Hamster Essays

  • Hamsters vs. Guinea Pigs As Pets

    606 Words  | 2 Pages

    Parents often wonder what makes a good first pet. Hamsters are often the first choice while its close relative the guinea pig is often overlooked. While both creatures are loveable, the bigger guinea pig makes a better pet for children. At a pet store the guinea pig will cost roughly three times as much as a hamster. If cost is a large concern, pigs and hamsters alike can be adopted for little to no cost and sometimes come with free cages. Naturally, the guinea pig as the larger rodent will

  • Hamsters Should Be Allowed In Dog Shops

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    Hamsters are often popular pets as they are readily available in pet shops. They have a short life span of two to three years and Syrian and Golden hamster will grow to roughly 6 inches in length. Dwarf hamsters are a little smaller, perhaps four inches long and live for approximately two years. Hamster usually fare best when living alone, those kept in groups or pairs may fight and end up needing to be separated. If hamsters are handled when they are young, it will help them get used to human interaction

  • Wet Tails

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    1. Why are hamsters not a good choice of pet for children? Hamsters are a popular pet, they are cute and fairly easy to look after. Parents buy hamsters for their children without realizing the risks involved. If a child has allergies, just being around a hamster can irritate that. They can not only bite but can also transmit diseases. A child does not understand how to hold a hamster correctly and it only takes a little tighter hold than the hamster likes and the animal will bite. 2. What is wet

  • Hamster Observation

    687 Words  | 2 Pages

    Erika, Amber, and I received our hamster at the end of October, which we named Peaches. He is curious, chubby, and docile Syrian hamster. In the first two weeks of Peaches arrival, we the students learned about the responsibility of taking care of a pet. Each day my group members and I take turns feeding and giving water to our hamster. We also learned how to properly clean their cages, which took place once a week during class. Mr. Pott’s taught us the slogan: “Blue then Yellow and everything

  • Hamster Cages Are Too Small For Hamsters Essay

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    Most hamster cages sold in pet stores do not meet that requirement of 288 square inches. Hamsters are small so they can be in a cage where they can barely turn around in right? (rh ?) Companies for too many years have been selling cages that are too small for hamsters. Commercially sold cages are too small for hamsters because they are not able to hold the appropriate amount of toys and they do not allow the pet to have enough floor space nor bedding to run around or burrow in. Hamsters need plenty

  • Children Should Not Be A Pet

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    Children Plus Pets Equals Happiness Henry David Thoreau once said, “It often happens that a man is more humanely related to a cat or dog than to any human being.” By saying this, Thoreau made it clear that animals and humans go well together. He observed and noted that human animal relationships are strong and are sometimes better than the relationships people form with each other. These strong human animal relationships tend to have a positive effect for people in several aspects. In fact, in

  • Russian Dwarf Hamsters Essay

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    The Russian Dwarf Hamster is a term that always refers to a number of different types along with the Winter White colored Russian Dwarf hamster, Campbell’s Russian Dwarf hamster, and Roborovski’s Dwarf hamster. The Russian Winter season White’s and Campbell’s Russian dwarf hamsters may be mistaken for just one single breed because of their related size of around 8 to 10 centimeters and their coloring. The Roborovski hamster is generally the smallest of the three hamsters and it normally just grows

  • Henrietta Hamster Case Summary

    647 Words  | 2 Pages

    Memorandum of Research Results STATEMENT OF FACTS: Henrietta Hamster lives in Brooklyn, NY, and works in Manhattan. Normally, Henrietta takes the subway into work ($2.25 each way), but once a week she commutes home in a unique way. For some time, Henrietta has been seeing a psychologist for counseling (for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) but was often late for or missed her appointments. She recently switched psychologists. A van, equipped with a carpeted office and easy chairs, picks her up from work

  • Joel Rifkin

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    placed hamsters in cages with older, larger, more aggressive hamsters and monitored the behavior. The larger hamsters would constantly chase and attack the test hamster. The test hamsters would not fight back and would eventually become very submissive every time they were placed in cages that contained hamsters of equal or larger size. If those submissive test hamsters were placed in cages with smaller hamsters, the test hamster would become instantly aggressive and attack the smaller hamster. Upon

