Fairfax County Public Schools Essays

  • A Simple Puzzle In Sarah Koenig's Case

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    simple puzzle. However, to some, it may seem more problematic with the minimum evidence provided. In 1999, a high school student was found dead and Sarah Koenig, along with many others spent over a year investigating this case. What day, time, area, and who connects to this case that makes it so difficult to solve? The gist of this case was that Hae Min Lee went missing one day after school and her ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed must have been at fault. He was charged because he seems to be the most equitable

  • 16 Years Old To Vote Essay

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    the next presidents or new laws that can one day be very affected not just you but for everyone else. In the city of Montgomery County, in Takoma Park Community Center, booths are being held. On the other hand, this is the first ever location in the United States that are going to allowed 16-years old and up to vote. Many of those who go to Montgomery Blair High School are excited and fill with rush to be allowed to vote. In the article, Takoma Park 16-years old savors his history-making moment at

  • Crisis Management Plan Analysis

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    Plan is an effective must needed plan that needs to be assessable in all schools including private and Christian. Schools and other organizations without such plan can elicit panic responses that may cause people to react ineffectively in an event of a crisis (2012). A Crisis Management Plan is a straightforward guiding plan that provides a response system to any major crisis and or emergency that occurs on campus. In some school districts, a Crisis Management Plan is not only sufficient for an on campus

  • Laurel Ridge Case Study

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    Community Drive in Fairfax, which just of Gallows Road and within walking distance of Robinson Secondary School. Laurel Ridge is home of the Lions and has the following core beliefs. • We believe that ongoing collaboration is essential. • We believe that children learn best when they are active participants in a safe and supportive environment. • We believe in developing respectful and responsible citizens.Laurel Ridge (source: http://www.fcps.edu/LaurelRidgeES/welcome.htm) The school itself house

  • Personal Perseverance And Social Justice

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    direct service skills. After CAICC, I worked at FACETS as a Case Manager and Program Coordinator, part of the Educational Community Development Team. At FACETS, I supervised a community center at the largest public housing complex in Fairfax County. I collaborated with Fairfax County Public Schools and local agencies to find the best methods and resources to tailor services to each child. I built positive relationships with 30-40 students, ranging from K-12 and obtained their grades and progress notes

  • Difference Matters Summary

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    Labaree discusses how the United State’s education is in a school syndrome, as people in America want schools to teach society’s ideals as well as let people express their individuality. These two demands are polar opposites that cannot be achieved. As the focus goes towards balancing these in hopes of improving society as a whole, the

  • Reflection Paper On Police Ride

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    I participated in a police ride-along with the Fairfax County Police Department on October 30th. I chose the Fair Oaks District Station for the ride since my home falls within that particular district’s boundaries. At 8 p.m., I was introduced to Officer Crutchman; the police officer I would be accompanying for the night. We headed out after a brief overview of some safety rules and expectations. Over the course of the shift I was able to observe many of the routine duties of a FCPO such as responding

  • Teacher Shortage In America

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    small, private school to other schools.” (Bracey, page 331) “Low student motivation drove the most teachers from large, urban schools (50%) while poor salary was a close second (46%). Starting salary for some Texas schools is only $25,012.”Pipho, page

  • Argumentative Essay On Transgender Students

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    responsibility to protect transgender students from discrimination on the basis of their gender identities. A study showed that 53 percent of transgender students have experienced verbal assault in public facilities while 8 percent have experienced physical assault. Many transgender students now avoid public bathrooms because of the fear of being harassed or assaulted. As supported by the evidence, transgender students are experiencing a violation on their right to the pursuit of happiness. In order

  • Nutrition Personal Statement

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    science courses, specifically Anatomy and Physiology, Biochemistry, and Medical Nutrition Therapy, I became very interested in the medical aspect of nutrition. I have a background in food service and after starting my independent study with Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), I have returned my focus back to this principle. I have realized that I would like my focus to be on preventative medicine/nutrition. I think the best way I can achieve this focus is by working with and educating children. If

