Gutta-percha Essays

  • Golf Essay

    853 Words  | 2 Pages

    in a day. They proved to be the ball of choice for the next 200 years until the Gutta Perch ball was created from tree sap. This tree sap was a rubber-like material, and could be shaped through heat treatment. The Gutta Perch balls were cheaper to make and more durable than the feathery balls. Up until this point, all the golf balls that were created had been made with a smooth, rounded surface. But the Gutta Perch balls had a strange phenomenon occur when they began to wear down and get chips

  • Root Canal Essay

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    The root canal is a procedure in which and endodontist or dentist will perform to remove an infection from the pulp of the tooth canal. There are many indications to show that the patient will need this work completed such as pain, tenderness and sensitivity to warm and cold tempetures. When the endodontist is doing the procedure he will use many different tools such as endodontic explorers, files, peso reamers and gutter purcha. Once complete the patient will be a little sore but the initial pain

  • ZOE Sealers

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    Diurethane dimethacrylate (DUDMA) - Pigments - Benzoyl peroxide Properties: • Hydrophilic characteristics which provides high penetration into dentinal tubules and thus allow proper sealing. • Its radiopacity equivalent to gutta percha that simplifies radiographic interpretation. • Superior resistance to microbial leakage (compared to AH plus). Disadvantages: • Causes tissue inflammation. • High solubility.

  • Endodontist Research Paper

    1077 Words  | 3 Pages

    Endodontists are dentists that have gone through accredited dental schools and passed all certified licensing exams. After the completion of formal dental school, interested dentists receive extra training of two to three years and must pass an additional Board Examination, which equips them to perform complex and simple endodontic procedures, including Root Canal Therapy. Root canal therapy is a fairly common procedure that relieves tooth pain and saves the natural smile. Endodontists also perform

  • History of Golf

    1822 Words  | 4 Pages

    History of Golf Imagine the sun bursting through the trees for the first time of the new day, the smell of freshly cut grass still potent to your nose as you tee the ball up for a round of golf in the cool mist of a spring morning. "That is what brings you back every time, the smell of the air, the coolness of the whether and the beautiful surroundings that make every shot enjoyable." (Suess, PI) This is the game of golf in its finest and most exquisite time to many people and many people it

  • Aerodynamics of Golf Balls

    1066 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction to Aerodynamics Aerodynamics is the study of the motion of fluids in the gas state and bodies in motion relative to the fluid/air. In other words the study of aerodynamics is the study of fluid dynamics specifically relating to air or the gas state of matter. When an object travels through fluid/air there are two types of flow characteristics that happen, laminar and turbulent. Laminar flow is a smooth steady flow over a smooth surface and it has little disturbance. Intuition would

  • The Fast-Growing Sport of Golf

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    “Golf is the fastest growing competitive sport in the United States today” (Fossum 87). This game is rapidly growing In the United States, but is also a very expensive game to play. Today, it is a $25 billion business in the United States. (Dobrian). Golf is a game of dedication and patience that has a very interesting history. There are three main parts when it comes to the history of golf and how it can about. The creator of golf along with its origin, the advancement in equipment over the years

  • The Physics of a Golf Ball

    1262 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Physics of a Golf Ball The first written reference of golf was in 1457. Golf balls have had extraordinary changes since that time; they've gone from leather pouches to dried gum to today's dimpled balls. These dimples help decrease the drag and increase the lift. Different forces are applied to the golf ball when struck by the club. Golf clubs have grooves to create backspin. And then there are different variables that affect how a golf ball will travel, these include: lie angle and

  • Alexander Graham Bell and The Telephone

    558 Words  | 2 Pages

    A world without telephones would mean a world without communication and a struggle to complete everyday tasks. Ninety-one percent of Americans would not be able to call, send text, set alarms, or check social media on the go. When he invented the telephone in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell pioneered the way for future inventors to further advance the telephone making communication and life easier for us and generations to come. As a young boy growing up in the 1850’s, Bell was ambitious and headstrong

  • Informative Speech On Root Canal Therapy

    691 Words  | 2 Pages

    Are you suffering from a severe toothache? Is there any swelling or tenderness in the gums around the tooth in question? Has your tooth lost its color? You may be in need of a root canal therapy. Visit your dentist at the earliest. When your tooth is badly decayed or infected, a root canal therapy or treatment becomes necessary in order to save that tooth. If you let such a tooth left untreated, it will cause great discomfort. It may also necessitate the need to extract such a tooth altogether! For

