Fiordland Penguin Essays

  • New Zealand: The World's Penguin Capital

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    New Zealand is the world’s penguin capital. There are sixteen species of living penguins, nine of which breed in New Zealand and at least another four are visitors. New Zealand is home to the greatest diversity of penguins. Penguins belong to an exclusive family of birds called Spheniscidae. While many groups of water birds include one or two flightless species, penguins are the only group in which all members are flightless. This universal loss of flight suggests that, whatever evolutionary event

  • Overview of the Spheniscidae Penguin Family

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    made up of penguins, which are flightless birds, confined almost entirely below the equator (Williams, Wilson, Boersma, Stokes, Davies, & Busby, 1995, pg. 3). Penguins belong to the Chordata order, which gets its name because the organisms have notochords. Notochords are a supporting structure much like a backbone. Another characteristic of the family is that they are filter feeders, which means they can pass water through their mouths and anterior end of the digestive tracts. Penguins belong to the

  • The Oresteia - The War-of the-Sexes in Eumenides

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    shrine is polluted either way." (Fagles, R., The Serpent and the Eagle, p. 73, Penguin Classics, 1977.) Orestes admits his guilt (with no small amount of rationalization) but also attempts to place the bulk of the blame on Apollo, "And Apollo shares the guilt - he spurred me on, he warned of the pains I'd feel unless I acted, brought the guilty down." (Aeschylus, The Eumenides, Robert Fagles Trans., lines 479 - 481, Penguin Classics, 1977.) Apollo is representative of the new gods and, more particularly

  • Readers Find Simple Faith in Karon's Books

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    Montgomery 57, said, "It gives you peace." The Mitford books enjoy a following of devoted readers and have also become marketable in another way. Hallmark plans to release the Mitford collection of greeting cards and collectible knick-knacks soon. Penguin Books publishes a quarterly Mitford reading group discussion guide and the newsletter, More from Mitford. Additionally, respected women's magazines such as Victoria have retained Karon as Writer in Residence publishing pieces of short fiction about

  • Penguins

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    is the penguin. There are not one and no fewer than seventeen species of penguins. Penguins are flightless birds in which several factors are contributing to the reduction of the penguin population. These contributing factors are both man-made and naturally occurring. “The origin of the word “penguin” has been the subject of debate for a long period of time. Researchers and historians’ theories range from reference to the amount of fat (penguigo in Spanish and pinguis in Latin) penguins possess

  • The Concept of Flight

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    is further divided into two groups, the tinamiformes and the ratites (University of California Museum of Paleontology). Flightless birds that are not found in superorder Palaeognathae are classified as Neognathae, another superorder which includes penguins, puffins and rails (University of California Museum of Paleontology). In literature all of these birds are often referred to as flightless, terrestrial species or aquatic species. It is generally accepted that although these bird species do not fly

  • Kipling, Kim, and Anthropology

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    jingoistic product of its time and place. Benita Parry points out that the history of Kipling criticism mirrors the history of attitudes to the imperial encounter itself (Delusions And Discoveries: Studies on India in the British Imagination. London: Penguin, 1972. p205). Several of the characters in Kim illustrate the underlying links between imperialism and anthropology, even as Kipling himself seems to be engaging on a similar project. The encounter between the lama and the museum curator at Lahore

  • Essay On Brain Break

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    Upon reflecting on this course, I have realized the importance of brain breaks. I would love to incorporate more of these into my day to day routines. When I do these, the students love them, and they are able to refocus for the rest of the lesson, or the next activity. I also would like to start making sure that all of my students love and belonging needs are met. In kindergarten, we do a lot of activities to work together and to build that classroom family, but I would like to make sure that they

  • Great Expectations: Pip's Unrealistic Expectations

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    feelings toward Pip after only the first two pages of the novel, which introduce the fact that Pip's parents are "dead and buried" and that the orphan has never seen "any likeness of either of them" (Charles Dickens, Great Expectations, New York, Penguin Putnam, Inc., 1998, p. 1). Pip's confrontation with the convict presents his harmless, innocent nature. As Magwitch first seizes the young boy, Pip simply responds, "Oh! Don't cut my throat, sir, Ö Pray don't do it sir" (p. 2). Then, Pip is forced

  • Bembo's Discourse on Love

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    status of the courtier, as the ideal of the gentleman. There is no other comparable book that encapsulated the ideals of the Italian Renaissance, and its European success ensured the diffusion of the message. (Penguin Hutchinson Reference Library Copyright (c) 1996 Helicon Publishing and Penguin Books Ltd) Renaissance Humanism became increasingly concerned with the self and the fashioning of the self. In Il Cortegiano (The Courtier), published in 1528, Conte Baldassare Castiglione's ideal courtier

