Formula Three Essays

  • NASCAR Sprint Cup: Differences

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    Sprint Cup vs Formula One and how popular is the racing industry. These are two different races with two different cars and different style of racing.The NASCAR Sprint Cup brings in around $629 million and is broadcast in the United States. The formula one tops NASCAR with making $1.5 billion annually. The formula one is an international race that included both left and right turns. The most significant difference that stands out is the shape and design of the race cars. The formula one is design

  • Math Investigation of Painted Cubes

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    face, two red faces, and three faces?' From this, I hope to find a formula to work out the number of different faces on a cube sized 'n x n x n'. Solving the Problem ------------------- To solve this problem, I built different sized cubes (2 x 2 x 2, 3 x 3 x 3, 4 x 4 x 4, 5 x 5 x 5, 6 x 6 x 6, 7 x 7 x 7, 8 x 8 x 8, 9 x 9 x 9) using multi-links. I started by building a cube sized '2 x 2 x 2'. As I looked at the cube, I noticed that all of them had three faces. I then went onto a

  • Number Grid Investigation

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    why, in a number grid square of 1-100, when a section of two by two squares is extracted and the two opposite squares are multiplied and then subtracted the result is always 10. I will also be testing and studying whether it is true for three by three, four by four, five by five e.t.c number squares. I shall also be studying what will happen if I change the size of the grid square upon which I am extracting the numbers from. E.g. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] I shall also be using

  • Math Hidden Faces Investigation

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    and how I have done it. The rule that I must beware of is if the hidden faces pattern changes in to a different number that means that something is going wrong. Finally I will find formulas for the nth term for the number of hidden faces for each particular dimension. Hopefully, I will then try to find general formula for the total numbers of hidden faces in any given cube/cuboids. Maths Evaluation for hidden fa Evaluation I have used a systematic approach when drawing the cubes and cuboids

  • Shapes Investigation

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    try to find a formula linking P (perimeter), D (dots enclosed) and T (number of triangles used to make a shape). Later on in this investigation T will be substituted for Q (squares) and H (hexagons) used to make a shape. Other letters used in my formulas and equations are X (T, Q or H), and Y (the number of sides a shape has). I have decided not to use S for squares, as it is possible it could be mistaken for 5, when put into a formula. After this, I will try to find a formula that links the

  • Arranging Letters

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    out a method, To Use My Method I Preferred To Convert Letters into Numbers, It Makes No Difference: Step1: 1234---Do the last two number first then you get 1243. 1243---Do the last three numbers and try the possibility. 1423. 1432. 1342.1324, because the number 2 has been the first number of last three numbers, so we don't do it again. Step2: we have list all arrangements of 1 go front, so we do 2 go front. 2134 and we do same thing to it, it will look like this: 2134---2143, 2143---2431

  • Finding the Hidden Faces of a Cube

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    noticed that the number of hidden faces are going up by three each time. In order to find the number of hidden faces for other rows of cubes, it is necessary to have a rule. [IMAGE][IMAGE]Row 2 [IMAGE]Row 3 [IMAGE]Row 1 Instead of trying to find the number of hidden faces I looked at the visible faces and I took that away from the total amount of faces. You can see 3 rows first, so the number of visible faces for those three rows is 3%n then there is one visible side on each side

  • Investigating Different Arrangements of Letters of Words

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    any identical letters in them and those that do. Then I will try and find a formula that can calculate the total arrangements of letters of any word, which does not have any identical letters in it. I will also try and find a formula to find the total arrangements of words, which have some identical letters in them. Firstly I will look at those words, which have no identical letters in them and then work out a formula that can find the total arrangements of letters in them. So I will begin

  • Triminoes

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    Triminoes Triminoes is a game similar to dominoes. The game is played using triangular pieces of card. Each card has three numbers on it. Instead of drawing the triangles I will write the three numbers in brackets below. E.g. (000) (001) (002) (011) (012) (022) (111) (112) (122) (222) The aim of this investigation will be to: 1. Investigate the relationship between the number of Triminoe cards

  • Psychology and Computers

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    measurements, are shown how to administer a test to students, adults, etc… Then shown to calculate the different results and the different formulas we use and what the formulas mean. We also use the calculator, especially a calculator with graphing functions, to make graphs and to see what the math formula actually did. We can see what it measures and actually what the formula means. In another class called Senior research, we are using the ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) which is a data analysis tool that