  • The Accomplishments of Charles Sumner

    591 Words  | 2 Pages

    Charles Sumner, leader of the Radical Republican group and compelling chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, was one of the more educated politicians of his epoch who sought to abolish slavery. A Harvard Law School graduate, Sumner was the embodiment of formal rhetoric, evinced by his eloquent addresses and ardent opinions on pressing issues of his time (American Experience). During a time of great brutality due to the controversial idea of Kansas being either a free or slave state

  • Golf Game Essay

    1357 Words  | 3 Pages

    Millions of people around the world take pleasure in the game of golf every day, but few know when and where this complicated sport began to evolve. The game is played outdoors on a large course with a series of 9 or 18 holes placed far apart. The intention is to hit a small hard ball using various clubs into each hole with as few hits as possible. The game is loved and hated with equal amounts of interest by many. Golf though is much more to me it is just not exercise it’s an exciting activity

  • The Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis)

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    Madagascar rubber), Crytostegia grandiflora (Madagascar rubber), Crytostegia madagascariansis (Madagascar rubber), Parthenium argentatum (Guayule), Taraxacum kok-saghyz (Russian dandelion), Taraxacum megalorhizon (Russian dandelion), Palaquim gutta (Gutta percha), Manilkara bidentata (Balata), and Manilkara zapata (Chicle). Depending on the species of plant, the latex may be found in a number of locations. It may be within the cells or intercellular spaces of the roots, stems, or leaves of the plant

  • Root Canal

    1249 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Endodontics procedures of a Therapy Root Canal Dreyonna Carroll Anthem Institute The endodontics procedures of rotary canal therapy or root canal is a procedure that is performed by a specialized general dentist, and or a endodontist. The patient develops consistent ,severe pain, discoloration, or sensitivity from food and even to touch in , or around a certain area of a tooth, and is diagnosed by a specialist to receive rotary therapy. This is if the tooth can be saved, meaning it is not

  • The Sport of Golf

    2895 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Sport of Golf Golf is an outdoor game in which players use specially designed clubs to propel a small, hard ball over a field of play known as a course or links. The object of the game is to advance the ball around the course using as few strokes as possible. Golf is a very popular sport throughout the world. The Golf Course A golf course is divided into 18 sections, called holes. The standard course is about 5,900 to 6,400 m (about 6,500 to 7,000 yd); the individual holes may vary in

  • Essay On The Causes Of The Civil War

    1150 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Civil War and Its Causes According to an article from, there were so many deaths in the Civil War that the number of dead was not equivalent to the combined toll of all other American conflicts until the War in Vietnam. (Civil War Casualties THE COST OF WAR: KILLED, WOUNDED, CAPTURED, AND MISSING.") The fact that so many individuals died in this shows that this was an important war that was filled with controversy, but what was the controversy? This was a Civil War which means that

  • Phantom Head: The Purpose of an RCT

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    The purpose of a RCT is to clean out the pulp cavity of neurotic tissue and then to create a complete seal that will prevent bacteria from entering and leaving the RC. A RCT might be need because of gross caries reaching the RC or leakage of previous RCT or trauma which will lead to loss of vitality resulting in interruption of blood and/or nerve supply. The RCT can be divided according to the following steps: 1. Preoperative Radiograph A preoperative radiograph provides the dentist with information

  • The London Borough of Newham

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    The London Borough of Newham The London Borough of Newham was created in 1965 out of the Essex county boroughs of East Ham and West Ham. These were rural villages until a century ago, and fortunately the medieval parish churches and a few other ancient buildings survive as a reminder of this rustic past. The area has always been a gateway between London and Essex, with farm animals and food produce being raised or passing through Newham for London markets and manufactured goods coming

  • Dentistry Essay

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    Dentistry is an industry that is constantly evolving. Every day new techniques, instruments, procedures and discoveries are made. One thing becoming more and more popular in dentistry are dental lasers. Dental laser use in dental offices is rapidly growing because all of the advantages they provide to both the dentist and the patient. With the different types and strengths of the different lasers like hard tissue, soft-tissue, carbon dioxide, argon lasers and more almost any dental treatment can

  • Dental Caries Case Study

    1664 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Dental caries is a tooth decay, cavity or hole, which is the most common chronic disease among children and adolescents. Medline Plus Encyclopedia defines caries as the demineralisation of the hard tissue (enamel, dentin and cementum) and destruction of the organic matter of the tooth, usually by production of acid by hydrolysis of the food debris accumulated on the tooth surface by the bacteria. A correct diagnosis of the pulp conditions is important in treatment planning. The indications