English Gothic architecture Essays

  • Classicism And The Gothic Revival

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    the old Palace of Westminster, Britain had a chance to redefine what British architecture was (Richardson p. 111-112). Although throughout Europe Classicism and the Greek and Roman Revival had had a stronghold on secular buildings, by the early 1800 Neo-Gothic was starting to be seen as a nationalistic style of architecture, something that should, together with language, be national (Barry, p.114). While in France the Gothic Revival was mainly used for secular buildings, in Britain it was mainly used

  • Design Trends In Architecture

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    Design Trends In Architecture The more things change, the more they stay the same. While art has always been an ever changing form, it has deep roots in traditionalism; whether an artist or designer looks at the art that came before him and is inspired to follow that form, is inspired to do something completely opposite, or sees the flaws which, if corrected, could make that work of art perfect, he is ultimately quite influenced by what came before him. Nowhere is this more evident than in

  • Gothic Architecture Outline

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    Gothic Architecture Outline Intro: Intro: Dating all the way back to Aqaba Church, possibly the oldest religious-purposed building constructed in 300 CE, having ever since been widespread across the globe, renown for their religious aspect. It wasn’t until the Romanesque period, beginning around 1000 CE, that cathedrals started to appear all over Europe. Over the centuries, cathedrals underwent minor and major changes to their appearance in accordance to the architectural style of that era and

  • All Saints Research Paper

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    In the world today, gothic architecture has become an influential design for numerous churches, universities, and various types of buildings. Originating in 12th-century France, Gothic structural materials tended to consist of various types of stone, typically limestone or red sandstone, and would often have an exterior consisting of a rib vault, flying buttresses, and large stain glass windows. In the late 1740’s, the Gothic Revival would emerge in England as an architectural movement, inspired

  • Comparing the Gothic Revival in England Before and After 1820

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    Comparing the Gothic Revival in England Before and After 1820 The Gothic revival in England before and after 1820 was very different in many ways. Before the start of the Gothic revival the mediaeval style, since the last Gothic structure in 1509 of Henry VII ’s chapel, was seen as irrational and illogical and as one man described it as barbaric. This was one of the main causes that the mediaeval buildings of the 18th century fell into disrepair. During the Cromwellian period many Gothic buildings

  • Personal Experience: My Passion and Enjoyment for The Arhitecture of London

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    enjoyment for architecture, and the reason the older I get the more I enjoy it, is because I believe we - architects - can affect the quality of life of the people.' – Richard Rogers Since the beginning of mankind, architecture was present in human’s life. Building first evolved out of the dynamics between needs (shelter, security, and worship) and means (available building materials and attendant skills). As the cultures developed, human’s knowledge developed and they considered architecture as a craft


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    for shelter. And people attach importance to architecture. Different architectural styles composed in time. Architectural styles, shape, form, material are different each others. Architectural styles can be similar. Architectural styles can also be the opposite to each other. Modern architecture emerged in the 19th century. Modern architecture reveals the modern era that is shaped by democratic revolution and the industrial revolution. Modern architecture is against the Eclecticism. Originality is

  • Key Characteristics of Gothic Architecture

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    What architectural changes were necessary in the shift from Romanesque to Gothic cathedrals in Europe and what inspirational changes influenced these changes? A. Plan of Investigation This investigation’s purpose is to analyze the changes in the architectural technique of the Romanesque style of architecture and come to a conclusion as to whether the shift in technique led to the rise of the more grandiose Gothic architecture in Europe. All art is inspired and the influences that caused the change

  • Compare And Contrast The Middle Ages And The Medieval Period

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    the Romanesque and the Gothic artistic styles. During this period of time, there were many major events, including the fall of the Roman Empire. Medieval European culture emphasized strong Christian faith, emphasizing afterlife and a movement away from classical forms of expression (MindEdge, 3.12). The Romanesque art dominated Europe starting in the 10th century and ending in the 12th century when it began to be replaced by Gothic art. Being noted for its architecture, there were also distinctive

  • Symbolism in the Gothic Art Movement

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    The Gothic Art movement was not just a style of art but an extremely influential period containing its own complex history. The term is used to describe buildings and objects whose forms are based upon a range of characteristics from the middle of the 12th to the end of the 15th century. Gothic style was a development of the Romanesque yet it was Renaissance humanists who first used it as a disparaging term to describe what they saw as the barbaric architecture. With Gothic art being viewed through

