Girl with a Pearl Earring Essays

  • Girl With A Pearl Earring

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    stand in front of that painting, and I tell myself a story about it,” this answered my question. The title of this novel is very simple: “Girl With A Pearl Earring,” nothing special. Yet, after reading it, the painting has such a deep story in it and nothing else can be titled for this novel other than A Girl With A Pearl Earring. The painting Girl With A Pearl Earring is known as the Dutch Mona Lisa. Thus, this novel tells a story of the famous painting, all the while depicting life in 17th century

  • Girl with a Pearl Earring

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    “You smell of linseed oil.” My father spoke in a baffled tone. He did not believe that simply cleaning a painter’s studio would make the smell linger on my clothes, my skin, my hair. He was right. It was as if he guessed that I now slept with the oil in my room, that I sat for hours being painted and absorbing the scent. He guessed and yet he could not say. His blindness took away his confidence so he did not trust the thoughts in his mind. A year before I might have tried to help him, suggest what

  • Griet's Girl With A Pearl Earring

    806 Words  | 2 Pages

    Girl With a Pearl Earring is a historical novel that is set in 17th century Delft, Holland. The novel is narrated in the first person by a sixteen-year-old girl named Griet. The story opens in the year 1664, where Griet is unexpectedly informed that she will be starting work as a maid in the home of Johannes Vermeer, a Dutch painter, and his wife, Catharina. Due to Griet’s father, a tile painter, getting into a workplace accident which has blinded him and denied him the ability to work, her family’s

  • Griet's Girl With A Pearl Earring

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    Girl with a Pearl Earring begins in the year 1664 when the Dutch painter and his wife Catharina are in search for a new maid. Their search leads them to the house of the main character, Griet, and her lower class family. Griet’s father has informed Vermeer of his daughter’s ability to clean without moving anything, an ability she had perfected after an accident that left her father blind. Although Griet is reluctant to leave her house and begin work as a maid she realizes that a steady income

  • 'Girl With A Pearl Earring, The Kiss'

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    objects, events, or other phenomena that were previously not categorized as art”. The pieces I will be writing back stories on are “Girl with a Pearl Earring” by Johannes Vermeer, “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt, and “Cafe Terrace at Night” by Vincent Van Gogh. The first piece I will be writing about is “Girl with a Pearl Earring”. The backstory on this piece is complicated. The girl in the painting is the artist's ex lover. She is a blonde, small, 23 year old young lady. She was born in Germany, but her family

  • Griet's Girl With A Pearl Earring

    1894 Words  | 4 Pages

    Another way that Griet and Belle show the unfair treatment towards women is how their societies view women as less than men and try to force a "yes" response to a proposal, giving them no options in their own lives. In Girl With a Pearl Earring Griet is expected to marry Pieter the Son and her family is constantly pressuring her to do so because of the meat it would provide for them. Pieter tries several times to get Griet to agree to marrying him, which she constantly tries to avoid answering. On

  • Griet In The Girl With The Pearl Earring

    1017 Words  | 3 Pages

    Catharina might catch Vermeer and she working together. Tracy Chevalier also used the beauty of the girl in the original painting to add to the story. For example, there are many occasions in the book when Griet is faced by men that are overly attracted to her. This makes Catharina worried from the beginning about Vermeer and Griet. The appliance of Griets beauty makes The Girl With The Pearl Earring a much more interesting novel.

  • Girl With A Pearl Earring Analysis

    510 Words  | 2 Pages

    In Girl with a Pearl Earring, Griet is intelligent and shows artistic knowledge much like Vermeer, but she cannot act upon it. When Griet and Vermeer first meet in the kitchen of her parent’s home, Griet is laying out and chopping vegetables. She puts them out in a very organized way, and Vermeer immediately takes notice. When he questions her for separating the colors as she has, she tells him, “the colors fight when they are side by side, sir.”(5). This shows she recognizes which colors look

  • Johannes Vermeer's Girl With A Pearl Earring

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    was, Girl with a Pearl Earring, an 18 ¼ x 15 ¼ in. Size portrait, painted in 1655, and represented to be an oil on canvas painting. This portrait can be viewed in Mauritshuis, The Hague. The genre of this painting is a historical fiction, as in the subject it was about daily life situations, and an ordinary girl. Johannes Vermeer made this painting be a representational, because it showed is emotions, patients, and dedication. Also, it represents a woman and how this painting became to be. Girl with

  • Literary Analysis Of Girl With A Pearl Earring

    713 Words  | 2 Pages

    work, which leads to the complexity and beauty of art itself. The meaning behind a work of art is not always what is important to people, it can also be the aesthetics. People like art that is pleasing to the eye as well as to the mind. In Girl With A Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier, Griet, the protagonist, silently appreciates and critiques the artwork in the Vermeer household while busy acting as maid, a