  • The Dc Sniper Beltway Attacks

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    Montgomery County. Another was killed that evening in the District of Columbia, just over the border of Silver Spring. In each shooting, the victims were killed by a single bullet fired from some distance. The pattern was not detected until after the shootings occurred on October 3. Fear quickly spread throughout the community as news of the shootings circulated. Many parents went to pick up their children at school early, not allowing them to take a school bus or walk home alone. Montgomery County and

  • Concealed Weapons on College Campuses: A Controversial Debate

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    students, even if weapons were allowed it wouldn’t deter the shooter, and it would detract from a healthy learning environment. So far there is only five states , Colorado, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah, and Wisconsin, that allow “concealed carry” at school campus. Alternatively, the people who believe that concealed weapons should be allowed in college campus state that they are are allowed to because of what the second amendment. The second amendment allows for any resident of the United States to

  • Should Kids Play Football Research Paper

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    Recently, parents have been debating if they should let their children play football. Some parents feel like football is a positive sport to be involved in as the game, while other parents feel like football is a dangerous sport. Parents should let their kids play football because the rewards outweigh the risks of playing football. First, football has become increasingly safer in the past years due to new ImPACT testing (ImPACT). ImPACT may be administered multiple times after a clinician has diagnosed

  • The Possibility of Year-Round Schooling vs. The Traditional School Calendar

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    summers. For centuries young American children have attended school during the winter months, during farming off seasons when their families could afford to be without them. Families have grown accustomed to a traditional school calendar that provides time for bonding throughout the year. Students have grown accustomed to an eight week break during the summer months where they are allowed to refresh their minds before returning for a new school year. Unfortunately, these traditional experiences and

  • Perks Of Being A Wallflower Should Be Banned Essay

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    Patrick and his step sister Sam. Patrick is a happy and care free guy who happens to be homosexual and has a hard time dealing with that in school due to bullying, especially because his secret boyfriend named Brad who is the quarter back of the football team doesn’t want anyone to know about their relationship. Sam is Patrick’s step sister and a Senior in high school. She has a boyfriend named Craig who is also a senior and has to reject Charlie when he confesses his love for her because of him. Charlie

  • An Early Start to Foreign Language Learning

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    there are between six and seven thousand languages being spoken around the world. Millions of children all over the world are learning a second or even third language beginning before they reach high school. For instance, China has more than two hundred million students studying English in elementary school, while the United States has a mere twenty-four thousand learning Chinese (Glod 1). The lack of bilingualism has become an ever-increasing problem in the United States’ ability to compete globally

  • Foreign Languages: Children Should Be Taught

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    very distressing statistic in an extremely multilingual world. What is even more worrisome is the fact that in the 2007-08 school year, only 25 percent of primary schools offered classes in foreign language (Rhodes and Pufahl), most of which are merely introductory classes (Edvantia). In addition, according to the Education Commission of the States (ECS), in 2007 the high school graduation requirements for 36 states either did not include foreign language study or the study of foreign language was

  • What Is The Difference Between George Washington And Thomas Jefferson

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    George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson were three incredible men who were very influential in the revolution of our country. They lived very different lives, but had the same ambition and desire for fame and fortune. The problems they faced and risks they took changed the course of our country and shaped it to what it is today. George Washington was born into a wealthy and prestigious family. He was the first male offspring of Augustine Washington’s second marriage. As a young child

  • Theory of Demographic Transition

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    Mumbai, India Raj H (2003). Population Studies, Surjeet Publications, New Delhi, India Fairfax School, document from site page http://www.fairfax.bham.sch.uk/geograph/as/demographictransitionmodel.htm, accessed June 19, 2005 Barcelona Field Studies Central SL, document from site page http://www.geographyfieldwork.com/DemographicTransition.htm, accessed June 19, 2005 Kesgrave High School, document from site page http://www.kesgrave.suffolk.sch.uk/learningzone/subjects/geography/dtm

  • Racism In Ta-Nehisi Coates's Between The World And Me

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    “The” Known Unknown of the World Racism has been and always will be a form of segregation concurrently and in the history of humanity. From Ancient times to current, the status of segregation by some means of oppression privied by power, wealth, and prestige has been as second nature as drinking water. While Coates has his own perspective of reality and its structure, it’s interesting that a so called genius had taken almost 30 years to finally see the true nature of “the beast” he frequented. That