Film speed Essays

  • The Suspense Created in the Elevator Scene in the Film Speed

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    The Suspense Created in the Elevator Scene in the Film Speed The director of Speed, Mark Gordan, uses a range of techniques to build tension and suspense in the film Speed. Camera Angles We see a group of business people leaving a meeting and getting into the lift. The camera angle is at eye level to help the audience feel as though they are looking into their eyes, almost as if they were there with them. This is useful in order to help the audience identify with them and develop feelings

  • Paul Walker Monologue

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    so tell me what you saw. (Begins to scribble down notes.) Witness: Well, I was behind the bright red Porsche and for the longest time it was traveling the speed limit of about forty-five miles per hour, and all of a sudden it began to speed up. Police Officer: (Makes eye contact with unnamed witness.) At what time did the car begin to speed

  • Investigating the Factors Affecting the Speed of a Car After Freewheeling Down a Slope

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    Investigating the Factors Affecting the Speed of a Car After Freewheeling Down a Slope Background Knowledge Sir Isaac Newton formulated three Laws relating to the motion of objects. A moving object covers a particular distance in a particular time. This is called the Speed of the object and is expressed as meters/second i.e. the distance covered in meters in one second. It is a Scalar quantity as it only has magnitude. If however the same speed is expressed with the object moving in

  • Laser Doppler Anemometry

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    state of steady flow. 3. If using this particular system and no flow velocities are being calculated by the system, move the laser slightly in any direction to obtain values. 4. Flow velocity versus the pump speed yields a linear graph with a R2 value of 0.99824 ± 0.00001. 5. If the pump speed is double, the flow velocity will also be doubled. Thus, ease of future experimentation. 6. The water tunnel is calibrated well and can be used as an accurate test bed.

  • IndyCar Racing - We Need Speed

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    recent years. That includes trying to increase the speed of the cars at whatever means possible. The IRL was formed a few years ago under the direction of Tony George. He is trying to make the sport less expensive and safer by using different motors/chassis and slowing down speeds. Racing has always been about going faster than the next driver. It was about trying to beat course records and lap speeds. But if Tony George has his way, all course speeds will be reduced due to switching from turbo Indy

  • mclaren

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    The idea of this super car was to be simple yet complexed, small yet lite, very lite, astronomically light. The car was there first of its kind using space age technology, the whole body of the car was composed of carbon fiber, the wheels Magnesium alloy, and the underpinnings titanium. Tis is only but a scratch,Wilson stated each McLaren was made up of 5000 the lightest of the materials on the planet including the three I listed. Nowadays we take this space age technology for granted, for it is

  • Future Wars: The Electromagnetic(EM) Railgun

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    The result is an electromagnetic force that sets the projectile in motion at speeds of up to 5,600mph. The amount of power applied along with the size of the projectile help determine how far and fast the projectile will travel. The current aim for the Navy is an EM Railgun that operates at up to 32 mega-joules and has a range of 110 nautical miles. How fast is 5,600mph? For starters it’s over seven times the speed of sound and according to CBS News(David Mar...

  • How Does Team Rocket Blast Off Again

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    might apply in the Pokémon world: Team Rocket is sent blasting off again! They are struck by Pikachu's lightning bolt and are initially thrown at a 60 degree angle with an unknown speed. We do however know that they “land” in a body of water 114.5 meters away (assumed to be leveled) 6.363 seconds later. What is the speed that Team Rocket are thrown and what was their maximum height? Assume no air resistance or terminal velocity. Also assume anime physics (meaning everyone travels in a group and everyone

  • The Dangers Of Speeding Essay

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    Drivers who speed often do not realize the enormous danger they are creating. When someone is speeding they have a higher braking time and are often going too fast to notice all of their surroundings, and fail to take all of the safety precautions a driver should use. Road conditions play a large role in the effects of speeding. Choosing to speed can also get a person’s license taken away, cost a fortune, or both. Firstly, Virtually all current production vehicles' published road braking performance

  • Factors that Affect the Speeds of Rollercoasters

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    Factors that Affect the Speeds of Rollercoasters AIM === The aim of this investigation is to find out how one chosen factor affects the speed of a roller coaster car at the bottom of a slope. In the investigation, a marble is used to represent a car. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FACTORS ------- VERTICAL HEIGHT OF SLOPE (THE HIGHER, THE FASTER) ------------------------------------------------- GRADIENT OF THE SLOPE (THE STEEPER

  • Investigating the Effect of Mass and Speed of a Moving Object on Its Stopping Time

