High schools in Washington Essays

  • Dress Code In Washington High School

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    Dress code is a set of rules established by a school regarding a student’s dressing behavior. It can range from a complete uniform, to banning only a few things. While some people believe that there should be no dress code, Washington High School should have a dress code in place because it helps with the student’s safety, “can possibly improve academic success” (Steffen), and prepares them for the future. Some may argue that a dress code might conflict with a student’s constitutional rights, “however

  • Booker T Washington High School Reflection

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    I was selected to attend Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts as a freshman in the dance conservatory four years ago. In that time the rigorous artistic and academic environment that this school encourages has enabled me to explore my passion for dance, while also expanding my understanding of the world by participating in advanced academic coursework. The faculty at Booker T. Washington has helped mold me into the artist I am through constant corrections and encouragement

  • High School Drill Team

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    we went home with injured horses and injured spirits. We had already failed to win back our state title, would we do the same at Regionals? Washington High School Equestrian Teams (WAHSET) is an organization that I have participated in throughout high school. I compete, specifically, on the Tumwater High School Drill Team. Drill is both a high speed and a high risk equestrian event, but it remains my all-time favorite. To give you a true understanding of the pressure our drill team experiences, you

  • What Does Maya Angelou Symbolize

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    demanding the job is one example. The struggle against racism is also seen when Maya cut classes after realizing that she has different priorities than the rest of her classmates and that she will never be able to learn all she needed to at George Washington High School. In her struggles against racism Maya showed a tone of

  • Standarized Testing Should Be Removed in School Districts in Washington State

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    School Districts in Washington State should remove the requirements of standardized testing. The tests that are taken are not a valid way of showing a student’s complete abilities that are showcased in class. The way that the tests are all the same and some students have only learned some of the materials because of the classes that chose to take in high school don’t teach everything that is on the test. Taking these tests are putting a toll on high school students and causing them stress and anxiety

  • Increasing College Tuition

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    a 101.7 percent increase. The increase for private schools was even more dramatic. Average tuition, fees and room and board in 1964-65 was $13,233 a year; in 2010-2011, it was $31,395, an 137.2 percent increase (Mathews, 2013).” This 101.7 just goes to show you that tuition is way too high and has been substantially increasing over the past fifty decades, but for what reason? Not only is the tuition increase making it harder to pay for school, its also influencing students on their future careers

  • Booker T. Washington's Lack Of Education

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    inferior position. After the civil war these newly free people were now able to gain an education, without any consequence. Education among colored people seemed to be of high importance, but it was not easily accessible, teachers knew very little things, and working became more important than education. Between Booker T. Washington,

  • Booker T Washington Impact On African American Education

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    first African American women to have a school named after her, and the majority of my uncles, aunts, and cousins all work within the education field. Naturally, I decided to write about two influential educators that have greatly impacted my life. Within the last couple of centuries, there have been a great number of influential leaders in the education field, but one that always stood out to me and impacted me the most is Booker T. Washington. Booker T. Washington is arguably the most famous African

  • What Causes School Shootings

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    “The Major Cause of School Shootings” There has been quite a bit of controversy about the causes of school shootings. Causes like bullying, mental illness, childhood maltreatment have been discussed as some of the causes. “Working to increase coping skills and self-esteem in people would decrease these occurrences,” Justin Nutt, SJS Staff Writer, explains. The main cause of school shootings is lack of coping skills and low self esteem. If people learned how to cope with their emotions

  • Washoe Lodge Scholarship Research Paper

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    price tag. My dream in life is to graduate from the University of Washington in the rapidly growing city of Seattle. The University of Washington is one of the highest ranked university in all of the world, and I was lucky enough to be admitted into this prestigious school. I know at the University of Washington, as a political science or economics

  • Graduation Speech: The Future is Bright

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    Our most distinguished guests, beloved parents, members of the faculty of County High School, fellow members of the graduating class, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Four years ago, a new high school was established in the County area. Its establishment created mixed feelings. and expectations from the community. Questions such as: What kind of a high school could this be? Would this be able to uphold academic excellence as well as social and cultural values which most parents would like their

  • Charter Schools in Washington DC: A Reasonable Solution?

