities between their narratives. The most noticeable similarity would be the theme of their stories. Both of them involve characters who are driving alone, for the most part, along deserted roads, and who are afraid of something. However, these stories not only share a similar theme but also the elements that were chosen to represent these stories are very similar as well. I will be comparing

  • Poetry Essay - Anaylsis of 9 Poems

    5064 Words  | 11 Pages

    In this piece of coursework I am going to analysis and compare a number of poems, some written by the same authors and some by different authors. All 9 poems have one common link which is: Youth. The first poem is called “Stealing” and it was written by Carol Ann Duffy. This poem is about a troubled young man who takes away a snowman from someone’s garden and talks about other items he has stolen before such as a camera. In this poem there are certain words and phrases which you can relate to