  • The Rise of Christianity and Christian Art

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    In 313 AD the Emperor Constantine formally recognized the Christian religion. Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire, this event affected the way people thought and lived their lives. Had a great impact on how rulers viewed their power and used their powers. Such influence was portrayed in Christian art as we know today. Although Christianity was initially practiced within Semitic populations of the Roman Empire, by the 4th century A.D the Christian religion had a huge impact to the Greeks

  • Revivalism in Ninteenth Century America

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    in nineteenth century America was primarily driven by the establishment of churches with the separation of styles denoting religious denominations. In part to the nineteenth century picturesque movement, the gothic revival style soon became a movement of nationalism. Best known for his gothic revival churches, Richard Upjohn quickly became a leader in the picturesque style; particularly seen in his most notable work, the Trinity Church in New York City. Similarly, H.H. Richardson applied his own style

  • Le Mont Saint Michel

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    attractions named Le Mereille, this brilliant eleventh century gothic style church is often simply called Mont St Michel. What transforms this fairly typical gothic church into one of the most striking buildings of the world, and the destination of so many visitors over the course of the past twelve centuries, is its magnificent, almost arrogant location. The Church of Mont Saint Michel was constructed in the eleventh century as a gothic masterpiece. It was constructed using Granite stone; however

  • Lichfield Cathedral

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    From its beginnings in Early Gothic to its completion just before Perpendicular, Lichfield Cathedral poses a fine balance between development and refinement, is a magnificent example of patterns of embellishment, and proves to be a great accomplishment for Decorated Gothic. Lichfield Cathedral was developed on the grounds of what was first a Saxon and next a Norman site, but which became Gothic in 1195, when the style was emerging in England. The particular allure of this cathedral is its interment

  • Sacred Architecture Research Paper

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    architectural places for other followers and for places of worship even today . I'll be telling you about Dome of the Rock and Salisbury Cathedral and what makes them sacred building’s, the time periods, the figure's of worship that inspired these amazing architecture historical building's. The first sacred building I'll be telling you about

  • MIddle ages

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    of representative government, were created. Throughout this incredible time period many great works of art, changes in religion, and horrible diseases shaped history. The Middle Ages are remembered for the impact of Christianity, the fantastic architecture, and the horrible diseases that spread throughout Europe. In medieval England, Christianity was by far the most dominant religion, and the Bible was the most popular book. Religion played an important part in the lives of the people of that time

  • Analysis Of Hardwick Hall

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    Hardwick Hall Analysis by Mark Girouard and John Harvey Elizabethan architecture is reign of Queens Elizabeth I of England (1558-1603), influence by the European Renaissance styles, though often somewhat provincial in treatment. Hardwick Hall located in Derbyshire, built for the Countess of Shrewsbury (Bess of Hardwick), in 1591~1597. Hardwick Hall, “More glass than wall.” was a popular saying in the time where great expanses of glass were an ultimate luxury and a symbol of immense wealth. It was

  • Gothic Architecture

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    Gothic Architecture The church in the Middle Ages was a place that all people, regardless of class, could belong to. As a source of unity, its influence on art and architecture was great during this time. As society drew away from the feudal system of the Romanesque period, a new spirit of human individualism began to take hold; alas, the birth of Gothic. Here, the Church became a place where humanity became more acceptable, alas becoming the ideal place to visual such new ideals. The beauty and

  • The Gothic Age

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    The Gothic Age Introduction The Gothic Age As the third year that followed the year on thousand grew near, there was to be seen over almost all the earth, but especially in Italy and in Gaul, a great renewal of church buildings; each Christian community was driven by a spirit of rivalry to have a more glorious church than the others. It was as if the world had shaken itself, and casting off its old garments, had dressed itself again in every part in a white robe of churches. Raoul Glaber, Historia

  • The Origin Of Gothic Cathedrals

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    worship. Cathedrals are the main sustainers of the English Choral tradition, running choirs involving adults and children, both boys and girls. The English Choral tradition is a unique part of English culture but one which has suffered decline in recent years as choirs in parish churches have become less common. Cathedrals maintain the tradition and produce music of very high standard week in, week out. For