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    Investigating the Effect of Mass and Speed of a Moving Object on Its Stopping Time The investigation is about the mass and speed of a moving object and how this affects its stopping distance due to the changes in energy needed to brake. Since I cannot measure the speed and energy accurately I shall change the definition of my investigation. The problem/task I will be investigating is how the mass of a moving object – a trolley, affects its stopping distance. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Stopping

  • physics lab speed of sound in air

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    will investigate the properties of mechanical waves such as a longitudinal wave, focusing on the question: Does a change in the frequency of a wave result in a significant and convincing change in the speed of the wave? Hypothesis: Changing the frequency of the wave will not result in a change in speed because the wavelength will change proportionally as in theory. Student Designed Investigation Procedure/ Planning Procedure: 1.     Three students would get into a group. 2.     A Slinky would be

  • My Little Pony: Lauren Faust

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    My Little Pony: Friendship is a cartoon produced by Lauren Faust, and is the newest generation of the franchise of the original My Little Pony (aka My Pretty Pony) toys which were released in 1983. What makes this show so different from the other generations of My Little Pony is that the show is intended for children, and adults. The show discusses topics such as racism, politics, feminism and imperialism. The show is simple enough for children to understand, but is very detailed and so interesting

  • An Influx in Reading and Information is NOT Damaging our Brain

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    is a negative aspect to the world. In this fast-packed society, there is not enough time to do the things that we could have been able to do 20 or 30 years ago. The worldwide broadband connection speed is constantly growing with the current average speed at 2Mbps (Akamai). With this high influx of speed, we would expect to see more time in the lives of people. Instead, we see people wasting time and finding ways to have more time. Google, for example, has become our silicon brain. Carr agrees, stating

  • Reckless, Speeding Drivers Endanger Innocent Children

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    the safe speed limit in a neighborhood or school zone, which in turn puts children at risk. Increased speed decreases the time children have to get out of the way of an impending car. Also, according to Wray Herbert, a psychologist who has researched why children are prone to getting hit by cars, “Faster moving cars appear to loom less than slow moving cars, creating a dangerous illusion that speedy cars are not approaching…. Children could not reliably detect a car approaching at speeds higher than

  • Peregrine Falcon Research Paper

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    thought that the fastest animal was a cheetah? Or what about the infamous Sailfish? Well what if I told you that the fastest animal isn’t a marine animal nor a terrestrial animal but, an aerial animal. That animal is the Peregrine falcon, it can dive at speeds up to 200 miles per hour (Falcons). Which is far more superior to that of the Cheetah and the Sailfish combined. Learn this and more amazing facts about the fastest animal on earth, the Peregrine Falcon right here. Peregrine Falcons are the most

  • Speed Of Reaction Essay

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    Investigation looking At the Speed of Reactions Introduction The aim of this experiment is to find out how a variable can affect the results from a scenario set up in scientific environment. The experiment is to see how a certain variable will affect the amount of Gas produced from a Calcium Carbonate and Hydrochloric Acid Reaction. The Science Calcium Carbonate is a generally white or colourless mineral that is translucent. When compressed or exposed to great heat the mineral binds together

  • The Relationship between the Angle of Elevation of a Ramp and the Speed of a Bal

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    The Relationship between the Angle of Elevation of a Ramp and the Speed of a Ball Introduction In this piece of coursework I'm going to investigate and measure the speed of the ball rolling down a ramp. From the data that I'm going to collect I'm going to be able to work out the Gravitational potential energy when changing the height, the friction force acting on the ball whilst it rolling down, and finally the kinetic energy exerted by the ball. Planning Fair Testing Before

  • Finding out the Speed of Light Through Perspex

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    out the Speed of Light Through Perspex Aim To find out the speed of light through Perspex by passing a narrow ray of light through a D-Block of Perspex, by using the same concepts and ideas as Snell's Law. Background Light is an electromagnetic wave. The speed of light depends on the medium through which it propagates: it goes fastest in a vacuum, almost as fast in air but considerably slower in glass. Because of the special role it plays in many parts of physics, the speed of light

  • Physics of Skydiving

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    to the effects of aerodynamic drag. (5) Freefall... When in freefall, a skydiver with arms and legs outstretched falls at about 120 mi/hr, with the arms in and the body in more of a diving position, the skydiver can reach speeds of up to 200 mi/hr. At this speed, many people believe that it is impossible to breath. Well, it is not impossible, but the truth is, you don't even need to breath because enough oxygen is absorbed through your skin to provide the blood cells with the required oxygen