  • Girl With A Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier

    4460 Words  | 9 Pages

    Girl With A Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier Tracy Chevalier is unusual in having taken a specific painting and created a construction round it. How does she build a convincing impression of the characters and their circumstances in this unusual household on Papists Corner in Delft between 1664-1676? Tracy Chevalier is unusual at having taken a painting, a Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer and assembled her story around it. Tracy Chevalier's construction is about a young

  • Tracy Chevalier's Girl With A Pearl Earring

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    In “Girl with a Pearl Earring”, Tracy Chevalier tells the story of the creation of Vermeer’s famous painting titled “Girl with a Pearl Earring”. Chevalier explains the artist’s complicated relationship with both models and patrons. She also touches on how apprenticeships worked during this time period. There are also in-depth descriptions of the mixing of paints and color application. Chevalier gives a realistic representation of what the process of art creation entailed in the 17th century. The

  • Women In Susan Griet's Girl With A Pearl Earring

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    Griet from the book, Girl With A Pearl Earring is a women that has a life so complex and with so many hard choices that her life is a constant challenge. Does she follow in her brother’s footsteps and leave her family behind or does she choose what’s expected of her and marry Pieter the son? Does she reveal her talent for looking at the world uniquely or does she hide behind the men in her life? These are the many complex decisions that women in that type of society had to deal with. As Griet moves

  • Common Servant Women In Tracy Chevalier's Girl With A Pearl Earring

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    society is preoccupied with managing the household and their social status, while common servant women struggled with endless amounts of daily chores and the challenge of maintaining themselves in a different environment. In the renowned novel Girl with a Pearl Earring, by Tracy Chevalier it is through the characters such as Maria Thins and Greit that the roles of women during the dutch golden age are vividly demonstrated. Maria Thins is a prime example of a typical household women, she manages the house

  • The Milkmaid And Girl Analysis

    2406 Words  | 5 Pages

    interpretations of truth and meaning come individually based on experiences and different backgrounds. Each piece of artwork described represents a form of peace, coming from within, and a price paid to achieve it. Johannes Vermeer’s The Milkmaid and Girl with a Pearl Earring depict beautiful women intent, almost mesmerized, on their goal, against a dull background. Similarly, Claude Monet’s obsession with his garden at Giverny can be seen in works such as Waterlilies, Water Landscape, Clouds, 1903 and Waterliles

  • Griet And Catharina

    656 Words  | 2 Pages

    The movie Girl with a Pearl Earring is set in Delft, Holland in 1665. When Griet father became blind in an accident, she must go to work as a maid to help support her family. She ends up working for a painter, Johannes Vermeer with his wife, Catharina, and their children's. The household also houses Catharina mother, Maria Thins, and her maid Tanneke. Tanneke quickly shows her around the house and numerous tasks that will please the family. However, one of her duties is to clean the art studio, but

  • Vermeer And Griet

    1029 Words  | 3 Pages

    The novel, Girl With A Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier, is an excellent story of a sixteen year old girl named Griet during the middle of the sixteen hundreds. After her father faced a terrible accident that caused him to go blind, Griet was forced to work as a maid for another family in order to bring in more money for her own. As a maid, Griet has to be careful to properly fulfill her duties while remaining polite and never crossing the boundaries between her status as the maid and the higher

  • Informative Essay On Scarlett Johansson

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    Scarlett Johansson is currently a popular actress in America. Starting from her first performances, she slowly rose to stardom. Scarlett Johansson’s mother encouraged her to continue pursuing acting after numerous rejections, and Johansson gradually became an A-list actress. Scarlett Ingrid Johansson was born on November 22nd, 1984 in New York City ("Scarlett… Life”; "Scarlett…” IMDb). Her father, Karsten Johansson, is an architect; and her mother, Melanie Johansson, was a homemaker before later

  • Barbie Doll Fashion versus Medieval Children's Fashion

    1564 Words  | 4 Pages

    What do barbie dolls have in common with medieval childrens fashion? Actually children were dressed as miniture adults, but with less exaggerated details. they were mini dolls, not much has changed has changed today. This is illustrated through noble children's dress, merchant and town folk's children basic clothing and peasent childrens's dress. Fashion in the elizabethan era was very important there were even laws made, only allowing certain classes to wear certan things. This law was called

  • Symbolism And Metaphors In The Tiger's Bride By Angela Carter

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    An exploration of the use of symbolism and metaphor in The Tiger’s Bride by Angela Carter Joshua Folgado The Tiger’s bride is arguably one of Carter’s most feminist works in the collection; The Bloody Chamber. It is a story that challenges the way in which women are objectified as accessories for men by creating an anti-materialistic female protagonist and also by using symbolism to highlight how society can form a shell over the animal inside us all. Carter dismisses the stereotypical submissive