  • Essay About Being Bored

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    Antarctica and my penguin plushies would be talking to eachother about the decrease of their food - which only consisted of fish and krill. Then, the dad penguin would be a business-penguin and the mom and only child/chick would stay home, and sometimes the chick would go to school and talk to this bunny plushie, which was one of my friend's favorite plushies. My friend's bunny plushie would be a normal brown bunny, but with colorful easter eggs all over it body. The dad penguin would go to work and

  • Rhea And Erdrich Similarities

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    Differences Between the Emu, Rhea, and Ostrich Emu, Rhea, Ostrich… these are the names of three of the five flightless birds in the ratite family. These three birds all look strikingly similar except for their size, but is that really the only difference? Although their size is an extreme factor in their life they have several other differences. The three main differences between the emu, rhea, and ostrich are their habitat, their predators and defense, and how they raise their young. Before going

  • Supply and Demand

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    price is set at the point, where demand equals supply, equilibrium. This can be seen from figure 1. For the purpose of this essay we will look at the prices of beer. We can see that, the price is set at 1.65, where D intersects S. Fig. 1 The Penguin dictionary of economics defines demand as ?the desire for a particular good or service supported by the possession of the necessary means of exchange to effect ownership?, while supply is defined as:? the quantity of a good or service available

  • Medieval Myths

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    Medieval Myths By: Norma Lorre Goodrich Published by: The Penguin Group, 1961 2.) The Types of stories found in this book are Medieval Stories. They contain Kings, Queens, and Knights, wars and battles, dragons, and beautiful maidens. 3.) One of the myths that I enjoyed was the one about Beowulf, from Scandinavian Mythology, entitled: Beowulf And The Fiend Grendel. This story is about a Danish Kingdom that was ruled by a King, named Hrothgar. Hrothgar

  • Orestes An Innocent Hero

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    There will come another to avenge us, born to kill his mother, born his father’s champion. The gods have sworn a monumental oath: as his father lies upon the ground he draws him home with power like a prayer.'; ( Aeschylus. The Oresteia U.S.A.: Penguin, 1975.) This vision proves to be very important when speaking about the innocence of Orestes and his heroism as well. Before the incident even takes place, we know that the gods have destined Orestes to avenge his father’s death. During this

  • The Sun Dog by Stephen King

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    Bibliographic Information: King, Stephen (1992) The Sun Dog (The Penguin Group, New York, New York). Setting: This story take place in the town of Castle Rock, Oregon. Most of the book takes place around the main characters neighborhood and the store in which the camera was bought. In the story it is the month of September. The story stars on September 15, of 1997. The way the time period is associated with the main character is that September 15th is his birthday. So the story begins

  • Voyeurism: A Freudian Concept Analysed in a Movie

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    In this essay, I shall try to illustrate whether analysing the movie Rear Window as a classical example of the Freudian concept of voyeurism, is appropriate. Voyeurism is defined in The Penguin dictionary of psychology as: “Voyeurism: characterized by a pattern of sexual behaviour in which one’s preferred means of sexual arousal is the clandestine observing of others when they are disrobing, nude or actually engaged in sexual activity. Arousal is dependent upon the observed person(s) not being aware

  • Business Ethics VS. Military Ethics

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    summarized into “Two Broad Areas of Business Ethics” defined as managerial mischief and moral mazes.” (McNamara, C. 2003, 10). The first discussion will be managerial mischief. “Madsen and Shafritz, in their book "Essentials of Business Ethics" (Penguin Books, 1990) further explain that "managerial mischief" includes "illegal, unethical, or questionable practices of individual managers or organizations as well as the causes of such behaviors and remedies to eradicate them" (McNamara, C. 2003,10)

  • Pleasantly Proper Penguins

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    Pleasantly Proper Penguins-Everyone’s Favorite-MIller Penguins are high on the list of animals that people love the most. It’s easy to see why. Penguins look like little people all dressed up in their black and white formal suits. Penguins are simply beautiful animals to watch. The penguin's appearance is important to its survival. As everybody knows, penguins cannot fly. They spend most of their time in the water. Their incredible behavioral abilities help them in their environments. Many people

  • A Remarkable Man, My Idol, My Grandfather

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    A Remarkable Man, My Idol, My Grandfather Dr. Benre’s comments: Marty paints a telling portrait of her step-grandfather, but never relies merely on telling the reader. Small anecdotes about her grandfather, as well as some of his habits, gave Marty’s story a much more powerful presentation that it would have if she had simply told the readers that he was neat and kind. More importantly, she maintains a significance to her story which travels from beginning to end. She uses her story to play