  • Factors of Successful Advertisement: Three Examples of Car Companies

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    Advertisements broadcasted on TV everyday, is there one of them effectively persuades the audience to put the product on their shopping list? What successful elements of advertisement make it memorable? The car’s advertisements of Ford Fiesta ” This is now ”and Kia Soul’s ”New way to roll” are good examples. However the commercial “Style Never Goes Out Of Style" for 2014 Toyota Corolla is not effective enough, it does not convey enough information and advantages of their product’s “This is now” broadcasted

  • Comparing Monte And Oreo

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    and Oreo highlights their similarities and the uniqueness of their opposite personalities. I believe that dogs are inherently superior to hamsters. Monte is a prime example as to how dogs rule and hamster rule. Monte, the dog, is an energetic sheepdog, rottweiler

  • The Book Thief Quotes Analysis

    543 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Book Thief - English Honors AnnCatherine Conneen The quote that stuck with me trough the book was one not so much about the emotions that can with the Holocaust, but more of the actions that people had to take during this time. " 'Heil Hitler,' Rudy said. 'Heil Hitler,' She responded, straightening taller behind the counter. 'And you?' She glared at Liesel, who promptly gave her a 'heil Hitler' of her own. I chose this quote because as I said before, it was one that stuck with me throughout

  • Examples Of Dialectical Journal For Night By Elie Wiesel

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    The quote that stuck with me trough the book was one not so much about the emotions that can with the Holocaust, but more of the actions that people at this time must do. " 'Heil Hitler,' Rudy said. 'Heil Hitler,' She responded, straightening taller behind the counter. 'And you?' She glared at Liesel, who promptly gave her a 'heil Hitler' of her own. I chose this quote because as I mentioned before, it was one that stuck with me throughout the book. Not the direct text of the quote, but what

  • The Power and Impact of Personal Narratives

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    we live in a survival of the fittest world. Son goes on vacation for a few days with expectancy of coming home to his hamsters just like he left them. However, He comes home to the realization that one hamster had eaten the other hamster. Coming home to this he realizes that the hamsters are not as cute and fluffy on the inside as they are on the outside. Son realized that hamsters have an instinct to survive and can be ruthless (by using cannibalism in this instance) as one of their methods of surviving

  • Horace's Short Story

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    Horace had decided to investigate, shocked Horace saw his hamster flattened on his floor.

  • Analysis Of God Of Carnage By Yasmina Reza

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    this story is when the hamster comes into play. Veronica informs us about her second child, henry’s sister who is nine years old. This little girl is very upset because her father got rid of her hamster. Then, we learn more about the hamster as Michael shares his side of the story, “Yes this hamster makes the most god awful racket all night, then spends the whole day fast asleep! Henry was in a lot of pain last night; he was being driven crazy by the noise that the hamster was making. And to tell

  • Animal Studies Case Study

    1222 Words  | 3 Pages

    Animal studies play a major role in understanding human behaviour as it provides an insight into human behaviour. Although, such studies raise multiple ethical considerations. In any research study conducted, benefits versus risks must be considered and if the benefits are not great then the risk is usually unjustified. The two ethical considerations that will be focused on in this essay are the irreversible damage and invasive procedures used on the animals and the stress induced on them during

  • The Ethical Use Of Ferrets

    1865 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction There are many ways to perceive animals. A bunch of people used to have unfair behavior with animals however others think contrary and treats them like a family. Those are the animal lovers for whom animals are ones who have feelings, who considers animals as their inspiration. Even though animals rely a lot on distinct, their expertise in feeling various emotions leads to understanding that they are mentally capable of thinking alike humans. Animals teach us that how to express pure

  • Personal Narrative: In-Home Animal Welfare Audit

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    If I were going to be giving an in-home animal welfare audit on the following animals: large and small dog, 3 cats, 2 hamsters, and a goldfish, I would first start off my audit by examining the home and the surroundings of the animals. This would be my first and most obvious observation that would give me a great deal of insight as to if this is going to be a good or a bad audit. I would look at the condition of the floors, the walls, stairs, cabinets, doors, and the overall infrastructure. If there

  • Materialism and Unhappiness: A Modern Dilemma

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    apparent prosperity, people in today's society are less happy and at a greater risk of developing depression (Myers, 2000, p.55-67). Thus it's evident that life has become a hamster wheel of striving for more possession, resulting in more unhappiness. It becomes evident that today's increasingly materialistic society has become a hamster wheel of striving after material possessions which leads to increased unhappiness by reviewing how people choose and remain in careers that they hate due to societal pressure