Flashover Essays

  • The Fog / Combination Firefighting Nozzle

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    the firefighters were reduced, and peak body temperatures of the firefighters were lowered, while implementing the (3-D) water fog technique from a fog nozzle. The author indicates that over the last 10-20 years Line of duty Deaths (LODD) from flashovers, or ignition of the fire gases, in the United States, has increased, while in Sweden there has been a decrease in LODD’s since the uses of fog nozzles was adopted during this same time period. Grimwood evaluates several spe... ... middle of paper

  • To Vent or not to Vent

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    You are a firefighter and upon arrival at the scene of a working fire you have a lot of decisions to make. One of the most key decisions a chief officer, or firefighter following standard operating procedures has to make in the early stages of a building fire is whether to ventilate or not? The strategy of venting fire buildings must be approached from many angles. In the United States it has long been accepted that there are three criteria for making that decision. Vent for life, safety or the fire

  • Firefighting Research Papers

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    My topic is about firefighting, and some things you could do to to have a better chance of becoming a firefighter. This topic is important to me and maybe others because firefighting is part of my career plan. My opinion on becoming a firefighter from what I have heard is that it would be very beneficial to start at 16 as a junior. Firefighting at age 16 can be very beneficial; however some people can’t due to lack of transportation, support from parents, or just not wanting to put in the time.

  • Municipal Vendor Show Observation Report

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    Each year, thousands of individuals from all over the world within the fire service flock to the Brayton Fire Training Field for the Annual Texas Fire Training Schools held in July. On the Sunday before each school, the annual vendor show is held to coincide with student registration. These vendors are given the chance to sell, demonstrate, and promote their brand and products to local and international firefighters. The Marketing Office spends several months coordinating and preparing for these

  • smoke ventilation

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    Smoke Ventilation Firefighters, lately defined as heroes, have a very exciting job and do some pretty amazing things. My main interests however, is how firefighters ventilate heat and smoke from a structure fire. What pieces of equipment do they use? How do they use those pieces of equipment? Why ventilation is so important and why do they take certain precautions when using their equipment? Growing up in the woods has made my life a lot more different than an average city slicker. You see, I have

  • Firefighter Requirements

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    I have no goal in this world but one, and that is to be a fireman. To be a firefighter it is not easy, people need to meet basic requirements like a valid driver's license, be a minimum of 18’ and can't be older than 28-35 usually. Another requirement is to be in good physical condition “Becoming a firefighter requires passing a physical ability test. The CPAT events are stair climb, hose drag, equipment carry, ladder raise and extension, forcible entry, search, rescue, ceiling breach and pull.”

  • Firefighter Research Paper

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    Congratulations on the decision to start a career as a firefighter! Becoming a firefighter give a person the chance to help others in a field where trained personnel are in high demand. With proper training and effort, chances of getting a job and becoming a firefighter are excellent! Before a person gets started, they should learn as much as they can about how to be a firefighter. Though it's important to learn the facts about becoming a firefighter, it's equally important to understand the general

  • Process Essay On Becoming A Firefighter

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    If you are interested in becoming a firefighter it's in your best interest to be aware of the things that are required to achieve your goal with the best results possible. By gaining a little insight on the general basics, procedures and requirements, you can safeguard both your path for becoming a firefighter and that of your future. The main steps to take in order to pursue the firefighting career are the application procedures, exam process and training. Applications generally entail health exams

  • Use of Technology in Fire Safety Education

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    Use of Technology in Fire Safety Education Every year 5,000 lives are taken due to fire in the homes. Many of these deaths may have been prevented. Fire not only claims lives, it’s destroys property and injuries many. Thankfully, there is something we can do. Over the years, the growth in technology used in to educate about fire safety has increased greatly. We now have many different ways to reach people of all ages. Some of this information includes: increased importance of the smoke detector

  • Essay On Nozzle In Firefighting

    1546 Words  | 4 Pages

    Three educational categories of fire behavior as they apply to fire streams are, fire development, thermal layering, and flashover. Fire Development When the four components of the fire tetrahedron are brought together, ignition occurs. For a fire to grow beyond the first material ignited heat must be transmitted by conduction, convection, or radiation, to additional fuel

  • Reflection Of The Structure Fire

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    As I watch the video of the structure fire you are able to understand from the ignition source how the fire developed into a flashover as the firefighter ventilated the window on the bravo side. When the kerosene was spilled you have the vapor that will burn, therefore, the flammable liquid is vulnerable to ignite easily when the molecules vaporize to form a gaseous fuel-air mixture that would be in the flammability limits as they ventilated the window. (Gann & Friedman, 2015, p.118). “Combustion

