Gospel of Judas Essays

  • judas

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    condemned as the ultimate traitor, his name is Judas Iscariot. Judas is best known as the man who betrayed Jesus, having him brutally murdered on the cross, and because of this his soul was condemned to hell forever. Though, if the situation is to be reevaluated Judas’s treachery could also be seen as an act of grace, it is because Judas deceived Jesus the entire world is saved. Without Judas in the equation there would be no way for mankind to enter heaven. If Judas can be forgiven for betraying Jesus then

  • Meeting Judas Iscariot

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    He wore long sweeping robes; he couldn’t have been older than thirty. He smiled; I felt a chill run up my spine, his eyes roamed my figure, judging me as if he was pondering if he should answer. “Judas Iscariot,” He simply replied after a moment. I stared at him dumbfounded. “Wait…The Judas? Jesus’ Judas?” He chuckled, sighed then glancing me over once again. “Yes,” I evaluated the situation before me; a man that has been dead for well over two thousand years was talking to me. A man, who had been

  • The Tragic Story of Judas Iscariot

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    Story of Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot. A man who usually strikes fear into the hearts of Christians and Jews alike. But who is this praised man of Kerioth, really? He betrayed our LORD for 30 silver shekels. Yet, there HAS to be SOME good in him, or else, why on earth would Jesus pick him? I'll inform you on Judas' possible motives, thoughts that may have been running through his head before and after the fact, his culpability, and the status of his soul. Most people believe Judas' only motive

  • The Gnostic Gospels

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    The Gnostic Gospels In this essay, I will discuss about the Gnostic Gospels. To discuss this matter, I will divide this paper in a few key points. The first is what Gnosticism is. The second is the Gnostic gospels miscellaneous literature and the last is the conclusion of the Gnostic gospels. What is Gnosticism? According to Bentley (1987): “ Gnosis derives from Greek, and connotes "knowledge" or the "act of Knowing ". (On first hearing, it is sometimes confused with another more Common term of

  • Disparity Between The Passion Of The Christ by Mel Gibson and The Bible

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    life of Jesus of Nazareth, portraying his arrest, trial, crucifixion and death. One of the most popular religious movies in modern times, it therefore becomes susceptible to criticism. Although the film is based upon the stories within the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, there are many exaggerations and non-biblical elements present in the movie. This is not unexpected, since it is a movie, but the vivid detail of the brutality in the movie as well as the Anti-Semitic theme are the

  • Comparison Of The Synoptic Gospels And The Gospel Of Thomas

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    The Gospel of Thomas was discovered in the Egyptian dessert over half a century ago. It is a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus written by Didymos Judas Thomas. The sayings in this text are describes as having some divine power: "whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death" (Thomas 1). This gospel does not have a narrative of the life and passion of Jesus as well as a record of his teachings. Instead one saying is followed by another saying without a narrative

  • Synoptic Gospel Of Jesus Arrest

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    Arrest “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?”, (Luke 22: 48). This was the line that was the start of Jesus’ Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. The Synoptic Gospels are filled with many different stories about Jesus, some tell the same ones. Jesus’ Arrest, was one of the most interesting stories told in the Synoptic Gospels. The Arrest of Jesus, is one of the most important stories in the Synoptic Gospels. In this story, one of Jesus’ disciples was to betray him, Judas Iscariot

  • How Is Caravaggio Portrayed In The Taking Of Christ

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    The Taking of Christ by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio was painted in 1602 in oil on canvas and it is currently in the National Gallery of Ireland. The painting depicts the story of the betrayal of Christ by Judas from the Christian Bible, where Judas was supposed to identify Christ with a kiss. The painting consists of what seems to be seven figures; on the left is John, who is reacting to the taking of Jesus with his hands up, or perhaps he is calling someone to tell them that Jesus is being

  • A Rhetorical Analysis Of Jesus In John 13

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    the other disciples would have been from Galilee, Judas offers a unique perspective regarding how the Judeans would have struggled with the way of Jesus (we will later be introduced to another Judas later, who helps to reaffirm that no Judeans can participate with Jesus). It is interesting also that, the vessel by which Jesus identifies the betrayer, is through his appetite. I think there is something to be said about the kind of frustration Judas had with Jesus, and his tendency to be controlled

  • The Gospel Of Mark Chapter 14 Essay

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    The Gospel of Mark is an extremely influential and important chapter for the Christian religion. Mark chapter 14 begins two days before the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread. This is when the Chief Priests and scribes are making their plans to trap Jesus and kill him. They will do this before the festival because they do not want to provoke the large crowds and cause a riot. There was a dinner in the suburbs, and a woman anoints Jesus with a very expensive ointment which angers some

