Garden plants Essays

  • Mary Dedecker Native Plant Garden Essay

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    Have you been to the Mary DeDecker Native Plant Garden? Although the spectacularly precipitation-filled winter did not erase the effects of many consecutive years of drought in California, still, the Dedecker Native Plant Garden had its own show of blooms this year. The pinks and purples of lupines and penstemons shown through in spring and became a flush of golden yellows of rabbit brush and goldenrod by autumn. More than 40 species, native to the Eastern Sierra, of flowering herbs, grasses and

  • Effective Use of Symbolism in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

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    author used Camellias to describe Mrs.Dubose. The Camellia is the state flower of Alabama which is where To Kill A Mockingbird takes place. It thrives in acidic soil, has fairly deep roots and grows rapidly, up to 20 feet. It grows in Mrs. Duboses's garden and has an alternate meaning of prejudice in Maycomb. As evidence, "he [Jem] . . . cut the tops off every camellia bush [she] owned, until the ground was littered with green buds and leaves" (Lee page 74). Jem does not understand as he acts rashly

  • Janet Laurence's A Medicinal Garden For Ailing Plants

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    the use of humanity. This work also echo’s earlier investigations on displaying and cultivating plants that have been removed from their original environment. The natural world is in need of healing and protection. Theses beliefs and messages are mainly seen with the artist’s choice of materials and use of symbolism. This work also described as a ‘plant hospital’ has many glass shelves supporting plants intertwined in and around scientific glass ware. Installations of this nature require audiences

  • Personal Narrative Essay: My Love Of Plants

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    My love of plants began with one little ragged looking 3g azalea, named Sherwood Cerise. It had outgrown its container and was taller than customers wanted, untrimmed and a little sparse for that reason. It resembled some of the beautiful bonsaied Japanese maples, twisted and contorted and lovely. I planted it for strange reasons (after a childhood of gardening, I’d sworn off plants forever), one being that I couldn’t resist its structural beauty. That was the proverbial snowball that got my

  • Persuasive Essay On Gardening

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    Regardless of those few restriction, you can still create the idea garden that you and others can enjoy. Whether you plan gardening from plant pots or from a raised bed, your greatest challenge can be getting started. Before you begin designing or breaking ground for your garden, creating a list of ideas of what you want to plant and size your gardening will be. Another thing to consider is the type of ground or land that you will plant on. Some concerns can be is the ground leveled? Are there rocks

  • Thomas Jefferson´s Gardening Compared to Today

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    As a young man, Jefferson inherited his family's 2,000 hectare plantation on Monticello Mountain near Charlottesville, Virginia where he designed the neo-classical house and flower gardens and planted grain fields, fruit orchards and vineyards. (Skirble)” “Jefferson's Monticello garden was a Revolutionary American garden. One wonders if anyone else had ever before assembled such a collection of vegetable novelties, culled from virtually every western culture known at the time, then disseminated by

  • Gardening Essay

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    Home gardens offer a wide variety of benefits to the environment and serve a diverse group of people. Home gardening provides a source of fresh produce and free of chemicals, it also gives you complete control over the chemicals and products used during the growing process. A home garden allows you to pick the produce when its ripe, unlike produce at the store is often picked before its fully ripe. The quality and flavor of the freshly picked produce from home is better than the produce that might

  • Self Image Monster Essay

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    When we think about monsters, we all come up with one common thought. We think of a large, terrifying beast that most likely has sharp teeth, demonic eyes, and the strength of a thousand men. Frightening yes, but I think we actually prefer this image for a few reasons. The biggest one being that this deadly, mythical creature is just that: a myth. It is simply a character in a story and it will never actually harm us. I love this mindset as much as the next person but unfortunately, it is completely

  • Designing a Butterfly Garden for the Blind

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    Designing a Butterfly Garden for the Blind The research and preparation for this essay have made me realize not only how interesting and unique this project is, but also how useful and valuable such a “Garden for the Blind” could really be. The blindfolded Butterfly Garden experience specifically helped me realize to a great extent how much we as humans greatly overemphasize our sense of sight, and do not take full advantage of all the senses most of us have been blessed with to use and appreciate

  • Art and All in Our Mothers' Gardens

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    Art and All in Our Mothers' Gardens Alice Walker uses Virginia Woolf's phrase "contrary instincts" to describe the creative spirit that her female ancestors revive spirit that her female ancestors revered while working and living in oppressive conditions.  Her mother had a difficult life, but she managed to keep her creative spirit alive.  She held onto what she could in the simplest ways.  Where there was a will there was a way. Walker explains that her mother, though tired and overworked

