Federally Administered Tribal Areas Essays

  • Internally Displaced Persons (IDP)

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    INTRODUCTION An internally displaced person (IDP) is someone who is forced to flee their home but remains within their country's borders and they do not fall within definition of a refugee. At the end of 2006 there were 24.5 million IDPs in some 52 countries. United Nations define, internally displaced persons as, “persons or groups of persons who have been forced to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed

  • Terrorism and Religious Extremism in Pakistan and Afghanistan

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    plains and mountainous regions. The country is divided into four Provinces: Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan. Located in the northwest between Afghanistan and the provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan are the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. The FATA is home to a number of various tribes of ethnic Afghans known as Pashtun(Weightman 2011). Punjab, Persian for Five Waters, is Pakistan’s most populated Province and home to the Punjabi people. The term Five Waters comes from

  • Delineation: An Overview of the Policy under Analysis

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    the Policy under Analysis What is this specific policy or general policy area to be analyzed? Warne, D. (2007) states that there are many injustices within the “system” ,but Health Care Policy; which determines who gets health services, what those services are and how those services are delivered and Education Policy which determines who gets educational programs, what those programs are and how those programs are administered are among the highest needed policies that need attending to. What is the

  • Native Americans Of North Carolina

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    Of all the states in the Union, North Carolina has witnessed the largest increase in Native American population during the past 100 years, based upon official government census documents. The Indian population in North Carolina consists of one federally recognized Indian tribe (Cherokee), seven state-recognized tribes, and three state-recognized urban organizations. Through the years, Indian cultures changed rapidly, and some were all but wiped out. Coharie The Coharie people are descendents

  • Taliban In The Kite Runner

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    The Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) in northwest Pakistan serves as a sanctuary for the Taliban (“Afghanistan And Pakistan” 10). Although within Pakistan’s borders, the federal government does not exert actual control of the region, rather local Pashtun leaders govern the area and the region is believed to be home to many radical Islamic training camps and hideouts (Kurtzman 308). Moreover

  • Problems In Pakistan Essay

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    Pakistan is an illiberal democracy of 199 million people located in South Asia. A series of disasters currently beset the young nation and threaten its stability as a nation. Dislodging the Taliban is still a serious obstacle in the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas despite over ten years of intermittent warfare. With one of the highest illiteracy rates as well as the second largest out of school population in the world after Nigeria, Pakistan’s education system is in ruins. Exacerbating all

  • Terrorism In Pakistan Essay

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    terrorist attacks around the world. Pakistan faced the choice siding with or staying against the United States during the aftermath of 9/11. Violence in Pakistan has increased for many years as terrorist groups have targeted many political leaders, tribal leaders, the military, and also schools. Pakistan is divided into people who see the country as modern and/o... ... middle of paper ... ...do believe that terrorism in Pakistan can be put to an end, obviously resulting in the stop of the acts

  • Type Of Pakistani Society: Types Of Pakistan Society

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    The concept of land owners, tenants and peasants in present in the rural areas. • Land Owning: In rural areas, there are lots of cases of owning other people’s land (taking control of the land without the consent of the true owner). • Mutual Decisions: In the rural areas of Pakistan, most of the people decide their cases publically in the form of “Jirga”. Some experienced people who are considered as the leaders decide

  • Drug Trafficking in Pakistan

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    TO: The Honourable President of Pakistan FROM: Drug Policy Advisor SUBJECT: Health and harm reduction: Pakistan’s Future DATE: 29/10/2013 Pakistan's geographic location next to world's largest producer of illicit opium, places the country in vulnerable position and it has emerged as popular transit nation for drug trafficking. Afghanistan produces an estimated 60-70 % of the world’s supply of illicit opiates, 45% of that cross into Pakistan, en route to destination markets.(UNODC Report on PAK)

  • Poliomyelitis Research Paper

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    eradicate the disease worldwide began. Data from the CDC showed that the use of the Salk inactivated vaccine in the mid-1950s decreased the cases of polio from approximately 20 thousand cases to nearly 2500, and that a live oral polio vaccine (OPV) administered in the 1960s nearly eradicated the disease in the United States, with the last indigenous case reported in the 1980s (CDC). Many countries around the world today have been declared polio-free, and only a handful of countries remain to completely

  • Domestic Violence Against Women in Pakistan

    1952 Words  | 4 Pages

    world, is in South Asia. Its people and traditions reflect many diverse cultures. It is administratively divided into, four provinces: Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and Baluchistan, the federal capital Islamabad and seven Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Pakistan was the first Muslim country to have a woman Prime Minister and presently women hold 21% seats in the Natio... ... middle of paper ... ...owell KE, et al. Public health policy for preventing violence. Health Aff

  • Drones: Peace Keeper or Terrorist Teacher

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    Drones: Peace Keeper or Terrorist Teacher Controversy has plagued America’s presence in the Middle East and America’s usage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) contributes vastly to this controversy. Their usefulness and ability to keep allied troops out of harm’s reach is hardly disputed. However, their presence in countries that are not at war with America, such as Pakistan and Yemen, is something contested. People that see the implications of drone use are paying special attention to the civilian

  • The National Disaster Recovery Agency (FEMA)

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    “On April 1, 1979, President Jimmy Carter signed the executive order that created the Federal Emergency Management Agency.”1.Year in and out, a disaster can strike at any moment and put millions of people in danger and wreck billions of dollars’ worth of property. But, this is where the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) steps in and up to the plate. FEMA works “as part of a team helping communities reduce their risk, helping emergency officials prepare for all hazards, and helping people