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    Solution for Washington D.C.’s Public Schools? The nation’s capital has a problematic history with public school education. Washington D.C. public schools have been consistently ranked as having the “lowest graduation rate” in the United States for years (Brown). To address this problem, the District has started making critical reforms. Due to Washington D.C.’s long-term negligence of public education, charter schools emerged in the city in 1996 (Pardo 11). Since their start, charter schools have become

  • Analysis Of Fourth Of July By Audre Lorde

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    retaliate when afflicted to prejudice. Lorde displays the message of prejudice early in the story when she describes the complications Phyllis had trying to get to Washington D.C. with her high school senior class, just because she is a different skin color as the others. Lorde writes “Phyllis’s high school senior class trip had been to Washington, but the nuns had given her back her deposit in private, explaining to her that the class, all of whom were white, except Phyllis, would be staying in a hotel

  • Teen Pregnancy Within The United States

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    Anacostia and Woodland. As of 2011, DC was ranked number nine in the nation for the highest rate of teen pregnancy. For the total amount of births, only 908 were from young women who were below the age of 20 in Washington DC. About 879 were from young women that were around high school ages 15-19. Specifically, Southeast DC is a low-income area, with approximately ¼ of teen mothers going on welfare within three years after their child’s birth (Link 2). As of 2012, out of the 790 births from teenage

  • Black Leaders: Booker T. Washington and William Edward Burghardt Du Bois

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    Booker T. Washington and William Edward Burghardt Du Bois were influential black leaders. Their leadership strengthened the minds of the black race. During the decades of Reconstruction following the Civil War, African Americans struggled to be assimilated into the new American society. To do this African Americans required social and economic equality. Two great Negro leaders that emerged for this cause were Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois. With these two strong-headed men, another problem

  • Comparing W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington

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    Comparing W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington W. E. B. Du Bois and Booker T Washington had very different views about their culture and country. Du Bois, being born in the North and studying in Europe, was fascinated with the idea of Socialism and Communism. Booker T Washington, on the other hand, was born in the South, and like so many others, had a Black mother and a White father. Thus being born half-white, his views and ideas were sometimes not in the best interest of his people.

  • Comparing W. E. B. Dubois And Booker T. Washington

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    habitation in Indiana, where she meets with intelligent and philosophical members, such as Lander and Mingo. These characters are closely based on Booker T. Washington and W.E.B DuBois, two historically-significant figures who played an immense role in the integration of African American individuals into a reconstructed, slave-free society. Booker T. Washington was an influential African American man who had a great impact on the undesirable policies against blacks of the Reconstruction Era, the Gilded Age

  • Classroom Achievement Gap

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    close the achievement gap between black and white schools? The reason why I have chosen this topic is because I have experienced being in an environment to both a title one school and a suburban school. The experiences I have overcome with the two types of schools were very different in many ways. When I attended a title one school, there was a lack of qualified teachers teaching at the school. For example, a teacher that was working at the school was very young, and did not have the right resources

  • W.E.B. DuBois vs. Booker T. Washington´s Ideas on Civil Rights

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    themselves to the point they were acknowledged. Booker T. Washington on the other hand had other ideas for blacks. Both were great segregation leaders that brought great change to the country. Booker T. Washington wanted opportunities for the blacks, but he did not want equality. On the other hand W.E.B. DuBois focused on the exact opposite of Washington. He believed that blacks should be considered equal to whites. With a high education and high intellectual that comes from reading and writing. He wanted

  • Essay On Martha Thefton

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    in Washington D.C. In 1917 she married her childhood sweetheart Dr.Harold Appo Haynes. They knew each other very well, as they grew up in the same neighborhood when they were teenagers. They both attended, and graduated from M St. High school. Her husband graduated from M St high school in 1906, a year earlier than she did. During their marriage they were highly focused on their careers, and didn’t have any children. Martha started her college education at Minor Normal School, in Washington D.C