  • Compare And Contrast Legacy Fire And Modern Fire Essay

    959 Words  | 2 Pages

    When you look back at the history of legacy fire and modern fires you have to compare and contrast the differences. Legacy fires were of more natural products such as wood, cotton, and natural fibers; these types of fires will have a slower time developing as they release as much smoke and fire as it goes through the combustion process. Modern fires tend to grow much hotter and faster because of all the synthetic materials being used like, foam, thinner wood, and most petroleum based producers. As

  • Cooking Fires

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    Many accidents happen in homes across the world. One of the most preventable ones is fires that occur in the kitchen during cooking. Cooking safety in the kitchen is preventable due to the fact we are aware of many ways to avoid these fires. There are many reasons to learn about safety in the kitchen. Part of these reasons is that with knowledge and steps of prevention, you can reduce the amount of property damage, loss of life, and insurance costs. “In 2009, 2,565 people died in home fires. Nearly

  • Beverly Hills Supper Club Fire

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    Introduction One of the deadliest nightclub fires in United States history occurred on May 28, 1977, a busy Memorial Day weekend in the suburbs of Cincinnati. The Beverly Hills Supper Club was a popular nightclub located in Southgate, Campbell County, Kentucky in the greater Cincinnati area. It was located on a hill less than 1000 ft. from the highway on seventeen acres of land just three miles from downtown Cincinnati (Beverly Hills Supper Club Fire D-1). It has since become a case study for

  • NFPA 13: A Summary And Analysis

    768 Words  | 2 Pages

    You have asked the following question: “A corridor with an 11-6, drop-in, ceiling has a suspended gyp board cloud 6 in. below at 11-0 above finished floor. Occupancy is light hazard and construction is non-combustible. The 6-in. separation does not allow space for a sprinkler covering above the cloud to operate. Is coverage above the cloud required?” In response to your question, we have reviewed NFPA 13, 2013 edition that you indicated as the applicable standard. Our informal interpretation is

  • Type 3 Construction

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    cockloft area, rapid fire extension is created by the heavy fire load in the confined and open area. (Christopher J. Naum, 2008) Besides flames being undetectable in these confined spaces, it also traps superheated gases creating a possibility of a flashover in concealed spaces including between the ceiling and floors. Another hazard in Type III buildings that effect firefighting is during roof operation in the darkness, a firefighter can step off the edge of a roof or stumble over a low parapet. (IFSTA

  • Rhode Island Nightclub Fire Incident

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    all trying to get out one door at the same time caused a massive pileup trapping the majority of people inside. Just prior to the fire department arriving on scene the super heated gases trapped in the building ignited causing what is called a “flashover." Temperatures exceeding 932 to 1112 degrees Fahrenheit inst... ... middle of paper ... ... these pyrotechnics in this situation would have been revealed before the show. Lastly, the enforcement of the capacity—the number of people allowed in

  • Safety for Electrical System Workers

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    chemical process and transport etc. Electricity is a very good servant but a very dangerous master. Proper precautions will render its use a safe. Dangers from electricity are due to: Electric shocks resulting in burns, injury, and death. Electric flashovers resulting I deaths, fires and damages. Electric faults resulting in arcing, explosives and fires, Explosive in electrical equipment resulting in damages to installations and deaths. Fire hazards resulting in destruction, loss of life, release of

  • Our Lady of Angels: Tragedy in Chicago

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    December 1st, 1958 tragedy comes to Chicago, the catholic school Our Lady of Angels is a blase a fire has started in the basement of the north wing of the school at the bottom of the stairwell and is roaring through the north wing in a matter of minuets despite the best efforts of the Chicago fire department the north wing is nearly a total loss resulting in the death of 90 people died in the blaze and 5 more were critically injured resulting in deaths. Through my research I have sought to find

  • What Motivated Arson

    1934 Words  | 4 Pages

    Arson Arson is the criminal act of burning or charring property on purpose. The act of arson may include such acts as setting fire to a property maliciously, or burning a property with the intent to collect insurance money. While most people consider arson to be the burning of buildings, it may also be the burning of cars, boats, personal property, and land. According to common law, there are certain elements required to determine a fire to be caused by arson. These elements of arson include (1)