  • Essay On Vegetable Garden

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    building your own vegetable garden. It can fit all sizes of yards and decks. You just need to pick the location and type of garden. Next, you will prepare the garden site and work the soil. Finally, you will plan the specifics and plant your garden. With some care and patience, you will be enjoying the fruits of your labor in no time. What type of garden is the best fit for you? Do you have room in a large backyard, limited space, or no yard at all? A thriving garden is possible in any one of these

  • College Admissions Essay: Music is Life

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    to match the capital and lowercase letters and identify each letter. My interest in plants came through watching and helping my grandmother in her gardens. Last summer, Jacksonville's historic Cummer Gardens needed workers, so I began volunteering there for several hours each week, planting new flowers, removing old ones, mulching, and weeding. My work there has inspired me to volunteer in other public gardens, such as those in libraries and nursing homes, in the future. Several years ago I became

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of 'Guerilla Gardener In A Food Desert'

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    guerilla gardener in South Central LA is the TED Talk video selected for this reaction paper and the talk tells us how one man was resourceful enough to take what he called "home of the drive-thru and the drive-by" and a "food desert" and build food gardens for all to share and be changed by. On stage, Ron Finley is clearly a man with a sense of humor and knack for keeping his message real. For example, when city planners attempted to rebrand South Central Los Angeles to South Los Angeles, he simply


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    fundamental typological element (Al Abidin, 2010). The concept of paradise garden has been well known for ages and it changes from time to time according to their culture. The interpretation of paradise garden itself varies from one country to another country. The implementation of ‘paradise garden’ concept in the Islamic courtyard is familiar in Islamic landscape. Often the Islamic courtyard consist the elements of paradise garden within. The word paradise derived from Old Persian word ‘pairidaeza’

  • The Benefits of Creating School Gardens

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    I have an idea for you, why not start a school garden? A school garden would cost money to make and would take a lot of resources to build but it would all be worth it. Fresh food, you know exactly where it has been. Some people think that a school garden would be a wast of valuable resources. But we think it will be great investment for the students and teachers. Processed food you buy and you don't know where it came from. Having a school garden will be beneficial for the following reasons; It

  • The Tragedy of King Richard the Second: The Garden of the Kingdom

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    The Tragedy of King Richard the Second: The Garden of England In Act 3, Scene 4 of The Tragedy of King Richard the Second by Shakespeare, the Queen finds that she is unhappy due to an unexplained intuition. While in the Duke of York’s palace, the Queen’s waiting-women try to comfort her until the gardeners interrupt the failed attempts to reach a happiness. As the Queen secretly listens into the gardener’s conversation, she hears that they are speaking about binding the apricots and plucking the

  • The Benefits of Having a Greenhouse

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    soothe their mind and body. Throughout history gardens have served as a food source for families. Collecting and preserving the summer harvest provided a large part of the food for families all over the world. The nutrients contained in vegetables and fruit are very important for good health, and can enrich financially limited diets. During World War Two the American Government encouraged citizens to grow “Victory Gardens” in their backyard. These gardens would be full of vegetables to help families

  • Benefits Of Gardening Essay

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    should garden to get health benefits. Recent research indicates that 30 minutes daily of moderate exercise such as gardening lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, helps prevent diabetes and heart disease, and prevents or slows osteoporosis. Just sixty minutes of gardening can burn 272-544 calories depending on the size of the person. Generally, a person who weighs more will burn more calories than the amount shown here. To make the most of a gardening workout, think of the garden as an

  • Fertilizing the Flowers with Anger

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    Tulips in California-the winters are not cold enough. But the obsessive among us, the true lover of flowers, of garden, earth, and growth persists. Women mostly, women like my mother, know that tulips will not bloom unless they have six weeks of cold, yet they persist. My mother simulates the growing conditions: she places the tulip bulbs in a special drawer in the refrigerator. A drawer empty but for tulip bulbs, resting, maturing for six weeks long. During these six weeks, my father is periodically

  • Characteristics Of Modern Garden Ideas

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    Ideas and inspirations for modern gardens There is a Chinese saying which, when translated, roughly means “One who plants a garden, plants happiness.” There is no denying of the fact. Avid gardeners among you will fondly remember your first gardening experiences. Perhaps, you were only a toddler then helping the older members of the family in backyard landscaping. Don’t you still feel the same thrill when you see the first signs of buds in your daffodils or dahlias? You most certainly do! In fact