Euclidean space Essays

  • Mathematical Models of Spacetime in Contemporary Physics and Essential Issues of the Ontology of Spacetime

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    generate an interesting ontology of space-time and, generally, of nature. It is a monistic, anti-atomistic and geometrized ontology — in which the substance is the metric field — to which all physical events are reducible. Such ontology refers to the Cartesian definition of corporeality and to Plato's ontology of nature presented in the Timaeus. This ontology provides a solution to the dispute between Clark and Leibniz on the issue of the ontological independence of space-time from distribution of events

  • Leibniz's Theory of Space in the Correspondence with Clarke and the Existence of Vacuums (1)

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    Leibniz's Theory of Space in the Correspondence with Clarke and the Existence of Vacuums (1) ABSTRACT: It is well known that a central issue in the famous debate between Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Samuel Clarke is the nature of space. They disagreed on the ontological status of space rather than on its geometrical or physical structure. Closely related is the disagreement on the existence of vacuums in nature: while Leibniz denies it, Clarke asserts it. In this paper, I shall focus on Leibniz's

  • Biometrics, Security and Wrinkled Fingerprints

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    B. Wet and Wrinkled Finger Dataset To test the working of algorithm wet as well as wrinkled (WWF) dataset is used. In Wet and Wrinkled Finger (WWF) database . Data from 30 people for all ten fingers using a multispectral fingerprint scanner from Lumidigm (Venus series) was collected. 300 fingers were treated as separate identities. Multispectral sensors were specially used as they were effective for application . They were designed to function when the fingers are wet with dripping water, and they

  • Essay On Euclid

    681 Words  | 2 Pages

    serving as the source textbook for teaching mathematics on different grade levels. His geometry work was used especially from the time of publication until the late 19th and early 20th century Euclid reasoned the principles of what is now called Euclidean geometry, which came from a small set of axioms on the Elements. Euclid was also famous for writing books using the topic on perspective, conic sections, spherical geometry, number theory, and rigor. Many mathematicians established the theories found

  • What Is Euclidean Geometry?

    1697 Words  | 4 Pages

    Euclidean Geometry is the study of plane and solid figures based on the axioms and theorems outlined by the Greek mathematician Euclid (c. 300 B.C.E.). It is this type of geometry that is widely taught in secondary schools. For much of modern history the word geometry was in fact synonymous with Euclidean geometry, as it was not until the late 19th century when mathematicians were attracted to the idea of non-Euclidean geometries. Euclid’s geometry embodies the most typical expression of general

  • Essay On Acceleration In Basketball

    2222 Words  | 5 Pages

    Basketball is one of America’s favorite pastimes. While a great defense wins championships, watching players on offense is arguably the most exciting part of the game. Transition offense, either a quick inbound and go or getting a rebound or turnover and swiftly moving up the court, is an important part of the game for teams to try to take advantage and score. In order to be successful offensively as a guard, players must be able to be somewhat quick, agile, and have court vision; power forwards

  • Albert Einstein

    843 Words  | 2 Pages

    Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm. He was raised in Munich, where his family owned a small electrical machinery shop. Though he did not even begin to speak until he was three, he showed a great curiosity of nature and even taught himself Euclidean geometry at the age of 12. Albert despised school life, thinking it dull and boring, so when his family decided to move to Milan, Italy, Einstein took the opportunity to drop out of school, only 15 at the time. After a year with his parents in Milan

  • Euclid's Contributions to Geometry

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    Geometry, which etymologically means the measurement of the earth in Greek, is a mathematical concept that deals with points, lines, shapes, and space. It has been developed from pre-historic era with ancient Greeks and Egyptians, and is still used in the area of art, architecture, engineering, geology, and astronomy. In ancient societies, while the ancient mathematicians or philosophers such as Plato, Pythagoras, Thales, and Aristotle expanded the different areas of math, philosophy, and science

  • Differences in Geometry

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    that deals with the properties of space. Geometry is classified between two separate branches, Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry. Being based off different postulates, theorems, and proofs, Euclidean Geometry deals mostly with two-dimensional figures, while Demonstrative, Analytic, Descriptive, Conic, Spherical, Hyperbolic, are Non-Euclidean, dealing with figures containing more than two-dimensions. The main difference between Euclidean, and Non-Euclidean Geometry is the assumption of how many

  • Comparing and Contrasting Euclidean, Spherical, and Hyperbolic Geometries

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    When it comes to Euclidean Geometry, Spherical Geometry and Hyperbolic Geometry there are many similarities and differences among them. For example, what may be true for Euclidean Geometry may not be true for Spherical or Hyperbolic Geometry. Many instances exist where something is true for one or two geometries but not the other geometry. However, sometimes a property is true for all three geometries. These points bring us to the purpose of this paper. This paper is an opportunity for me to demonstrate