  • The Last Temptation of Christ

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    reluctance, depression, doubt, and fear. However, the movie departs from the accepted Biblical depiction of the life of Jesus Christ. In other words, the movie is remotely derived from the Gospel of John, Luke, Mark, and Mathew. The movie starts with the renunciation that it is not based on the above gospels. Instead the movie is derived from the book, The Last Temptation of Christ by Nikos Kazantzakis. The book focuses on the dual nature of Christ or his humanity (Greydanus). It is not a must

  • The Passion Narrative In The Gospel Of Mark

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    Mark: A Passion Narrative The Gospel of Mark is arguably one of the most read books in the New Testament. Mark writes about Jesus’ adult life, from the time God proclaims to the world that Jesus was his son, to the time of his resurrection. His narrative style for the text makes it easier to read than many books in the bible, which is why it is many people’s favorite. Many scholars have analyzed the Gospel of Mark, and have many different opinions about it. One idea that scholars believe about

  • Examination of Jesus' Death

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    looking at the roles of certain people and how their actions influenced and affected the Course of Jesus' life? THE ROLE OF JUDAS ISCARIOT On the night Jesus was to be arrested he went to a place called the garden of Gethsemane where he was only accompanied by peter and the two sons of Zebedee (John and James). Both Matthew and Mark's gospel mention this but Luke's gospel gives a vague account saying "... and the disciples went with him", He neither names the disciples nor tells us how many

  • Comparing Crime and Punishment and The Bible

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    doubles: the apostles Peter and Judas. Although each member of these two pairs commits the same crime as his double, only one finds redemption. Dostoyevsky's text and the gospel accounts indicate that humility and self-effacement are the key elements of salvation. The first pair for this discussion is Peter and Judas, about whom is written have the least information and who are therefore the easier pair to analyze. First, it is important to note that the gospels were written by authors sympathetic

  • The Twelve Disciples: Characters Revealed

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    instrument of God is seen in the following passage: “Surnamed Zelotes, preached the Gospel in Mauritania, Africa, and even in Britain, in which latter country he was crucified, A.D. 74.”(Fox 5) Nothing more is known about Simon Zelotes, but one thing can be certain. He was a man whom God touched and he was used in a powerful way to spread the Gospel of his wonderful Savior. The last of the original twelve disciples is Judas Iscariot, and his life is the only one that ends in misery and death. He did not

  • Meaning Behind: The Last Supper

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    lunchroom in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie (Britannica, “Leonardo da Vinci”) I chose this painting for various reasons. I just completed a course at Lewis University called the Message of Jesus. The last supper, documented in all four of the Gospels in the New Testament, was discussed heavily. I wanted to take what I learned about the last supper and combine it with art. I have the knowledge about the last supper and want to learn about it more from an artistic perspective. I have always found

  • Judas Iscariot Quotes

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    Judas Reimagined, the Unsung Hero of the Bible Forget everything you think that you know about Christianity as you sit down to watch heresy hit the big screen in all of its glittering glory in Norman Jewison’s 1973 rock opera, Jesus Christ Superstar. Camera angles, costumes and close-ups take the place of theology in this drastic and highly entertaining rewrite Jesus’ last week of life. Rather than dying as a sacrifice for humanity’s sins, it turns out that Jesus was really just an ordinary guy

  • Judas

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    the text does not say that Judas died as a result of hanging. All it says is that he "went and hanged himself." Luke however, in Acts, tells us that "and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his entrails gushed out." This is a pretty clear indication (along with the other details given in Acts - Peter's speech, the need to pick a new apostle, etc.) that at least after Judas' fall, he was dead. So the whole concept that Matthew and Luke both recount Judas' death is highly probable

  • The Dead Sea Scrolls: An Enlightening Archaeological Discovery

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    In early 1947, a Bedouin shepherd boy went searching for a stray goat that had wandered away onto the cliffs along the coast of the Dead Sea. While looking for it, he discovered a cave containing pottery jars filled with manuscripts that would come to be known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. The study of these scrolls has advanced human understanding on the authenticity of the Old Testament, the development of historical Hebrew texts, the culture of the Jewish community where Christianity was born and Rabbinic

  • The Disciples

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    The Disciples The disciples were followers of Jesus; they learned from him and preached the word of God. They tried to be as God like as they possibly could and did many good things. The first disciples were called whilst they were working. They all worked as fisherman in Galilee. There were four of them and they were Simon and his brother Andrew and James and his brother John, sons of Zebedee. All of the men were normal, ordinary every day people and were just going about their everyday