  • Measurement - Mathematic Reform

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    enter grade 3 with enthusiasm for, and interest in, learning mathematics. In fact, nearly three-quarters of U.S. fourth graders report liking mathematics (NCTM, 143). This can be a very critical time in keeping children interested in what they are learning. If the work turns too monotonous and uninteresting it can have a negative effect on their perceptions of the subject later in life. If students in grades three through five are given mathematic material that is interesting it can help keep their enthusiasm

  • Investigating Patterns in Grids of Different Sizes

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    (highlighted above) I will develop a formula to work out the total value of the numbers added up. The boot will consist of three numbers up and two across. My formula must show how to find out the added value of the boot if placed anywhere within the grid. Grid 5x5 ======== 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I found that in grid 5x5 that the formula for the added value of the boot

  • Time Value Of Money

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    components of time value of money and identifies the application of time value of money in various businesses. Commercial banks use various time value of money formulas daily. One example of the application of time value of money in commercial banks is through mortgages. Using the formula for present value of an annuity, a bank will solve the formula to determine the monthly payment amount, the borrower’s monthly mortgage payment. Credit card financial service companies are commonly known to issue private

  • Investigating a Ski Jump

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    Knowledge: I will use formulas in the prediction to predict what will happen. The main formulas I will use will be Loss of potential energy = mgh m=mass g=gravity h=height Ek =1/2mv² Ek= kinetic energy v=velocity In the experiment the ball bearing will begin with potential energy. In order to predict the distance the ball travels I need to find out the horizontal speed of the ball upon leaving the rail. I will do this by making Ek equal to mgh to make a new formula, then making it equal

  • The Formula of Succinic Acid

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    The Formula of Succinic Acid Succinic acid is a diprotic, which means it donates two protons per molecule. Succinic acid can be completely neutralised by sodium hydroxide. The indicator most suitable for this experiment is phenolphthalein, it is colourless in acids and pink in alkalises. The half way stage is about pH 9.3, this is when it will either change from colourless to a very pale pink or from pink to colourless. To determine the relative formula mass of succinic acid I am going to

  • Cube Shaped Boxes and Supermarket Displays

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    table to show whether it is a linear or quadratic formula. 4. Make a guess as to what the formula might be. 5. Check it. If it is right prove it by using the next shape in the series. If it is not right work out the next part of the formula. 2-d Squares and Rectangles [IMAGE]To simplify this investigation I will start off with an easy shape and work my way onto more complex shapes. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] To find a formula for this pattern I will draw a difference table

  • Investigating the Volume of an Open Box

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    relationship I will try to find out the formula for finding the cut size to get the largest volume for any specified original card size. Square card size I am going to begin by investigating a square card because this will give me a basic formula which I can elaborate on. I will start with a round number of 20cm for the length. This means that the maximum cut out square length I can cut out will be 9cm else I will have no box left. The formula for the volume of any box is as follows:

  • NCAA Football Playoff System

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    NCAA Football Playoff System Thesis: The Bowl Championship Series (BCS) formula has been used to determine the top twenty-five teams in NCAA Division I college since 1998. Many think this system is inadequate and should be changed. The alternative is a playoff system that would give more of the top teams a chance to be named the NCAA football National Champion. I.     BCS formula A.     Computers 1.     Where they’re from 2.     How they work B.     Polls 1.     Where they’re from

  • The Process and Reasoning: A Psychology of Rumor By Robert H. Knapp.

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    Rumor” By Robert H. Knapp. His major point was the understanding of the process and the reasoning behind rumors. A rumor can be classified as a special case of informal social communications that include myth, legend, and current humor. Rumors have three basic characteristics to them. The first is mode transmission which is usually done through word of mouth. The second characteristic is that they provide information, ranging from a particular person, an event, or condition. Lastly, the third characteristic

  • Kant's Humanity Formula

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    Kant's Humanity Formula “Few formulas in philosophy have been so widely accepted and variously interpreted as Kant’s injunction to treat humanity as an end in itself”(Hill, 38). Immanuel Kant’s views, as elucidated in his book, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, are based on the belief that “people count” by prohibiting actions which exploit other individuals in order for self-prosperity or altruistic ends. Ethics then, are confirmed by the dignity and worth of the rational agency of each