  • Meno - Shape

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    "Shape is that which alone of existing things always follows color." "A shape is that which limits a solid; in a word, a shape is the limit of a solid." In the play Meno, written by Plato, there is a point in which Meno asks that Socrates give a definition of shape. In the end of it, Socrates is forced to give two separate definitions, for Meno considers the first to be foolish. As the two definitions are read and compared, one is forced to wonder which, if either of the two, is true, and if neither

  • Aerodynamics

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    Authority of New Zealand: Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2014, from Federal Aviation Administration: NASA. (2013). Control Surfaces. Retrieved April 12, 2014, from National Aeronautics and Space Administration: hhtps://

  • Euclidean Algorithm

    529 Words  | 2 Pages

    Euclid was one of the world’s most famous and influential Mathematicians in history. He was born about 365 BC in Alexandria, Egypt, and died about 300 BC. His full name is not known but Euclid means “good glory”. Little was ever written about Euclid and much of the information known are from authors who wrote about his books. He studied in Plato’s ancient school in Athens and later went to Alexandria in Egypt, where he discovered a well-known division of math, known as Geometry. Thus, he was named

  • A History of Curvature and Applications of Hyperbolic Space

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    curvature, and no other tangent circle can lie between this and the c... ... middle of paper ... ...c trees in three dimensional hyperbolic space." BMC bioinformatics 5.1 (2004): 48. Munro, Al. "Textile Geometries: a speculation on stretchy space.” Munzner, Tamara, and Paul Burchard. "Visualizing the structure of the World Wide Web in 3D hyperbolic space." Proceedings of the first symposium on Virtual reality modeling language. ACM, 1995. Ramsay, Arlan, and Robert D. Richtmyer. Introduction to

  • Essay On Dispersal

    2700 Words  | 6 Pages

    From wind-swept seeds to efficient flight mechanism, all animals and plants have evolved a variety of dispersal abilities and have an important role in understanding species survival and evolution. Dispersal is largely driven by needs for resource acquisition particularly to seek suitable breeding habitats. Individuals dispersing between populations aid in gene spread and as such dispersal is subject to natural selection. Three main evolutionary drivers are thought to result in dispersal - habitat

  • Roping

    598 Words  | 2 Pages

    Roping is a sport that most believe simply to be timing and performance of the cowboy and the cattle. However, roping is actually much, much, more. One quality that is necessary for a roper to be successful is momentum. Momentum is the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured of a product of its mass and its velocity (Jones). This concept of momentum can determine what results are obtained by the roper. For example, when a cowboy rides a horse and the horse accelerates, the mass of cowboy

  • Graphs And Equations Essay

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    Kelvin Silvester R. Calomarde LBYPH11 EB2 Individual Lab Report Title: Graphs and Equations Introduction: The study of physics involve a lot of data to be studied that is attained from experiments. To interpret these data would be important in order to predict a certain phenomenon and explain why and how things work. A model for the data to be interpreted is with the use of graphs and equations. Stewart (2012), states that a graph of an equation in x and y is the set of all points (x, y) in the

  • Biography on Felix Christian Klien

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    he was a mathematician known for his research in non-Euclidean geometry, group theory, and function theory (Felix Klein German Mathematician). Felix Klein’s father was part of the Prussian government. His father was secretary to the head of the government. After Felix Klein graduated from the gymnasium in Düsseldorf, he went to the University of Bonn and studied math and physics from 1865-1866. Before Felix Klein had studied non-Euclidean geometry, he first wanted to be a physicist. While still

  • The Greek Goddess Hebe

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    This artwork created by Gavin Hamilton shows the story of the greek goddess Hebe. Hebe is the goddess of youth and is the cuperbarar of the goddess. This means that she serves nectar to the gods and goddesses. She is mostly always shown affairing nectar to her father, Zeus, in disguise as an egal. There various types of lines in this painting, curvilinear lines dominate. The curvilinear lines are found in the way the woman 's body is positioned, the eagles wing and claws, the way the woman’s clothing

  • Euclid and Mathematics

    611 Words  | 2 Pages

    Euclid and Mathematics Euclid is one of the most influential and best read mathematician of all time. His prize work, Elements, was the textbook of elementary geometry and logic up to the early twentieth century. For his work in the field, he is known as the father of geometry and is considered one of the great Greek mathematicians. Very little is known about the life of Euclid. Both the dates and places of his birth and death are unknown. It is believed that he was educated at Plato's academy