Giuliana Rancic Essays

  • Analysis Of The Tears Of Ariana Grande

    582 Words  | 2 Pages

    Grande ended up crying in bathroom during that night. Fans got word of this singer's reaction. They flocked to the Twitter by showing the support, tweeting We Are Here for You Ariana. Ariana Grande seemed flustered when she spoke to the Giuliana Rancic earlier. Giuliana asked singer to describe her own style and she could not form right wor...

  • Research Paper On Zendaya

    732 Words  | 2 Pages

    decision to style her hair in dreadlocks at the Oscars. Predominantly spearheaded by Caucasians, the Oscars participants usually wear their hair in a more western “traditional” way. Unfortunately but not shockingly, Zendaya was met with resistance. Giuliana Rancic, host of E!’s Fashion Police, tweeted her sentiments on the model’s hairstyle stating that she felt that Zendaya “smelled of patchouli oil, or weed”. Worn throughout many cultures, dreadlocks are most commonly associated with Jamaicans,

  • Stereotypes Of Black Women In Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah

    856 Words  | 2 Pages

    It can be seen how these stereotypes of black women can prevent them from living their lives to the fullest potential and decreases their chances of being public leaders. For instance, Michelle Obama is such a public figure that many issues have risen in regards to being accurately judged on her education and experience. After the election in 2008, the media did not miss a step in scrutinizing her racial background and heritage. Many news sources did not waste anytime in sexually demoralizing the

  • White Privilege In The Urban Hair Industry

    906 Words  | 2 Pages

    Black Hair White Effect: White Privilege in the Urban Hair Industry Ngoziabata Hunter Whether it’s extravagant haute couture or simply casual, hair styling has created a common denominator in the lives of humans globally. But hair, being the unifying code for people of all ethnicities, hides the racially fueled battleground behind the extensions, locs and overall presentation of Black and White hairstyling. The appropriation of urban hair and the blatant/subtle racism upscale hair stylist display

  • Cultural Appropriation

    1116 Words  | 3 Pages

    E! Host Giuliana Rancic didn’t quite think so. She then preceded to make racist comments toward the young stars hair by saying she must’ve smelled of “patchouli” and “weed”. Dread locks and marijuana are part of a stereotype usually associated with Caribbean culture. Coleman’s reply to the comments made was, “To say that an 18-year-old young woman with locks must smell of patchouli oil or ‘weed’ is not only a large stereotype but outrageously offensive.” After Rancic publicly apologized

  • Color Blindness Is Affecting Hip-Hop Culture

    1163 Words  | 3 Pages

    Colorblindness is the racial ideology that suggests the best way to end discrimination is by treating individuals as equally as possible, without regard to race, culture, or ethnicity. Many celebrities like Kim Kardashian combat accusations of racism by claiming to be colorblind. Here are some examples of why this is not necessarily a good thing. When saying you see no difference between races, and only see "one color" you are by default saying you see everyone as white. Also, by claiming colorblindness

  • Cultural Appropriation In Hip-Hop

    1500 Words  | 3 Pages

    For many years, black culture has been something that has repeatedly been looked down upon then mimicked. Cultural appropriation is defined as the act of a minority 's culture being paraded as someone else 's own without knowledge of the culture. This is not to be confused with culture appreciation, in which an individual chooses to obtain knowledge of a culture before they wear or become a part of it. The problem in this generation is that people see something they like, and simply copy it without

  • Pros And Cons Of Cultural Appropriation

    2025 Words  | 5 Pages

    Festival and creative outfit styles have long decorated the pages of magazines, and more recently social media, and will continue to do so in the near future. And thus so will the styles that have been appropriated featured in these images. Cultural appropriation is a widespread issue affecting the numerous members of numerous cultures and religions. One definition of cultural appropriation is where cultural outsiders use or borrow artistic styles that are not original to them (Matthes). Though